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10 Good
  1. NO!!!!!! Hard to grind PVP coms pre 50 with this. Sigh.
  2. Space lobster Battlemaster to Space mummies, yes BW artists hate BHs and whoever gave these designs a thumbs up needs to be fired. I just don't get it.
  3. Or just buy the Gold version from the cartel market, you can see it when you open the disabled cartel market on PTS.
  4. No you can not and don't even hint that it is possible or they may remove the possibility that of course doesn't exist.
  5. Aden-Kad

    50 Bracket Sucks

    Awesome advice there, to quit. Apply it to your posting.
  6. Aden-Kad

    50 Bracket Sucks

    I would love 5-15 minute waits, had 25-30 last night.
  7. Aden-Kad

    50 Bracket Sucks

    And you are correct, but as it stands it is nearly impossible for a casual to win which will discourage them leading to a decline in PVP population instead of growth. I'm all for more people PVPing and being fun not a chore getting rolled spending 4-5 hours a day waiting to eek out enough valor to gain a level grinding away to 60.
  8. Aden-Kad

    50 Bracket Sucks

    Why is that any concerns raised are cries about butt hurt and whining about being a bad player? Lets take a look at an example, excuse the use of logic here. 50 PVP geared player vs 50 casual player. PVP geared player does 10% more damage and takes 10% less damage so casual dude has to be 20% better then the PVP geared to break even. So after 50 this patch has killed casual PVP unless the person does not mind lossing 80% or more of their matches as they can't outdamage the other guy. And I'm not even bringing into account the 1k or more health they may have being in all purple. So really quit with the learn to play crap or you're not good as those apply only when all things are equal, which in this case you can see they are not. TLDR version - Expertise imbalance makes post 50 PVP extremly difficult for casuals.
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