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  1. I would expect Voss to be a legacy race for all classes - just makes too much sense given a) their coolness factor, and b) the storyline from both sides on the Voss planet. It could also be why legacy races have taken so long, as they needed to work out some bugs. If not Voss (in the near future - I guarantee at some point they will be available), then likely a race that is already used by a companion. So Togruta, Kaleesh, Chagrian, Rattataki, Gand, Weequay, Houk, etc. Note: I don't know enough about canon / lore to say which ones would be candidate for SW's, but I'm just making a general observation. I would guess Kaleesh and red Twi'leks would be top of the list given that there are force sensitive options for them already (players / companions).
  2. Disagree. Powertechs suck early levels, unless you have a pocket healer. Sith Inquisitor can top the charts in the teens until 50. Mercs like can as well. Both classes have their own heals, even if they're not speced for it, so you stand a better chance at succeeding in PUGs.
  3. 2 out of the 3 Belsavis heroics are easy. Lights Out (H4) - hug the left wall until you're near the first objective. Pull out Xelak or Khem, bubble both of you, and then strip off all durability gear. Send tank in, sprint to generator, then run as far towards the middle generator as possible. If you throw out a WW or stun and have a well timed aoe knockback, you can get to the middle mobs. If not, stop where the two walls come together. If you were able, you can stealth to a safe area near the champion and heal up. Bubble, take off saber, send in tank to champion, hit generator and run for the tent by the last generator. If you didn't make it, send the tank to the golds and then try to shift him to the champion. Chances are he'll be snared / stunlocked, so interupt the champions first attack and hit the generator before his delayed grenade goes off. Last generator is the same as the first - you could run along the side and escape, but I always die intentionally so that I can rez at the mission turn in area. Freeing the Fallen (H2) - This will only require one death hop unless you get really unlucky. Same as Lights Out, pull out a tank, bubble, and strip. Send in the tank, then put him on passive. Stun the gold, and send the tank at the second set of mobs. As soon as he gets aggro, sprint past. You won't get far, but it will be enough to allow you to stealth from rez towards the last set of droids. Stay by the left wall when recharging since there is a patrol silver. Put on all your gear, bubble, send in tank to last set of droids, passive, sprint past and drag them down by the Jedi. He won't aggro unless you heal or do something similar, but he will aggro on the droids! The droids and Jedi then fight, which the Jedi will win with sub 10k health left. Right before the gold droid is going to die, send in your pet and finish off the Jedi. Port back to the listening station or do a death hop to get out.
  4. An example from today: I received 2 Unassembled Champion Master Force Offhand's today. Out of 3 bags. What are the odds, stats majors? (pretty small, considering a 2% chance and 12 unique options) Anyways, it was a huge bummer because not only did I get 2 of the same, but I already had the offhand. It would still seem rewarding if I were able to sell the item to the PVP vendors for Champion comms, even if it were at a reduced rate (say, half of what the item costs).
  5. You can swap them out with enhancements from dailies to get rid of the alacrity.
  6. I went with: Champion offhand (ended up being +50 crit +198 FP + 48 alac vs an additonal 48 expertise from two relics - I chose the offhand since my current one was so low in force power. YMMV) Centurion Force-Masters Vest Centurion Force-Masters Boots Centurion Force-Mystics Gloves This was done with the 6 bags and the first dailies. I have 15 Champion comms lefft, so tomorrow I will likely get a relic for the expertise. I plan on getting the Force Mystics lower robe & head next for Centurion. I don't know if this is optimal, but at least its some guidance from someone that was just in your situation.
  7. Why would you say that? It doesn't seem to offer any greater stat bumps from Cent to Champ than any other gear. edit: and looking at the items, the Champion Relics seem like the best buy. Not only can you get 2 after your first lvl50 warzone bag, but they have expertise while their Centurion counterparts do not.
  8. Along this same line of questioning: Fresh new 50 DPS gets 90 Centurion comms and 42 Champion comms. Where do you spend those initial comms to maximize your build, and what is a rough order for item purchases? Is it just a matter of maximizing expertise asap? So implants, earpiece, and relics first, followed by offhand and bracers?
  9. Agreeing with the premise for PVP. Sage / Sorc >> Smuggie / Op Maybe it changes if you have a premade team, but for solo queue the Sage / SI is a much better option. It can kick out half the healing that a Smuggie / Op can do, while still putting out top DPS numbers. Not to mention it's extra utility / mobility and superior range.
  10. So, hit level 15 and did some PVP - pretty consistently hit around 175k damage and 10-30k protection in Huttball, depending on how well people played as a team (solo queue). Pretty ridiculous, considering I'm in questing gear and don't have the majority of my skills yet. Oh, and I'm in the defensive stance most of the time so that I can use guard, so most of my talent points are wasted with not using the damage stance.
  11. The main gathering skills (scavenging in this case) get you all of the materials for the green items. If you want to make blues or purples, you need the corresponding second gathering skill or buy those materials off of the GTN.
  12. Bioanalysis is the gathering skill for Biochem. While you don't technically need it, it will be very costly to buy the raw materials off of the GTN if your server is like mine. For one of my characters, I went slicing + bio + bio, and I never worried for credits. I'd recommend slicing + gathering + crafting, whether that gathering + crafting combo is bio + bio, scavenging + cybertech, or scavenging + armortech.
  13. Hello all- I have an SI main that is pretty easy to PVP with, and decided to come over to PT a) for a melee-ish fighter, b) because not many Empire players go tank-y, and c) bounty hunters are cool. With that being said, I'm only interested in running class quests, space combat, and PVP. I will mainly be doing PVP, starting at level 14 with sprint. I've been researching a lot of the PVP builds, but I was looking for advice on what works well in the very low levels (sub-30). Should I: start up the Pyro tree for a 4/6/31 spec, start up the ST tree for a 25/14/2 Iron Fist build, or go for the popular Carolina Parakeet, and if so which side first? Essentially, the question becomes which tree gives you the most bang for the buck with only 1 to 20 talent points?
  14. Maybe someone can outline the difference between a PT or Merc as Pyro?
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