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    Arizona, United States of America
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  1. We technically now have 6 theme guilds, with a 7th being the Republic version of Mando'ade Aliit, or MANDALORIAN CLANS
  2. Devs.... I want to play my way. You've destroyed that. Having seen the development first hand over the last 10 years I can say objectively, Operations are the DEVS favorite gameplay. Followed closely by Single Player Story content Followed by Flashpoints All of which are PVE gameplay and way down on the list and frankly.... the red headed step child of SWTOR..... Ground and Space PVP When was the last time we got a new ground or space warzone that wasn't huttball garbage? Compared to all these damn flashpoints and operations?! The gear item rating thing too. This new system of gearing is a HOT MESS of forcing players to play the way the DEVS want them to play, and restricting their rewards if they don't. We NEED a way to get to top 330 gear/gold that can be done solo, and / or pvp in addition to the PVE grind route. Frankly... I HATE operations. They take hours on end and are largely boring. I much prefer the action of pvp and space.... but... We get NO new content We get NO new maps We get LESS gear now. It sucks. /signed I want to play my way - your Customer
  3. I've maxed out 999/999 weekly on Medals of Commendation Aquatic Resource Matrix Thyrsian Production Accelerant and.... I've preloaded for next week with half a dozen unclaimed mission rewards on a dozen of level 80 toons.... I've run out of things to do this week.
  4. I do not like even having the option even forced on my character. We should be allowed to select our romance preferences in the character creation screen so we can avoid the romance we don't want to see or have our characters experience.
  5. Greetings friends and allies in the Force! While I can not speak neither for the game population as a whole, nor even our server at large, I am able to authoritatively speak to how some basic errors in 7.0 have negatively impacted our nearly 7,000 character member community. (Yes, we have 7 guilds nearly max on membership in each) The first few days saw a MASSIVE spike in returning members, player activity, logged in members, and frankly... a bunch of new recruits asking to join. It all died FAST! Why? Well, again, many of our community gave feedback as to why they were disappointed and not going to stick around. 1. They LOVE story, and felt they were gypped into resubbing only to find a couple hours of story and it was "all the same regardless of character". 2. They don't want to be FORCED to repeat the same exact story, over and over and over and over in order to level up characters fast and effectively. (ie flashpoint / pvp xp vs story xp) 3. Weekly "caps"./ gear grind. This has actually stifled many of our members that were EXTREMELY active in 6.x and now are frustrated they are being given a disincentive to play by capping their medals... combined with the extreme extent of the gear grind compared to the previous expansions. 4. Appearance Tab. People are FURIOUS they've spent real money on weapons in the cartell market and can't use them now due to their stats bringing down their item rating. Not sure what about MMORPGs that brings out the fashion designer in everyone, but there it is. That....and the unify colors is broken. You can't undo it. 5. Not being able to re-spec. We're in a guild or pre-made group and we can't change our spec/roll inside a flashpoint or operations .... AND/OR we made a mistake and want to make that second class choice again. While we are but a microcosm of our server, and the game, we are not a small group. We've been around since SWG... going on 18 year old community guilds, with a massive history with thousand upon thousands of members. Help us Bioware, you're our only hope! A few simple and rapid fixes could really help to fix the boil here. Post Script. Loadouts are Wizard! Thank you! Signed,
  6. Im wanting to run characters ....all my many many characters up to 80, but I kept getting notifications that Im losing medals of commendation. So, now I DON'T want to do any activities that earn those, which limits what I can do and want to do... to only those things that don't waste comms. This system has ZERO value. PLEASE REMOVE WEEKLY CAPS.
  7. EA, I expect this from, but I used to have more confidence in Bioware. Why do say... 90%+ of your customers play this game? Because they love Star Wars and want to create their own look and feel to their own characters, You KNOW this already because you charge and arm and a leg in cartel coins for us to use certain appearance items. However... then... you make it so our chosen and paid for appearance (weapons) can't be used. I didnt pay 2800 cartel coins for my Lightsaber to be 14 item ratings lower and thus essentially not useable. Yes yes, I know... "but 7.1" However, the CURRENT appearance tab is now broken.... unify colors is locked and cant be under done. This was a KNOWN bug, reported in PTS. /sigh.... Such are things when you are 10 year subscriber on 2 accounts with thousand spent on cartel coins....
  8. I TOLD YOU SO. lol Loving the forums now... everyone sees what I was talking about months ago
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