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  1. I've opened about a dozen renown caches on my TK sage and have received nothing. It seemed to be random at first but then turned to everyone had nothing in it. So now I'm not opening any and they are starting to clutter up my inventory. I put a ticket in for this. Does this have anything related to this known issue?... "Telekinetics Sages are not receiving gear in instances where it would be for Consulars, Sages, or Telekinetics. They can still receive general gear as intended." If I switched my discipline for loot purposes to balance would it solve this problem for at least getting nothing?
  2. Don't care about having more. I just want WEAPONS ADDED TO THEM!!!
  3. Begrudgingly buy a one month sub yesterday after being away for a while and I haven't been able to log in yet. Either get "login service is currently unavailable" or it goes to the load screen before character select and just sits there and spins and never progresses. Excellent.
  4. Same here.... and it randomly changes what number I am. Started at 18, went to 13, and am back to 16. nice.
  5. Like I said before, "reasons to pay" is my main dilemma. If this game wants to be a solo and story driven one that is fine. The problem is it is a watered down version of what those usually are. This game was created to be a mmo with mmo like playstyles which generally revolves around raiding and "follow the carrot" gearing or decoration. I'd love for another kotor type game in today's gaming world. Make it rich and involving like the first two are and create content over the years to add to it as DLCs. I'd pay for that and would love it. Instead we get a mmo a lot of us started playing and enjoyed and they moved away from that and start trying this quasi-rpg type game built over a mmo that doesn't really stand up to fully developed rpg's and now completely takes away the best parts of fully developed mmos. If they want to go to a rpg type format that is fine but that should have been specifically communicated some time ago. Ultimately, if they want to keep charging a monthly sub they need to directly and honestly tell their paying community exactly what their plans are for the game. Which should have happened a year ago.
  6. I think more appropriate question would be "Reasons to still pay for this game". If this game had a good f2p system set up with maybe an option to buy the story if you want I'd play a lot more. Add in expansions you pay for that add actual playable endgame content that doesn't get boring after one play through where you don't die once. Instead I let my sub lapse and every now and then pay to play the whole story and cancel again once I realize there is no real playable content added since last time I played and the story is a generic one off that I can do on one character and get the full effect.
  7. Haha! Really? This is still one of the few games that charges a monthly sub which is ridiculous in today's model but you want them to also charge the cost of an expansion for like an hour of linear content every couple months? Wow.
  8. Would have been nice to, you know, be told about this before some of us opened a bunch of dvl packs already so that we could store them and wait till this is implemented. I know, I know.... communication with customers is hazardous when you have trouble delivering.
  9. I may have missed it but is this confirmed to be functional with DvL packs as well? Because that's the only thing this is really useful for and would be good to know so I don't... you know.... waste opening anymore on pointless characters I'll never play again. And would be nice if it could some how be retroactive so that almost full set of Revan armor I got on my agent isn't completely worthless.
  10. Like previously mentioned all of the HK parts have "nodes" locations so there are only a set number of spots it can be at technically. Waaaay back when I actually did it on all my toons at release after the first couple of times I just memorized where a couple of the places were and just went back every time I logged on and scanned those couple spots and it would usually pop up within a couple of days. So if you don't want to spend days doing it look up some youtube videos of it being done before and just go scan the specific spots off and on until it is in ones of those places. And be sure to change maps if multiple instances are up if trying a specific spot. Or look up the x/y/z coordinates like mentioned also.
  11. Delaying an announcement or missing a release date will annoy people and create negativity but it'll be forgotten about as soon as the content is released and people are playing it. The real reason there was so much backlash with SoR was the fact it had game crippling bugs, end game gear exploits known about in beta but still released and then punishing players for it, and the unplayable lag in the new ops because they were so poorly optimized at the time especially in 16m raid groups which essentially killed 16m raiding. (16m bulo anyone? or the wookie after him?). I think what irritates people, or at least myself, is that the game could be so good. But usually ends up disappointing or stringing you along with a promise of a carrot you actually want but never get.
  12. Soon tm. Don't get your hopes up if you enjoy group content of any challenging type. They've obviously moved past that type of mmo a while ago.
  13. I still think they are slowly giving players HK parts as rewards until you can make a toon look completely like HK and then when their "Play as HK" special chapter happens they'll simply tell everyone to put all your exclusive HK armor on so you look like him and play the chapter with your armor skin and class abilities you already have.
  14. Lol, I just love the people who can't process what they are supposed to do and instead copy and paste them into a reply in this thread. Keep doing it, maybe it'll work!!!
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