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    California...don't hold that against me ;)
  1. Doesn't sounds like a probably many people have. I have never used more than 5 slots. 16 slots seems like a lot already to me.
  2. Yea, I am at this point too. I have 306 full set gear for all 10 characters. I even have 3 bank tabs full of 306 mods. I don't do pets. So, all I can do is buy more mounts or decorations from the Ossus vendor. I like the idea of a cartel cert vendor for tech frags. I would suggest maybe some new decorations or weapon tuning, etc. but those are cartel market items. And, they probably don't want too many alternatives to such a money maker (i.e. they want you subscribing to get those, or purchasing coins outright to get them).
  3. For me, learning to make money/gold/credits is just part of the game. It helps with the immersion and with developing a player-driven economy (i.e. everyone is doing something that someone else is willing to pay them for). You can argue if things are too expensive (call them credit sinks if you like...it's not completely inaccurate), or there is too many things that cost money, but you need to have things cost money. That is a big part of a game..working for what you want to buy. Games try to make lots of ways to do this, so you can choose the way you enjoy most, but you need "credit sinks" to have a reward system, a player-driven economy, a sense accomplishment, etc. You can claim that just finding stuff or doing stuff that give you things is a better system. But in the end, you get rewarded for time and effort playing the game. It doesn't matter one bit if you get credits for your time and efforts to buy things with, or just find things at spaced out intervals. You still are getting rewarded for time and effort playing the game.
  4. Leveling isn't easy enough? I mean you basically going to be max level before you even finish your class story with double XP. I suppose it doesn't matter if that is what you want. But it doesn't seem like it is necessary, or even enjoyable, to me.
  5. yea, splurged on new sin I made. Spent like 30 mil on a new outfit, and another 40 mil on an unstable peacemaker doublesaber. And, then realized it sheathed on his back. Basically ruining the look of the outfit (big pipe sticking in and then back out of my cool new black robes...exterminator set). I was pretty disappointed as it was not the look I had spent so much of my hard-earned credits to get. But he still looks cool with the saber out, and I have gotten used to the sheathed look on the back (or maybe learned to block it out). what else can you do?
  6. Probably have to keep saying it until they either fix it or get rid of it. That is usually the way it works.
  7. I spend a great deal of my time logging in and out of characters to run crafting missions as well. It is annoying and very time consuming. But I am not sure there is a practical way to access and effect all characters at the same time either. I suspect this is just one of those limitations we are going to have to learn to live with.
  8. I agree. There are more weeklies that you can't do in a day (sometimes not even in 2 or 3 days). I usually have 5-10 missions I am working on throughout the week (weekly fp vet, weekly fp mm, ossus heroic weekly, pvp weekly, and so on). So, I often can't pick up all the quests on planets like onderon all at once. I have to go do 2-4 of them, then come back and get the rest. It would be nice if they up'd the limit 5-10 missions to accommodate that there is more things to do (and you may be holding on to some missions for more than a day).
  9. I agree. If they can't make walker missions fun, then get rid of them. I mean you are jumping into a major machine of war. It should be "it's time to F some things up".....NOT "oh this is hard, I hope I can get it done without dying too much". That is my opinion anyway. Make it fun or get rid of it.
  10. I for one get tired of my pve character being nerfed to try to balance pvp. If you think one class is op, then level one and have fun. I mean your complaint is they are not being nerfed right? So, you have plenty of time to level one if pvp is your thing. I leveled both an assassin and an operative since 6.0 came out just to have fun with them in pve. Now as soon as I do, they get majorly nerfed and become no fun to play in pve? All my work wasted because you are too lazy to level one yourself? Seriously, I am getting to the point where I wish they would just make pvp generic. Regardless of class, everyone gets the same 10-20 skills/abilities. Regardless of gear, everyone gets the same stats. Then it is "balanced" and we can stop screwing up everyone's toons because pvp'er never shut up about "balance".
