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10 Good
  1. Yes, I agree. If a special NPC is needed for story purposes, let him run alongside me and my real companion. Not that they did it several times already. I really hate it if they give me a companion that I either don't like or that is severly underleveled. Also, I chose my Khem Val for his personality and rather much like to know what he has to say about the situation in the story or flashpoint.
  2. Correct. Gear on companions is only for cosmetic purposes.
  3. I'm not disabled in anyways, just badly equipped. I'm more like a twinker... this day I play this character, another day that one. So my Sith Sorc is only at rating 276. I just finished the flashpoint, post-fix. I got a serious beating. Death 1) One of the earliest mob groups. I wasn't prepared to face 4 silver plus some normal mobs. Every single mob, be it silver or trash, has too much hit points for a story mode FP. At least not without 306 gear. Death 2) The sniper trap. Before I even noticed what was going on I was dead. Thank you very much. Death 3) The tentacle room... I fell down, landed hurt, got a beating by the tentacles, Rass Ordo was NOT with me, so no healing. Died. On respawn I noticed the kolto station up the ramp... clever design. You notice after the death what could have saved you. Death 4) During the final boss fight. It went smooth, the boss flew away, summoned his first add wave, I killed those, boss reappered, also smooth killing again, the boss flew away, the second add wave appereared, Rass was dead in about 10 seconds, I followed a few later. Next try I managed to Whirlwind one of the adds and got behind the stairs at the end, so I managed to kill enough adds that Rass survived barely. Meaning I survived, and killed the boss. It's something wrong if fights against trashmobs take longer and are more difficult than boss fights. Every single mob in this FP is not tuned for Story Mode. Deaths 2 and 3 are due to mechanisms you have to learn first. Could I have survived? Maybe, maybe not. Rass is a nice guy, but he is a very bad healer; he simply is not leveled enough. Why can't I just use my level 50 Khem Val..... Compare this to ANY other Level 75 story mode flashpoint and the increase in difficulty is so obvious even Chirrut Îmwe would see it. So either: reduce the number of mobs, or reduce their heatlh, or give us a combat support droid for Story Mode only.
  4. I liked the story and how it ended, but please, let the Emperor be dead now. Finally for all times. It's been a bit too often when I FINALLY killed the Emperor. Give him his well-earned rest. The fights inside the ship were ok. The health pools seem to be a bit high though... in my 276 gear a Strong takes as long to kill as an Elite outside on the planets, and even the trashmobs have much higher health pools for my taste. Servant 4 gave me a one-shot with his red straight-forward attack... we both stood right at a wall and I did not see that there is a spoor on the floor where the attack will hit. The mindscape was a bit confusing... my TFT is a bit dark, and I had trouble finding my paths sometimes. The final fight had not much I could like, though. It has immunity phases (nothing but artificial stretching of an enemy's health pool), three different boss phases with the exact same mechanisms (again, an uncreative way of lengthening an already boring fight), it forces me to use an underleveled companion (compared to my influence 50 Khem Val) and gives you a bar with new abilities with no time to read what they do and when I should use them. So the fight basically was: run around like a chicken (avoiding the purple circles on the ground), mash a random button as soon as its cooldown finishes and try to stay alive somehow... my companion did not heal me very well (again, I leveled Khem Val for a reason). 😉
  5. Meine momentane Einmann-Republic-Gilde WildCards würde sich über eine zweite Person freuen. Bin in einer ähnlichen Situation... Rückkehrer nach zwei Jahre, alle in der Gilde weg. Wenn Du Interesse hast, schreib mich ingame an, momentan bin ich meistens mit meinem Trooper Horthak unterwegs.
  6. Yes, this bug is still active as of February 28 2020. Story mode does NOT scale. A level 75 character is not scaled down to an appropriate level. The enemies are level 36 while I'm still 75, so I one-shot everything but I still get Renown Points for them. This is highly abuseable.
