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  1. Yup! I thought so too, which is when I was going through the servers for my different characters. Turns out I already have a 47 assassin, I think it was my very first one. I might think about transferring it, but I'm gonna stick with a PT which I dont have one yet,.
  2. I see, I know force was always a problem. But would you say that sin madness is now on the same level of a sorcs madness?
  3. Not solo ranked, just pvp in general. Mostly gonna be regs. But I made a PT as a last minute decision because I remembered I have a Sin already on another server, and if I really wanted to. I could transfer it. But thank you so much! Also, why is madness better on a sin? Isn't it essentially the worse off special brother of the sorcs? The 10m range of the sin, doesnt that counteract the benefits of madness of nuking from afar? Maybe the skills have changed these few patches but back when I played, madness was never used.
  4. Wow thanks so much! Advice is nice! :3 plus made a PT, really liking it so far. I really like the melee/range hybrid feel so I can just run around
  5. Hmmm. I see, I guess i'll level up a sin and just play with it for a bit.I just dont want to waste a day of double exp figuring it out
  6. I understand the player is the most important, but you say they're almost equal to you, but in this post you basically put sins on the pedestal. I get the PVP balance, but how about in like questing, leveling and PVE? (since i'll be doing those to level also)
  7. I mean it looks boring, but if I survived the tracer missile spam on a merc, hahaha. I think pyro will be loads more fun. But wow, it's such a close struggle with PT and a sin. Although i'm mainly focusing on pvp, I plan to level with like KDY, FP and planet quests quickly, and isn't deception slow, because it's always 1v1?
  8. GAH. #firstworldproblems I honestly have no ideal, they both seem like very fun classes. But I feel like in higher level PVP, a PT might struggle more because I see it more as a support damage class, and not really a class that can kill an enemy to the end because of the DOT's. please feel free to correct me
  9. I have to say, beautifully and well stated
  10. Who would usually have an easier time to like offtank? Say you see a healer getting destroyed, who would survive better, if I happened to switch to tank stance and begin taunting and guarding? Also, dps wise, which of the two (Sin or PT) is more consistently at the top?
  11. Hey guys! Recently came back after a few months and saw a new reason to sub back up, this new update looks fun! Anyways, I already have a maxed 55 but I don't mind playing the story again because I enjoyed and I can make different choices. But I am looking to get your opinion on the following classes for PVP. Operative Powertech Assassin Although I say I want your opinion on PVP, I will most likely be leveling them up on PVE methods (FP's, KDY, Planets) but I do plan on PVP'ing loads cause I really enjoy it. Anyways, I know what you are going to say what I want to be able to do, either heal or tank but let's not focus on that, and only PVP opinions. I do enjoy the burstiness of the operative and assassins, but who can usually come out better? And who can recover more quickly with say a missed rotation? Also the powertech because I really like the BH's, and I hear they're in a pretty good place right now. (Please don't suggest another class :3) Thank you and much appreciated!
  12. After thinking about it, I'm basically just down to Harbinger and Shadowlands.
  13. Aw man! This really makes the decisions hard for me. As of now, I know that there have been many for Harbinger, Jedi Covenant, Shadowlands and Jung Ma. The decisions are crazy hard because each server has something that I really want an enjoy. I personally love to PVP even though it may not be the best exp, but I'm not sure if I really want to do ranked matches in the future or maybe PVE HM FP or Ops. In the end, I'm truly stumped. But it's surprising hearing that some servers have 2-3 instances of fleet, where on Bergeron It's hard to even get 2... so that's really surprising.
  14. So anyways, I'm at the stage in my SWTOR life where I'm trying to decide on a final server to play on. For most MMO's that I've played, I've found that the RP servers are generally more nice and helpful because there are more people who enjoy the game for its nature (hence the RP) but now that I've gotten a good grasp of the game I wanted to know what you guys thought of your own servers? PVP (lowbie, middle, 55) Is imp OP or pub OP? PVE (FP's, OPS) Is it easy for a group finder queue to pop? Community (how's the population?) If you could rank each of those three categories something along 1-10, I just want to know of your opinions on your servers?
  15. Well either way, I think I'll probably try out both servers. As of now Bastion queue's are pretty nice. Also I added you!
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