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10 Good
  1. Title, not much more to add. Introduce matchmaker based on character winrate and separate groups from solo players. Right now GSF is nearly unplayable as a solo player and thanks to numerous flaws, non-existent balance and general obscurity of this mode finding a group to play is comparable in difficulty to finding team ranked group in PvP.
  2. Title, it works properly only on humanoid enemies, others like animals or specific droids (4-legged, etc.) get old Blaster Whip animation.
  3. Hey there, Minor, yet irritating thing - Legacy of Combat skills (Punch, etc.) are all dealing Tech damage, while they should deal Melee (because, you know, they are melee). Also, Elite Regulator Faceguard is missing it's voice modulation and laser sights lose their distinctive buzzing sound when you move your character around. Small things so shouldn't be difficult to fix. Regards
  4. It would be also nice. Using these skills with weapon equipped and being able to put them in rotation would be even better.
  5. RP and player - made events. You know, it's nothing important but also nothing too complicated to implement so why not?
  6. Hey there, I have suggestion regarding Legacy of Combat skills - they are all Tech, favouring Tech - based classes while in brawl. Could you change these abilities to Melee?: - Punch, - Jab, - Uppercut, - Bash, I know it's nothing important but I suppose it's also not complicated to do and it would simply be nice quality of life change for us, players. Cheers!
  7. I've been playing because of friends, unfortunately most of them left the game already so I don't have any impulse to queue in GSF. "Kessler's number two" would be the worst commendation when I was playing last time. I hope he changed his attitude, but from what I heard yesterday, he's still... himself.
  8. And I have noticed, along with many people from my squadron. Ocula and Skybolt are considerably harder to hit than Flashfire or Sting. The only legitimate ways to take them down are either hitting someone near them with AoE Ion, or BLC point-blank or any type of missile/mine. Both Tier 2 Scout and Carel Market Scouts should be the same except visual differences - in fact, they aren't. There were at least two threads asking about issue with hitting them, same thing on "bug report" forums, so it's not only my and my friends imagination. From my experience if developers here didn't say "Yes." straightforward, they aren't happy. Especially when they are "watching carefully". They "watched carefully" knockdown on Operative's and Scoundre's openers. Maybe, maybe not. The fact is, both LLC and RLC leaves you small time window for reaction. BLC not. If they land two hits - you are dead. That's the issue with them. As for such powerful weapon they have amazing RoF, so there is no time for reaction. Even if you miss, you can shot again in 0,5 second. Even rail gun gives you opportunity to escape, because they can shoot once every two seconds (and full charge takes around 5 seconds), and their main weakness is LoS, because of range. In close combat, there is no LoS issue unless you let your enemy run to the object and fly around him - but damn, in Tier 2 Scout there aren't any ships which can escape you except Tier 1 Scout - which is dead after one hit, so it's highly unlikely that he will even have a chance to run. o7 Lindemann
  9. Calm down, nobody asked you about your opinion about my opinion. No. Devs said they are observing BLC's efficiency for now. There is nothing about "balance being where it is wanted". Show me where bad gunship touched you. 4k, sweetheart. Just like Light Laser Cannon and Rapid Laser Cannon and both of them aren't even 50% effective as Bursts. Because it is MUCH easier. Bursts have no tracking penalty, wherever you land a shot in the circle - you will hit. Other, BALANCED laser cannons works differently. Because scouts are majority of the GSF "community" and it is law of the life - more challengers, more terribads amongst them. As I see I've just tried to discuss with BLC QQboy flying bugged Cartel Market scout (Ocula and it's pathetic 1 pixel hitbox). I'll just jump over other posts like that. o7 Lindemann
  10. BLC are clearly OP and even scout pilots approve - actually the only thing to discuss is how to balance them? First of all they should repair that retarded bug which makes half of the BLC shots invisible, then... Hmmm... Maybe RoF nerf? BLC must hit like a truck in point blank - that's the idea of such Benelli-like weapons, so their damage is IMHO OK, but RoF could be toned down like 2x slower. Now they are spammable. With such alpha - they shouldn't be spam guns. Every single shot aimed at ship should be accurate, not "full retard mode, let's aim our guns to the west and see what we hit". o7 Lindemann
  11. Hmmm, actually I'm experiencing same things as OP. Especially about Cartel Market Scout. I'm playing Gunship, so I can tell you if something is considerably harder to hit and Ocula/republic counterpart is one of "those" ships. If I engage player using Flashfire, he's hard to hit (evasion works perfectly against GS) but thanks to my experience and skill, I can hit him if I aim properly. But let him switch to Ocula. No way I land a hit. Examples of such players from Progenitor are Sorowulen and Rosy. On Flashfires I can take them down, on Oculas - not really. Maybe with Burst Cannons in close combat. Railgun? Less than 10% chance to hit. And they're using same build on both ships, so it's not the case of components. o7 Lindemann
  12. Forget about Progenitor. Since our premade took a break (we are Imp side), win ratio is 20%:80% in favour of Reps. They are just overhelming (as I mentioned in "Aces?" thread).
  13. ^All "Impossible because I can't imagine that/I can't find any tactic myself so I will lolz on forum" posts. Sorry, no. And I won't argue with anyone about that. It is enough for us that thanks to our cooperation this way we are winning 8/10 matches (up from 2/10 when I was facing Republic premades alone, and up from 6/10 when we were trying simple "go A,B and leave C"). So, you know, provoking me with such posts to say anything is simply pointless. Find your own tactics. I've specified all "Aces" from Progenitor in my opinion, so any further offtopic discussion with me here comes to an end. We'll meet in the sky. o7 Lindemann
  14. When you say you miss "refuge point" it looks like you were one of those blasphemous wannabe-Gunships constantly running to capital ships when in danger. Sorry, I'm playing Gunship too and I've never did such thing. Good, that they get rid of death field around capitals and finally eels like you will never ever try to do such thing.
  15. ^This about situation on Progenitor and why we are mad because of Donnie's/Razorwire's behaviour. About our own tactics - if we would tell you, they would be compromised and useless, right? It's not "A, B, leave C" or "tunnel him/her". If these are your major tactics - oh well.
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