  7. I could live with not being able to craft top 306 gear. But forcing people to PVP, conquest or master flashpoints just to craft green or blue stuff that is nowhere better than any trashmob could drop is really bad design.
  8. Yes, comparing now to two years ago.... the healing companions were stronger back then, no doubt. They managed not to let you drop so low in health as they do now. I don't know, either the game got harder or the healing weaker. I wonder if they fixed Treek and HK-51 now after years so they can perform every role, and that as well as other companions.
  9. Hi, I'm a player returning for Onslaught after two years absence... and I must say I don't like what I see with crafting. Leveling to 75 is great as ever. I really liked Ossus and Onderon stories and enjoy Mek-Sha so far, but crafting... Bioware, what have you done... Since I play SWTOR (the time they introduced Makeb) I play an hour or so per day... I mostly do dailys because I burned myself in WOW playing flashpoints and operations. I've had enough of this. So I play my main char and some toons, and I chose crafting skills so I could craft everything I need by myself and not rely on GTN. And it worked great... especially leveling alts was really cool when you could craft the gear you didn't find. My gear was not top tier, but it was enough for my playstyle of dailys and heroics. Now I'm back and was happy to see crafting is now at 700, but the joy soon vaporized... the first trainer only sold me the 700 max skill level and some yellow schematics with incredients I've never seen before, mostly stuff from Operations. OK I said, seek a new one in Onderon. And this one had lots of schematics. But sadly, I cannot craft even a single new green item because Bioware thought it a good idea that now you need stuff for crafting you cannot get from salvaging or crew skill missions, mainly "Processed Isotope Stabilizer". I have ZERO of those. Do I really need to run Master Flashpoints, operations or participate in PVP just to get crafting incredients for GREEN items? Listen, I don't need to craft rainbow colored super gear with laser shooting out of it, but simple green and blue gear crafting needs operations, PVP and Master Flashpoints? Really?? What kind of genius thought that would be a good idea? I never cheated or abused game mechanisms to get credits, so I have about 10 million credits, shared over now 5 toons. I cannot afford buying a single material in GTN for 250000 credits. If the Processed Isotope Stabilizers don't get removed for green and blue crafting, I fear my visit will be a short one... complete the story once, and wait for improvements.
  10. And still not fixed even after three years..... I am Dark Side 3, I chose every dark side option, I let Jaesa kill Nomen Karr, and when I look at her she is definitely dark side (belly top robe, dark make-up, orange glowing eyes). In dialogues, she really likes it when I am cruel and kill people. But her codex entry is for light side Jaesa, and apparently this will never be fixed.
  11. Hey everyone, I just finished the new Nathema Flashpoint for the second time. First with Sith Sorcerer, this time with Jedi Consular. With the Sorc I did not notice the problem (he is ranged), but with the Consular I really had trouble beating Zildrog before the 60 sec enrage timer ran out because I did not find a point where I could attack him in melee. I only got "cannot see target" from every spot I tried. In the end, I finished him with my AOE saber attack and lots of help from Lana a few seconds before the timer ran out. Did I miss a sweet spot for melee in this fight?
  12. It seems that the H2+ missions on Hutta are missing in the Activities Window.
  13. Hallo Zeratem, vielen Dank für Deine Antwort! Ich denke ich werde Dich ingame mal anschreiben, flüstern, wie auch immer. Möge die Macht mit uns sein, vorzüglich deren Dunkle Seite.
