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10 Good
  1. I'm going tell you the truth of things. Republic players are bad.I rolleld a alt to try and help that side out.Soon as you try and help a republic player by telling them the right way to do somemthing.....they yell at you.They call you names they blame you(even when you are 9 to 11 medals each game)its like they do not want to learn......and just blame you for everything. I finally just gave up after two guys rolled into the warzone with no AC, thats right two troppers that were lvl 14 and 15 with no AC...then when i tried to help them they simply yelled at me the whole game.....Heres a protip if you knew everything you wouldn't lose all the time. So good luck pubs, your are going need it.
  2. Well, soon we will all be fighting each other just wondering what your realm is like. Mine seems backwards from most Powertech is king not assassin tanks.The most skilled and feared pvpers are powertechs.Atleast its that way now till the nerf prolly in 1.2 with no more back to back railshot procs while using the tanking stance. We have alot less sorcs too and haven't seemed to be hit by the mara buff.Not saying we don't have good mara players just not a million of them. Well thats mind tricks realm, remember if you are fighting us look out for tons of PT's.
  3. i can't blame the OP the way they tell you info on this game might be the wrost in the MMO history.Just put everything on the first page as you enter. I'm talking ALLL the patch notes front page(period) Don;t make me hunt your blog of your GF of your dogs post, don't make me hunt 30 pages of Dev notes to find the info I want, and don't have me looking up the PTS with the whinebotcraziness ppl crying in there. Notes front page, simple.
  4. If you are talking about just making one set of armor thats good in pve and pvp I'm for that. Be nice to just gear up by pvping then go do end game pve.This would make the only reason to pve be to get armors you like(look wise) tho.Not sure many pvers would like this ppl like the carrot.
  5. Is he talking about a group of them?Cuz ya a group of them can be tuff.Group of any ranged DPS can be a pain tho 5 sorcs , 5 snipers , 5 BHers.Your best bet is to somehow get them moving rather its AoE or just hitting them they do almost no dmg on the run.
  6. Tm is just to set up those 3 moves mate.Would be like yelling at a sin tank for trashing to get lighting procs. OMG NUB SIN TANK KEEPS THRASHING. You want to know the difference? Thrash is just a little flick of the lightsaber while TM is a HUGE *** MISSLE SHOOTING AT YOUR TEETH. When the new TM animation comes out hopefully you will notice whats really killing you.I pvp as PT you don't really hear ppl complaining about me spaming back to back railshot but I sure as hell do it.
  7. You pretty much just said what that guy said...you have to thrash you HAVE to meele.A PT can do tons of dmg at 30m still. Will you tank well at 30m? Not as well if you are atleast 10m but it can be done.
  8. This guy doesnt know the sorc snare then AoE BH trick thats a normal set of moves on my realm. I get the feeling you are not going like crossrealm pvp much guy. You been fighting bads.
  9. Naw no way all 8 were in the med center without it being AoE dmg even the best focus firing in the world couldnt do that.Unless they got stuck in the **** timers voidstar has at times.
  10. hahah skill.....ya right its guys AoEing your team down NOT skill. What they do is AoE dmg so much that the healers can not keep up.....sadly this is the only way to handle teams with stacked 'good" healers right now.....but to say AoEing takes skil thats just hahahahah....ya.
  11. Even if its just to hunt down NPC's I'm for this.Bounty hunters don't hunt and smugglers do not smuggle. /signed
  12. Love yes LOVE pvp as a PT but hate pveing as one. I hate yes HATE pvp as a merc BH but love pveing as one. So who is crazy like me?You running two BHers?
  13. Who did you like most form the movies? Me I like fett and solo.So I have two BHers one PT one Merc, and a gunslinger for solo. I liked maul too so I do have a lvl 45 sin but I don't play him much. Rest is to subjective to really help you....I feel your pain tho I made two Bhers becuase I hate pvping with merc but love it with PT.BUT I hate pve with Pt so the merc is my pvers.......so ya.
  14. Our realm must be waaaaaay ahead of most realms we had our sin tank deal about 2 weeks ago.Now everyone is PT because the flame moves still hit sins when they use thier Def cooldowns. plus you can get burst crit back to back railshots so now all our sin tanks are getting owned what few are left. Not sure whats going kill PT's tho ppl might be going back to TM and mercs lol.I think my realm has gone full circle now.
  15. It should work tho right? I mean whats the point of it even doing what it does? You have sprint by lvl 14 you can not even have points in HO by that time.So why is it even there? I think the speed burst should be working but does not.
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