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  1. Skjoldr

    Meaningful PVP

    Forget the warzones, and forget the open world pvp, what little bit of it there is. Let's put it ALL on the line here. Will my pvp experience receive any reason to actually go out and pvp? Will my pvp experience include looting small trinkets/credits from the dead bodies of my foes? Will my pvp experience include fighting for land or space from my foe? Will my pvp experience include additional accessible open world pvp areas? Will my pvp experience include RANDOM surprise activities from a GM moderated event? For me, pvp is not fair. It is not supposed to be. If like armor and character skills, then the person with superior player skills and a bit of luck will win the day. I am the poster child of fanboi's for this Star Wars IP, however the pvp experience here is very much like entering an old Port-O-Potty that's been out in the heat all day. It stinks. Because someone will inevitably state that I have contributed nothing substantial to the pvp discussion, I just want to put my thoughts out there for everyone to assimilate. I want to exit my guild ship to planet XX, so I can go build some additional defenses for this planet we just took over from Goon Squad. Arriving on planet I get greeted by a whole lot of azz wuupin from the COMPLETE Goon squad guild, as that is their MO: Losing everything we just worked hard to steal while the Goon's weren't looking. And fighting full time and losing 1k credits every time I die for 5 hours having to rinse and repeat as the battle flip flops...then finally having to ally with the guild "Men in tights with Sabers" or MiTS for short, just to finish off the mean Goon Squad. But that was only today, because tomorrow holds a completely different experience. All in all: IT DOESNT MATTER. What matters is the experience. I do not get high or low when pvping now and that makes me a sad panda. A side note: I truly started to dislike the Goon squad back then... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HUACHQ_LdU I figure there will be more than a few folks with opinions about the above questions and statements. I just hope some BW folks see it and think about the pvp experience as a whole.
  2. I should remember that on these forums, alot of you folks will pick out the line you want to talk about and go from there. No worries. It doesn't seem like any of you played SWG, and thats fine. I was just thinking of adding to the game as opposed to making it harder for you to get on the easy path.
  3. This is a question for the masses, as I am curious what folks think. PVP is not fair. It should not be fair. PVP is: the one who puts in the most efficient effort and has the luck wins. If my gear was exactly the same as the next guy, then the only thing that matters is skill. These are known facts. What I would like to know is: Given that the end gear max'd out is a set value, and that one can get this gear with enough effort/money. At the moment, this game takes away the min/maxing aspect of looting. There is no surprise, no excitement. We know what it is that we will get. My question to you is: What would your interest be, in having randomness to the stats generated by each crafters gear? In a certain game from the past, when you picked up a pearl to use in your saber, there was a random stat generated between 2 set values. These stats were weighted in that the lesser values were usually more looted than the higher values. Ofcourse the top value being rare. Never mind the fact that pearls were rare also. Mind you...I have not reached this point, however with nothing to strive for at the point where you have it all...what else is there to do? If I had a vote in such things I would vote a yes to stat randomness.
  4. Hey dkangl, Looking at the possibility that the server you are on has the ability to provide all of your big needs, then in your shoes, I would probably focus on personal needs. ie:Biochem There are more than a few sites dedicated to the various Crew skills. And just to support my opinion, here are my reasons why. I like the ability to have max'd out heal packs/adrenals/stims. Every silver+ non-humanoid kill is a resource. Diplomacy adds to your light/dark slider....AND....all of those yummy companion gifts. You can also sell all of those medpacks and stims on the GTN for a nifty profit. IMO Your welcome! Skjoldr
  5. Reminiscent of what happened with SWG. Forcing us to go a specific direction without a choice. This is a bit tiresome.
