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  1. Zintiel

    Vandin sucks

    Mostly because it's got very little actual strategy. If you aren't dropping in the pit and passing to a player in the endzone you're doing it wrong. And that's sadly all there is to the game. All those fancy pits and traps are largely ignored. Why is this even a huttball? This has to be the worst designed pvp map I've seen. I'm sure your one pvp map developer will think they've done a great job when data mining shows scores are generally nearly even in most games. I guess that's game balance for you, when it doesn't matter if you have a good team you still can just fumble through it and win because it's a flip of the coin to see who gets the ball first. First Odessen takes strategy and throw it out, making it be a random toss up match,. Now this isn't even random, it's swapping scoring back and forth. Dear bioware lol can we have one pvp game where we actually fight each other instead of playing with balls or clicking objectives? This is Star WARS is it not? Not Star Quest Complete. Not Star Sportsball. Give us an arena and make it about killing other players to win? It's player vs player not player vs planting a bomb on a door.
  2. Revan dies in the Foundry fp [Kael'vex essque]: that was cool [bikadinir]: I wish I exploded into a lighting storm on defeat And so here's my idea. What if you could blow yourself up on death. Why does dying have to be a bad thing? We all die every day, let's make death fun. When you die you blow up with an extra effect. Obviously sorcs/sins could get an electric discharge, a merc/trooper might go up in flames or have gear explode on them, jedi could have some sort of ghost appear for a moment and fade, just the same goofy effects we already have on weapons and toys existing. Make it a toy item like kicking the huttball (sell on cartel market or throw in a pack, give to everyone altruistically, who cares) ... Endless fun for party wipes and losing pvp battlegrounds!
  3. Sapphire: they're nerfing the damage of all tanking classes while in tank stance Sapphire: and you might be like erm Sapphire: why are you nerfing all tank damage? tanks don't do damage, they tank Sapphire: because people figured out if you put dps gear on a tank their abilities are some of the hardest hitting in the game Sapphire: you usually don't notice cause they're usually not wearing dps gear, they're wearing tank gear Sapphire: so in pvp they get some of the survival ability of the tank Sapphire: while doing more dps than their dps spec Sapphire: so Bioware says to fix this they're going to nerf all tanks Sapphire: well, what about the tank wearing tank gear? Sapphire: who didn't do any damage anyway Sapphire: oops! Tanoosh: hahahaha Sapphire: it wouldn't be so bad if they got something back Sapphire: like they tanked better Sapphire: like maybe they had a small debuff to damage they automatically apply with each hit to other players Sapphire: while taking away from one area (dps) giving back in the original role (tank) Sapphire: wouldn't that be a wonderful idea? Tanoosh: maybe more work Tanoosh: but yeah Sapphire: too much work Sapphire: just pull the rug out under them Sapphire: and if everyone is losing damage equally Sapphire: what motivation is there to switch to tank gear instead of dps Sapphire: dps is even MORE important because you have less of it
  4. Just what the title says, this is a plea to remove Blood Hunt from the pool of random instances. I don't know about you guys but just about anytime it randomly comes up as a daily mission everyone immediately leaves anyway leaving people stuck with the group abandonment flag. Every player knows why too. Few bosses in the rotation can instantly kill you as fast as Joss and Valk. I mean personally I can solo the fight on veteran so I don't really see it as a challenge but I'm not doing this fp solo every time it comes up. That's not really even the main issue, the other problem with the encounter is how easily it resets. Someone gets knocked into the lava and dies? Reset. Someone respawns and runs back and touches the door while the fight is in progress? Reset. Joss just jumps up and Valk decides to reset. Reset. Reset. This isn't like the Foundry where HK bugging out happens once every 10 missions, it happens almost every single time. It's not that the whole instance is broken, just Joss and Valk. It's clear at this point that resources aren't going to be devoted to fixing whatever issue bugs the encounter out. It probably can't be fixed due to lag or reasons. Still, it is entirely broken and it reflects poorly on the game as a whole. Excise this rot. Put it on stasis until a cure can be found.
