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  1. I am 40 lvl Sith Assassin.. I just gained affection with Ashara from around 800 to 1440 by gifts... When crossing around affection 1200-1300 it told me that she wants to speak with me on ship.. On ship she has the quest mark above head but when I want to talk to her it says to me "You must complete mission before do that".. But it does not say which mission... Can anybody help? I was trying to look up for this on Internet but no information found...
  2. It seems this issue has only the supporters... I do not see any resistance... I think it is pretty clear what community wants... Anyway who would doubt about Revan´s mask under hood? You cant doubt about such a thing... No player would do that... It would be like putting medieval sword to Jedi instead of lightsaber... There are things about SW that no one can doubt about and Revan without hood is one of them...
  3. 1. make hoods again go over masks.. It looks terrible and it breaks down Revan... 2.Make slicing again useful skill... Reducing it because of bunch of people with short vision and a lot of jealousy was not a good move... Slicers pumps economy with money.. They are the one who buy items from crafters even for higher prices.. Crafters who voted for reducing slicing you should know this: "you cut down your golden pig"... If you would be wise than you would higher prices and not cut down the people who can buy stuff from you... 3. Bound on equip should be bound on account not on character... There are few very nice gear that some clever person from Bioware putted in to random drop so you meet that gear like once a 10 characters... My specific problem is there there is Supreme Inquisitors set which is the only one robe for SI and it is for many people the only gear that looks good from SI collection... Other classes have a lot of this robes but SI not.. And this set is random drop... I never had this drop but I was lucky and bought it from some guy... Now I would like my new SI character to wear it but I cant because it is bound on my old character and probably I will not meet that set again... 4. Make more common gear for force classes.. Force classes should have robes in common... But it happens that Jedi knights have robes only with hoods and SI dont have robes at all... Robe means this: http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/7577.jpg http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/7578.jpg So JK are complaining that once they go robes than they never see hair of their characters again... and SI are complaining because they dont have any robes at all.. Also pants should be common for all force classes... Means more of pants for JC and SI... Skirts are nice but there are a large group of males who feel strange in skirts and women who would like to have more pants option too... Pants and robes are common wear of force users of all kind in all SW movies, series and stuff...
  4. I agree robes.. But we have to separate robes and skirts... Robe is this: http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/7577.jpg http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/7578.jpg But skirt is what we know from game as leg gear.. Because robe is aways chest piece that goes down to the ground.. I never saw any robe being two pieces in my life in any game, movie or what ever of genre (sci-fi, historical etc...) I would like to wear robes but I dont want to wear skirt... That is the main difference... "some Inquisitor outfits take expression to the highest extreme—designed to inspire sheer terror in those the Inquisitor comes into contact with." Terror? Well I am sorry but those inquisitors extreme outfits inspire a load of laud laughing in those in Inquisitor comes into contact with... And the progression video is proof of it... football helmets, lady gaga outfits, carnival chicken outfit, chest pieces with shoulders of gigantic sizes etc... That is funny not terror.. Or well it is terror for those who wear it...
  5. GT.. most of it I found on GT. I was trying to hit it on Hoth but no drop... You have the chest piece of this set from Hoth?
  6. Which set? Supreme Inq set? I have whole set but the bad thing is that I have chest bound to my one character and I want to play other character with that.. For that second character I have already prepared pants, boots and glows...
  7. Everybody check this... Only info as far that we have from Bioware on the issue of hoods and masks.... Thank you for that info Turokhan
  8. Well it is not important what Sidius thought about those Jedi.. But he sent Maul to assassinate them... Assassination doesnt have to be on VIP targets... But simple targets of some value... So even if they were not so important in that time Sidius sent Maul to eliminate (assassinate them)... I am saying that Assassin class should be assassin like or renamed... And if you would not take Maul as assassin who would be better fitting that model from movies? Maul is the best candidate from movies... Even if he is not the best example from SW universe than he is the best example from Movies... Yeah well I would say that your character is assassin... The thing is that those subclasses are made up... There is nothing like that in movies... There are just Jedi and Sith.. they do not separate each other on subclasses like in SWTOR... But assassin is actually thing that exist... That is actually specific profession... but SWTOR used that name just to get a little bit of that assassin idea... Because if you would specify assassin than Sith warrior would be assassin too... And the same way it is meant with Maul... He is not the specific example of assassin... He is just an a bot of that idea he is just somehow close to that... maybe because of that saberstaff or whatever... But you cant expect him to be fine example... I did not said it is easy to find robes in game.... Pretty much it is hard for SI... Well we have only one robe set... I am talking about that in other forums... I would like for SI to have more robes... and robe in this game is only this: http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/7577.jpg http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/7578.jpg That is closest to the robes from movies... Nothing in game looks more like robes from movies... It is not ideal but other stuff is further less robe... Other stuff (that they call robes) are only tops and skirts... But robe (like from movie) is not top and skirt but robe that goes from chest to ground in one piece.... I am really upset that those robes are not more for SI because we have only one set like that... Everything else is just top and skirt...
  9. well it is acrobatic... I said in the lmits of our world... It is still more acrobatic than many other martial arts... For example I did thai-box... Ninjutsu is acrobatic compare to thai-box... btw we are offtopic
  10. EDIT: SW is than assassin if you sent him on assassination...
  11. You can see also on wookipedia that Maul is stated that he was sent on assassinations... You can find it there.. I just checked it again to be sure... Doing assassination = assassin... In clone wars is assai ventress many times stated as assassin and Opress too and they do not use stealth... Vader was more general like than assassin like... insignificant Jedi??? As far as I know that one of them raised Vaider and than Luke... Two main characters of SW... If Maul would kill Obi than many things would drastically change... Well you are right with ninjas but it does not mean that those in black did not exist... lol many of theme were well trained professionals... I dont talk about stuff from movies... I talk about normal stuff... And it nothing change about the thing that they did assassinations also... So ninja´s also assassins... and they are acrobatic.. And it is clear that I mean it in the limits of our world.. so not force users... But Ninjutsu is acrobatic style... Well and also Dart Sidius is not know for using Revivification and all kind of healing stuff... Well because in Star wars they use only pushing, throwing, and lightning... So I dont think is the best way to take it by skills... Because most of sorc. skills Sidius never used... Same as Maul did not used a lot od assassins stuff... It is clear that those example of known persons from SW movies is just visual thing and to make people more excited.. So they can say "I want to be like Sidius"... But those classes are only little bit like their examples.... And Maul was assassin because he did assassinations so he can be example of that class... That he does not know lightning? Sidius does not know healing...
  12. I mostly use just those moddable social pants from social vendor in Kaas city... I think those are called formal pants...
  13. We are not talking about robes (means chest piece that looks like cloak) but about skirts (leg piece that wears mostly some women)... Well look at this... Do you see any skirts? I see only robes over tunics and pants... But I see no skirts like in SWTOR...
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