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  1. Correct, it ignores force/tech dmg.
  2. Upgraded to conqueror saber recently, it does not enhance your weapon dmg and force dmg in warzones! Don't be fooled by Expertise / weapon dmg or force damage when upgrading gear! Bolster is purely stat based! A very flawed and misleading system! You've been warned!
  3. That's not exactly what i meant, it goes deeper than that. by waiting what i meant was not only is it a global cultural thing - it is also a hormonal and genetic quality. women being sexual that is - clothing considered.
  4. I think it's a video game culture and star wars lore combined. Women are often sexual objects in video games and media - this combined with the star wars lore adds to the whole - i can be sexy but deadly mystique of Women assassins. if you want to be real serious about this, Women have never been at the height of physical competitiveness, because they can't be. that with the base subscriber population being male adds to a larger foundation of sexy costume for females. You can always change your outfits to something that suits you - if you dislike it! males have never been sexual objects in the same regards - nor was there an audience that requested the male equivalent on a large scale. I'm afraid you will have to bare with our slightly sexist culture and lore in the meantime. just keep in mind - Some of it is hormonal.
  5. Better yet, adding to the bolster concept i think every warzone should end in a tie, because it gives players with skill an unfair advantage. Everyone leaves a winner! /clap
  6. i don't think people understand bolster greatly messes up health boosts dependant on mods and gear. I've noticed crit and damage too. it's not as cut and dry as looking at your base stats, bolster has odd calculations i don't quite understand.
  7. Duno bro, still trying to figure that part out. I think i have a cap of 2016 but i chose to use elite war hero offhand for better stats. I'm scared to mod swap cause i don't know how it will affect my stats.
  8. Star wars universe is slightly different than the one you know. They still allow slavery and sexism. Big Slugs are crime lords and you can kill people with force choke without a second look. I don't see the issue here.
  9. You're correct when it comes to the new tier pve gear with the current patch. However, Bolster is still Horribly broken. it makes the current stats and gear mod swapping a huge question mark. it has become a trial and error battle.
  10. I don't hate the idea behind Bolster. it is just flawed and doesn't work properly. Swapping mods has become a gamble, and you're unsure of what kind of stats you get going into warzones. People do exploit this currently, and it's become a problem. So unless you have unlimited time for mod swapping and trial and error, I don't think they should leave it in.
  11. It's a failed concept that didn't work out. I'm upset because I got rid of my elite war hero gear in favour of partisan. Elite war hero actually had better stats on some pieces, and i thought i was getting the listed expertise boost. When i swap my offhand i lose stats and get a 10 expertise boost. Sometimes i swap power mods too! now I'm completely messed up and doing 1500 less damage than normal. I wish i could figure out exactly what stats I was getting going into the warzone, without messing up my character! now players have had their chance to gear up Please remove it! It's confusing and a waste of my time!
  12. Accept that nothing can stop it at full power! we can disengage and re-engage quickly. I have proven that marauders and operatives stand no chance. So Now that i have nothing left to prove. Who will build a monument in my Honour?
  13. if the damage might be 2 much what if they made it a 10-15% expertise attack increase? and 20-25% dmg reduction? keep the balance and keep it fun? BIG NUMBA
  14. in that case, bring back the original warzone adrenals! It was fun times ;( Will make pvp 100% times better!
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