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  1. Wait a minute...someone remembers Colicoid War Games?!!
  2. And here I was just about to put in a request to the Suggestions box, asking them to revert the Reputation trophies back to manually clicking them so I don't waste Advancement: Reputation Conquest Objectives just trying to advance through the story. @JoeStramaglia, was this your idea? I saw you in the replies earlier, and you seem to be the only one even remotely defending the change. This is going to seriously negatively affect player retention as most of us actually have lives outside of the game (shockingly)...not to mention solo players like myself. Please revert this Conquest change. EDIT: And refusing to add it to the official Patch Notes until after the patch dropped? Whoever thought that was a good idea should be officially censured.
  3. Thank you for reminding me that Cybertech grenades actually exist...I haven't heard about those in years.
  4. ...ten pages worth of bizarre ranting about economics, and all I'm looking to do is transfer a bunch of refugee characters from the last round of Server Merges over to a server where they won't be superfluous, with just enough credits to unlock rooms in my Strongholds. I'd even settle for not being allowed to bring un-Bound items. It would be unfortunate, as I have a bunch in my Item Stashes thanks to Galactic Seasons boxes that I could certainly use on characters over there, but...I'd live with it.
  5. I think the drop rate on the Notes of Reflection may depend on Amity's Influence rating, because on my characters where he's INF Level 50, I get more dropping than I do on characters where he's at INF Level 1.
  6. Seconded...I can't make heads or tails of how it even works, anymore. The UI doesn't make an ounce of sense to me. I've said this in a couple of threads on the new GTN changes elsewhere: a digital flea market shouldn't be this complicated.
  7. Not even remotely a new player, here (preordered the CE, and played in Early Access all the way back in late 2011), but this seems like the best place to ask, under the circumstances: is there any way we could get some sort of tutorial covering how the new GTN works? Because I can't make heads or tails of it, half of the items I used to make or buy from other players seemingly can't be posted onto it anymore, and the new UI is...deeply confusing to me. (I'd also be amenable to reverting the GTN back to its pre-7.4 state, but I know that one's unlikely.)
  8. Seconding the TRK-R Treatment Chamber (it IS The Spooky Month, after all). Also the various other horror-themed gear, Tunings, and Decorations would be nice to feature as Flash Sales this month, while we're on the subject...
  9. I'm pretty sure there's a passive ability that lets you use a bunch of abilities while moving. I took it with my Gunnery Commando, but I'm not logged into the PTS at the moment, so I can't check the name right now...
  10. I almost wish you'd recorded that...might have been fun to explore the space.
  11. Stronghold worked; Cantina only let me change Discipline...and sometimes not even then. Such is the PTS, I suppose...
  12. It won't let me change Combat Styles in Cantinas; only in Strongholds, and rarely the Fleet. It will also sometimes let me change Disciplines in Cantinas, though. I eventually riddled out how to change stuff around and set up the Loadouts with Combat Styles, thanks to a couple of posts in here, but this is not straightforward in the slightest...guess that's why we have the PTS, eh?
  13. Does it permantnely break the Combat Style switching if you don't do it in that order? Because I imported a Level 75 Gunnery Commando that hadn't started their Origin Story yet, was able to select Vanguard, yet I'm not able to do anything else with it. I can't switch between Combat Styles, I can't set up a Loadout with Vanguard abilities or weapons...either this isn't working, or I'm doing something wrong.
  14. I imported my Level 75 Gunnery Commando to the PTS; made Vanguard his Secondary combat style, and still can't switch between them...despite having all of the gear necessary for them to do so.
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