  14. Hallo Vanjervalis Chain, ich spiele seit September 2013 SWTOR auf Imperiumsseite, habe gerade mit meinem Sith Inqusitor Oricon durchgespielt und gedenke, mich jetzt vielleicht mal mit einem Twink auf Republik-Seite umzusehen. Was ich suche: eine freundliche Gilde von Leuten so ab Ende 20 Jahren (ich selbst bin 35). Ich suche freundliche Leute, die SWTOR ohne Erfolgszwang und mit viel Humor spielen. Bisher habe ich alleine durchgeschlagen (OK, bis auf die beiden letzten Quests auf Oricon ), aber so ein wenig Gesellschaft wäre manchmal nicht verkehrt. Ich bin berufstätig, Gelegenheitsspieler, so 2-3 Stunden abends da, aber nicht jeden Tag. Die Gilde sollte auf Imperiumsseite agieren, idealerweise auch Twinks auf Republikseite haben. Welche Erfahrung ich habe: Naja, angefangen hat es bei mir, wie bei so vielen auch, mit World of Warcraft. Da wurde ich relativ schnell Mitglied in einer RP-Gilde und war da auch sehr lange dabei, aber irgendwie haben die Gilde und ich uns auseinandergelebt. Das Spiel machte mir dann auch immer weniger Spaß, was vor allem daran lag wie die Hintergrundgeschichte (die ich bis Warcraft 3 noch liebte) immer mehr verbogen wurde. Jedenfalls wechselte ich dann zu Herr der Ringe Online. Dort kam ich auch früh in eine Sippe, die hat sich dann aber nach einigen Monaten wegen völliger Inaktivität der Sippenleitung zerschlagen. Nach einem kurzen Zwischenstop in einer weiteren Sippe, die für sich das Verhältnis Ingame : Realittät leider etwas anders gesetzt hatten, blieb ich dann eine sehr sehr lange Zeit alleine, bis mir LOTRO zu eintönig wurde. Ich sah da für mich keine Zukunft mehr drin, mit jeder Erweiterung Ruf zu farmen, Orks, Bilwisse, Warge, Spinnen, Geister und diverse Räuber mit jeweils anderen Skins zu töten, so gern ich auch Herr der Ringe mag. Dann folgte eine lange MMO-Pause mit kurzem Zwischenstop in Guild Wars 2 (war mir aber deutlich zu hektisch), und seit September bin ich nun hier. Solo-Spiel hatte ich jetzt exzessiv, deshalb wollte ich jetzt mal den Gruppen-Inhalt sehen. Flashpoints gerne (wenn auch nicht 5x hintereinander im Hardmode), PVP auch (machte mir zumindest in WoW in Gruppe durchaus Spaß, alleine eher weniger), nur zweifle ich ob ich mich mit Operations anfreunden kann; mit Raids und allem Drumherum hatte ich leider in der Vergangenheit sowohl in WoW als auch in LOTRO schlechte Erfahrungen. Ich würde mich über Meldungen sehr freuen, und auch gerne ingame (der Inqusitor heißt Aurrunon, der Republik-Trooper hat noch keinen Namen, der wird gerade erstellt. (Edit: der Trooper existiert jetzt auch, er heißt Rorrin und wird wohl Combat Medic werden.) Viele Grüße Athos
  15. I'd say this fight is not impossible, but imbalanced and buggy. With some class/companion combinations it seems to be a breeze, but with others very hard pointing to unfair. I just bet him with my Sith Sorcerer, Lightning Spec, no speacial Flashpoint or Daily Gear, just orange with Makeb Enhancements and 53 Armor/Mods. You know, this means standing still a lot while casting or healing. I tried with Xalek as Companion and got the crap beaten out of me. Ok I thought, bad luck, let's try again. He wiped the floor with me, again. Then I completely changed tactics... ignore the mechanics. Destroying the droids which healed the Archon is futile, much too fast respawn, just DPS the Archon. I switched Xalek for Talos and the third try was successful. But since I'm Lightning specced, I couldn't use most of my skills because I got constantly knocked, pushed and whirled around. In the end, what killed the Archon was a simple little instant cast DOT and the occasional free instant cast Chain Lightning. This fight was nicely thought, but poorly done. If I had been Madness specced I would have beaten him with ease, I think. But I should not be forced to respecc. Oh, and please fix the line of sight bug for the droid adds.... I couldn't hurt most of the adds even when I stood right beside them... "You cannot see the target!". Thank you very much, I had to use AOE for single mobs.
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