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  1. Unfortunately, yes. She just spits out adds like there's no tomorrow, basically two groups of four adds at the same time. With two grenadiers plus the boss own Artillery, as a Sniper, it's horrific. It's especially jarring because it's so incredibly overtuned compared to everything else in SM. Edit: I also just tried it in SM on Republic side... the bonus boss there is on par with the other bosses in the FP, just making the overtuning of the Imp side bonus boss glaringly obvious tbh.
  2. Years later, and the bonus boss is still overtuned as hell on Imp side.
  3. Yeah I didn't mean to imply it should be an item with stats. Just some random statless item with a flavor description pertaining to the companion in question. And a new slot dedicated solely to them so it won't be a choice between stats and cheesiness.
  4. I'm sure that every altoholic and everyone who has taken any extended break from the game will relate... It's super hard to keep track of who your character has romanced. You take a 6 month break, you probably won't remember. Or if you have 10+ characters, it's easy to lose track. Solution? Well, I have one suggestion. Add a new equipment slot, "romance trinket" or whatever. Have the NPC you romanced send an item to you in the mail with the appropriate "this means so much to me, I want you to have it", etc. Then, if you don't remember, you can just check that item slot and have some item with the "Love, X" or so. (Because frankly, it's hit-or-miss if it says anything next to the char if you open Companions & Contacts).
  5. Okay, so... there are three heroics on Hutta that has bonus missions attached. All three of those have comparatively very slow respawn rates, and a lack of mobs. You'd think that the shared tagging would resolve such issues...? Sure, on higher level planets they do. On starter planets? Nope, mobs basically die in one hit, so it doesn't work. In Factory Recall, there are technically enough mobs for 2 players to do the bonus ("Clearing out the Tunnels") down in the tunnels... but that's only in theory, because everyone kills their way through it and there is never enough mobs left for the second person. In Hostage Situation, it's the same... technically enough mobs for two people, but it's rare that there are only two people, so waiting for respawns are the norm. The mobs for the "Clean up the factory" really needs a faster respawn rate. And for Hostage Situation Cleanup, you only have enough of the turrets for one person, unless there are shared kills. "Clearing the Path" is annoying if there is anyone else at all there. There is honestly no reason at all to not have higher respawn rates on these bonus mission mobs on a starter planet. Hutta is also basically the only planet that suffers from it, as Korriban has no bonuses, Ord Mantell heroics have a bigger area and many more mobs, and Tython has a very high respawn rate. When we're at it, the Face Merchants bonus on Coruscant suffers from a similar but perhaps worse problem, since those bonus mobs also randomly drop the item you need to enter the Heroic area itself. Those mobs definitely need a much higher respawn rate if they're both a bonus AND drop a needed item. There is no reason to keep a slow respawn timer on mobs like these, as it only serves to annoy (and occasionally make people step on each others toes by "stealing" the bonus mobs).
  6. How would this even work with past content? If your Warrior that changes sides will have the Sith Warrior backstory, you'll need boatloads of new voice lines and such, plus revamped conversations for a huge lot of missions. If it just takes on the Knight background upon changing, that will just be immersion breaking beyond belief... constant references to things you never actually did on the character. Bioware, and for that matter Broadsword, don't even remotely have the resources to do a proper switch-side implementation.
  7. This feels quite relevant now. New decos in the Voss area? Of course they don't only require credits, but tech fragments too. I guess the devs don't want to buy a full stack instantly for some reason, but keep grinding for it... but I think that overrates how much most players care by a huge margin, making it very inefficient as a credit sink by requiring other currencies too. Tech frags isn't that hard to come by, but to run about and collect them and then go buy a few decos and then do it all over again? Meh. Honestly very tired of that... if there are decos on a vendor there is literally no reason to put other currencies as requirement "just because", especially when the game is crying out for credit sinks.