  5. I'd like to suggest merely an update graphically to the sequence encountered when traveling between most of the planets that have been around since launch. It's jarring compared to the newer planets which usually have short animated sequences of your ship approaching them. I know this has been touched on before at least once; I am one of the players who remember when the planets were flat image files and you would see the shadow of your ship gliding across the flat backdrop they were drawn upon. Now sometime later we have actual round planets. Just now I was using hyperspace to approach one of these planets and because I was able to get to the ship exit while the ship approached I could see the blue glow of hyperspace around the ship, followed by the stars trailing off as if I were still in the cockpit of my ship, then the ship itself floating in to view, which if I had to pick a word to describe it all it looked janky. janky as heck. I think about newer players getting into this game for the first time and they don't see the fancy little video approach of the newer planets until they are far into the game. Would they appreciate this rather cheap looking ship floating around a blurry sphere? I would think the devs would want to dress up that early experience just a bit more. I really don't know if you guys have the time or resources to do a quick cutscene for each planet approach like the newer planets but I think it would really add a little bit more of a Star Wars expeience watching your ship drop out of hyperspace properly and fly towards a pre-rendered planet that actually looks like a planet and not a blurry pixelated mess. I won't be holding my breath but it would be nice to see. And if none of this is important to you just hit spacebar and skip it.
  6. That's a great suggestion which I fully support. You should delete the rest of your text wall rant post so that it might get noticed.
  7. I think most of the players have a lot of companions if they've experienced any of the KOTET content. Between old companions, new companions, planetary companions, and cartel market companions the list has grown quite crowded. I would like to suggest that we have a method added to 'favorite' companions with a toggle next to their name. Check on to have them sorted to a special at the top 'favorites' box, uncheck them to remove them from the box. Alternatively simply sorting the window by companion loyalty and not by name would do the same thing and it seems even easier to implement. Most people are likely going to be pulling out their best companions more frequently than level 1 companions they don't care for. Either one of these changes would greatly increase ease of use within the game menus. Additionally there is a bug where due to the extreme length of the companion list some of the companions lower in the list cannot be summoned without summoning one of the upper ones in the list, dismissing them, closing the window, reopening the window, resummoning the companion you actually wanted. This would if not fix that bug at least allow for an easy enough workaround.
  8. figured it out... reaquired the quest after relogging.
  9. For things like heroics the teleport function to take you to the quest isn't actually an inventory item. That's really what I'm looking for.
  10. So in my mission log there's normally icons for the item or whatever that goes with the mission Those are suddenly missing I can't find an option anywhere in the game to turn them back on I'm trying to do heroics and the teleport icon is missing
  11. With the influx of new companions across the classes and with more companions coming out I would like to suggest that companion appearance be set to legacy and have a legacy unlock to make available on all characters. Normally republic/imperial characters which have customizations are still oddly single faction in apperance vendors even though they now work for the Alliance. I do not mind maybe a nominal fee with an example being unlocking clothing items for all my characters once I have obtained the original set. Take my money. Please.
  12. Zintiel


    your captcha: Learn from mistakes http://oi66.tinypic.com/2ro2h7d.jpg
  13. Thanks OP. Your giant caps found me just the answer I was looking for. Most helpful post on this forum.
  14. I would like to see a grind but not in terms of gear. Grinding for items usable elsewhere in trade skills or cosmetics unique to pvp but wearable elsewhere. I support your idea of even footing for everyone, but do think of the tradeoff. We don't want Bioware designing the gear for each class, otherwise tanks would have accuracy, marauders would be loaded with alacrity, etc. It's clear we do need some way to be able to customize our gear.
  15. I go out of my way to answer any questions about gearing or objectives for people who bother to ask. Of course you will see 1-2 loud players every game who must berate everyone around them or are just frustrated from a loss streak. I tend to ignore them and if their attacks become personal then I leave that game, I have no time to babysit someone else's kids (or manchildren).
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