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10 Good

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    Reading, running, dogs, vidya gahmes
  • Occupation
    Sith Marauder
  1. A bit late, but would the Imperial saboteurs onboard the Esseles still be there in this scenario? If so, they could try and disable the Esseles engines as soon as the Black Talon arrives, in addition to providing combat support in needed.
  2. I would love to get the armor Lord Tetsu on Ilum has on.
  3. Necro thread is necro, but I thought it was worth mentioning that I just had the Xenotech vest for sorcs drop off Story Mode Serevin, so the weaponmaster variant might also drop. Can't confirm it, though.
  4. I guess I'm one of the few who liked Quinn's betrayal. Showed that he was willing to do whatever it takes to help the Empire, you just have to show him that your side is right. I can understand how some players don't like the lack of killing him, however. I think a good solution would be being able to carbonize him until you want to use him again.
  5. Me: Here's 1,350 credits, go get me some color crystals. Don't fail. Scourge: Why did I join you again?
  6. I'd say: Korriban > Ord Mantell > Tython > Hutta Korriban - "Korriban. The birthplace of my power." You really get a feeling of the Sith legacy here. I thought the color choices were a bit of a strain on the eyes at first, but it grew on me. Also a good callback to KotOR. Ord Mantell - Feels like a warzone the minute you step outside. Gives a good military vibe for the Trooper and a sense of purpose/revenge for the Smuggler. Tython - Beautiful looking, my favorite of the forest planets. Tranquil, as expected of the Jedi world, though it is a bit of a pain to travel. Hutta - Too much backtracking for my taste, although I will say that the Hutts vile-ness is really shown here.
  7. Don't you dare touch my purple-black saber
  8. Warrior: Act 3 by far. The ending is suitably epic for a Sith Lord. Knight: Also Act 3. Classic hero's journey. Hunter: Once again Act 3. Loved Corellia. Darth Tormen is also a bro. Easily my favorite Darth in the game. Agent: Act 2. Had you going 'whoah' without a galaxy wide event occurring.
  9. Probably "Darth" or "Master", since The Emperor's Wrath was removed. I would also like the ability to use two titles at one time, one prefix and one suffix.
  10. I wouldn't mind a bust of Master Ven Zallow. Shan needs to be put in a flashpoint so us Imp mains can bring her head to the Dark Council.
  11. It's orange, so you can mod it until you find a better looking piece. There's also the Marauder's Tunic you can buy from Synthweavers on the GTN.
  12. You get a chestpiece called Bladestorm's Chestguard from the Revanite quest on Dromund Kaas. http://www.torhead.com/item/8L34eom/bladestorms-chestguard You get the matching pants from the Bonus Series for Balmorra.
  13. Alderaan, Ord Mantell, Imperial Taris, and Belsavis. Tatooine is my favorite, for reasons I can't identify.
  14. Dark gray is the best path to me. Not as chaotic stupid as Dark V, not as Jedi-wannabe as Light V. Generally, I chose Dark Side choices unless: 1.) The Light Side choice benefits the Empire in some way, or 2.) The Dark Side choice is moronic beyond belief.
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