  8. One credit sink that I think is severely lacking in the game is in regards of Decorations. There is a real scarcity of everyday decorations, and most new ones get locked behind event or reputation currencies, behind prefabs or in cartel packs (which are pathetically overpriced, but I digress). There is, I feel, a huge potential to actually both increase the variety in decoration, AND remove credits from the economy. How? By having affordable decorations that offer options. I don't mean taking those that are locked behind the aforementioned stuff, though. What I mean are recolours and minorly altered decorations. The Basic Chair, Tables, Benches... all comes in just the one colour. Since there is no dye system for decorations, and probably never will be... give us options. And instead of locking those behind 100-500k each like the Rakata decorations, make them 5 000-10 000 or thereabout each. A stack of 999, which a lot of veterans probably would buy just to have, would remove chunk amount of credits from the economy, while NOT making them unobtainable for newer players too. There are lots of flags, crates, tables, benches, lamps, rugs and whatever else that should be fairly straightforward to reskin and put on a vendor.
  9. The one thing I really miss in the GTN is the ability to see some historical data. Having "Last listed for: [price]" and "Last sold for: [price]" info fields in a tooltip or so would help in breaking the ridiculous relist-cycles. Because lets face it, most people who list something on GTN go solely by what's already listed, and won't remember what they listed it for if it expires. So when it's time to relist, if everything has dropped out, an item that was listed for 35m can suddenly sit on 900m and take three weeks to drop back to 35m... rinse and repeat every time there isn't a listing on the GTN. That kind of fluctuation in prices drives inflation as well, as it makes a lot of items appear more expensive than they really are (since no one is paying what they're listed for, but it's all a hamster-in-a-wheel trial-and-error system, with no historical data visible). And yes, the ability to filter the GTN by Collection status would also be amazing (especially for armor sets and mounts).
  10. They shouldn't nerfed the objectives or doubled the conquest target - nerfing the rewards was fully enough on its own. I enjoyed how conquest was before 7.0 dropped.
  11. Okay, most of these changes looks nice. Shared Tagging and Weapon Outfit Slot will be great! But the above part which I've quoted mostly just fills me with dread. EVERYONE crammed into the same weekly areas? I really hope you'll make literally every clickable in the weekly areas an insta-respawn then, otherwise it's going to be the mother of all cluster****s. Shared Tagging will probably make it not a big issue in terms of the kill X mobs missions, but if we have to sit there and stare for three hours while groups and solo players boredly sit around in a queue while the ten minute clickable respawn, I can pretty much guarantee most of them will turn their back on that system and never do it again. So please make damn sure you've got the clickables insta-respawning before you cram the entire playerbase into the same weekly areas. Places like CZ-198, Section X and The Black Hole, for example, already becomes helluva tedious if there's just a few extra players there, due to the clickables. Also, in terms of auto-completing missions, you really need to make sure to have some kind of option/systems that allows players to do the bonus mission first. Because as is, a lot of them have a bonus that unless you focus hard on it, you kill or loot one mob too many, and bam, there you failed the bonus. The Jawa Trade heroic on Tatooine is a good example of that - you basically have to not loot anything until you've done the bonus, but looting comes naturally, so unless you're fully concentrated... lost out. It's frustrating. Ideally, either missions with bonuses like that should have a turn-in nearby, so you can choose yourself when to turn in, or there should be some confirmation whether you want to accept completing the mission while having the bonus mission active in your log.
  12. I mean, this exact bug was an issue last time Feast was around too, why hasn't it been fixed? It's a straight up blocker for the Feast WB daily. If you can't fix this you should make sure to always offer either Tatooine or Hoth WB as an alternative every time Belsavis WB is up, as it inevitably will bug out due to trolls or players who don't know about the issue.
  13. Well that's straight up false. It was respawning fast for most of the day, but one by one the instances bug out and it doesn't respawn (or reverts to the 2h respawn timer, I wouldn't stick around to find out). It's not a new issue either - this has plagued the event before too.
  14. I really don't understand Biowares reasoning here. Most people don't do PvP and GSF because they don't like them. Trying to push people into it by making them objectives are inevitably going to make people sit there and afk it or half-*** it really badly, just overall making it a worse experience for those who do it because they like it. And solo players will feel forced to do it because there are no weekly solo objectives. It really feels like Bioware indeed doesn't learn squat from their own past mistakes. Tried this **** with pushing people into GSF and PvP before, and since neither GSF nor PvP has gotten any updates or changes, why would the result be different? Very tiresome.
  15. What I really want is a Character Slot sale.
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