  6. I have a lot of affection for this game, however it just seems that history is repeating itself again. I am waiting just like the rest of us to transfer to a server that I can take all of our guild-mates to. Most of these mates are spread out amongst 3-4 servers. Once you start down the path of the Dark-side and are forcing folks against their choice, then there is no going back. Say, for instance, changing the mechanics of the way a game works as a surprise, and then not listening to your player base, the player base that pay the bills. I am 100% certain that since this game has launched, there have been issues where Bioware chose to do something that went against the grain of the player base for their own reasons, and it was probably the correct thing to do, and since that time, some of those same decisions have been rescinded or reworked. We know you are intentionally slowing the process down so as to not overload a system or 3. We know you want to consolidate the dead and almost dead servers. And we know that you have a plan. I really can not speak for anyone else other than myself when I say this: Style is good, mechanics are great, all my friends in our guild are the bestest(they're so wasabi hot, they wear abestos) AND, forcing me down a certain path is not conducive to a great gaming partnership. ie:allowing individual select servers to other individual select servers I have been down this path before, several times in fact. This all just seems like history is repeating itself again. Every company is entitled to their profits, and at what point will you guys stop losing those same profits? When will you gather a consensus from the player base to get an actual feel of whats on our minds concerning major game changers? Everything is such a big secret with you. I don't need to know specifics, I just would like to be able to provide input about the direction this game goes. This is probably not a realistic request/wish. But it is my hope that someday, I will have my voices heard and at-least a response worthy of my continued monthly subscription. I love the fact that you guys constructed this. I love the fact that you guys listened to us to have a transfer service. What I feel cheated on is, you think you know what we need better than we do. I am upset that I am not able to get with my friends. We are on 3 pvp servers and 1 pve server due to our origin server being almost dead, and original game launch settings. 1 server to another server, from my standpoint just doesn't make a lot of fiscal sense. Making it where 1 origin server can go to 4 or 6 destination servers, that is something that would make a bit more sense. Please Bioware make some sense to me.
  7. Sounds like alot of you folks have never played on a pvp server for EQ2. oPVP IMO, is probably the most exciting when in a squad. Open world starts around lvl 10ish, and you can go into the newbie zones. There are guards. However you can only pvp within 8 levels of your level. Tho, if someone lower than you initiates the combat, you can fight back. It wasn't uncommon to see a swarm of 6 lvl 20's attacking a 40....takes a long time to whittle that 40 down. Anyone in your group is a target, and you can assist if they get into pvp. For instance: Level 20 running around with a 40. The lowbie gets attacked, now the 40 can assist. This is a valid tactic. Another tactic is putting a tank class inside some light robes, giving the illusion that they are easier targets. Basically for me, I love this game. However I truly wish they had more open world pvp and space was included in this. We already have the allies/adversaries in place, why not take it to the next lvl? It would be a grand thing to continue the war at the guild level. Just my few thoughts.
  8. Back in beta: During some of the builds, a companion could have differing skill-sets based on the chosen companion "module" placed into the character sheet. We already have the cosmetic changes available. What are the chances that this mechanic re-appears in the future for companions? AND...if this is a reality, would it be possible to change a companions pre-set crafting/harvesting bonus to something else also?
  9. So far there has been alot of feedback of which I have not taken the time to read. I am just going to submit my opinion and then go back and read. I would like to see Lehon Rakata Infinite Empire Sith battles. Jedi battles. Historic area where Revan crash landed. Rakata tribes, The One, The Elders... 2 moons and a destroyed Star Forge for use as mission area's or zones. Perhaps with some future space related incidents. Just alot of "Star Wars" around our current time frame related to this planet. Good Luck !!
  10. In 2 months when you and the others who are complaining about server queue's have quit, there will be no queue's and I, along with my entire chapter will be playing on a heavy server with population. I pay 15 bucks a month to play with other ppl and not an empty server. As you can tell, I am certainly not the only one that thinks this way. I pray they allow server transfers to Fatman. They still only allow a certain amount of folks on it, so why not let us transfer our mains?
  11. /chuckle...some of you guys are just sad. I read it here, where they said they just play this game for the pvp. I lol'd at that. Anyways, keep up the good fight Bioware. Take the time you need to make it right the first time or as close as can be before you launch it. I am still waiting on word what the "Special Project" around space, and how Guild Ships is going to be!!
  12. Ok this is all fine and dandy, but when are they going to let us log on?
  13. Listen up "Joined: July 2011", don't even pretend to speak for me. Frankly you don't have a clue about the game just a small little portion of it. Threatening to leave takes no courage, leaving is where its at. I just really wanted to say, I rarely come to the forums anymore to view other chatter, but this one stood out as rhetorical and condescending. Grats man!!
  14. Reroll on Fatman. Lets see if we can get those queue's up to like when we started. 14 hours or so.
  15. That is correct, however there are many different pieces of the orange. Find what you want and then stick with it. 1.2 update is going to allow a much broader spectrum of choices now. It's all about the looks.
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