  11. I am a returning player that actually loves the new gearing system. I was confused at first, but then joined my first guild and they told me what to do (gearing is only an issue if you do it wrong). Step one: choose a stealth character to level to 75 (do the story and get the free 268 set that comes from doing it). Step two: run Red Reaper stealth runs with another stealth character (both your companions on heal at first, then one heal, one dps as your gear gets a little better). You literally stealth through and just kill the bosses and complete the FP in about 15 mins once you know what to do. Step three: after each run, put on whatever gear is an upgrade then deconstruct everything else. Step four: every few runs check if you have any gear that hasn't upgraded (i.e. all your gear is 286 but 2 low pieces still at 276). This will hurt your gear rating (and thus the drops you get), so use all the tech frags you now have to update those pieces at the random vendor in supply (it is almost always an upgrade...like 80-90%). And, that is it. Rinse and repeat. I went from 268 to 306 in about 2 days (probably 6 hours total). And, after that I keep doing it for another 3 days and outfitted all 8 of my toons in 306 gear. So, after a week of work, I now can do anything I want on any character I want, and 306 gear and tech frags drop (raiding, pvp, fp's, heroics, dailies, conquest, whatever all give more 306 pieces/comps and frags). Then as you play, you use the tech frags to buys set pieces, and will get plenty of 306 comps to stick in your legacy vault to fill the set pieces as you get them. Joining a guild and doing some conquest on a few characters will speed that up a lot too. It's easy, and you can do anything you want after the initial fp runs. So, get some beer, put on some tunes and do some stealth red reaper runs for a few days.....or don't and keep complaining how hard it is.
  12. I am a returning player that actually loves the new gearing system. I was confused at first, but then joined my first guild and they told me what to do (gearing is only an issue if you do it wrong). Step one: choose a stealth character to level to 75 (do the story and get the free 268 set that comes from doing it). Step two: run Red Reaper stealth runs with another stealth character (both your companions on heal at first, then one heal, one dps as your gear a gets a little better). You literally stealth through and just kill the bosses and complete the FP in about 15 mins once you know what to do. Step three: after each run, put on whatever gear is an upgrade then deconstruct everything else. Step four: every few runs check if you have any gear that hasn't upgrades (i.e. all your gear is 286 but 2 low pieces still at 276). This will hurt your gear rating (and thus the drops you get), so use all the tech frags you now have to update those pieces at the random vendor in supply (it is almost always an upgrade...like 80-90%). And, that is it. Rinse and repeat. I went from 268 to 306 in about 2 days (probably 6 hours total). And, after that I keep doing it for another 3 days and outfitted all 8 of my toons in 306 gear. So, after a week of work, I now can do anything I want on any character I want, and 306 gear and tech frags drop (raiding, pvp, fp's, heroics, dailies, conquest, whatever all give more 306 pieces/comps). Then as you play, you use the tech frags to buys set pieces, and will get plenty of 306 comps to stick in your legacy vault to fill the set pieces as you get them. Joining a guild and doing some conquest on a few characters will speed that up a lot too. It's easy, and you can do anything you want after the initial fp runs. So, get some beer, put on some tunes and do some stealth red reaper runs for a few days.....or don't and keep complaining how hard it is.
  13. Like most of the changes in Onslaught the problem, I think, is in the combination of changes. Instead of JUST nerfing comp heals, they gave cd's to all comp heals as well. So, now you are usually being overhealed (hitting you with their big heals when just need small heals) or getting no heals (waiting for cd's on their heals). And when you combine that with the fact that melee characters often take more dams (mob aoe, and melee dps as well as dps from range mobs), your comps are as likely to use their heals on themselves as you. So, they are fine, but you are stuck without heals and your comps heals on cd. Like many changes in Onslaught, they weren't thoroughly thought out and tested. They calculate (for example) that healing is overdone by 10%, so they nerf heals 10%.... but then they decide that heals all need cds. But they never calculate and test how those two changes will work together (let alone how it will effect melee comps that take more dps and tend to heal themselves more often).
  14. I get bored easily, which is why I play a lot of different characters (no real "main"....I have 10 "mains"). So, I think that each VA is appropriate to each character. I like taking on a different style, personality, and way of approaching things. But if I had to pick the one I find the most fun, more often, I would probably say male BH and SW. They just sound like tough Mother-f'ers. Makes me feel like "yea, let's go F up some ****!". However, it is nice to change the pace too and go with a calm Jedi stealthing through objectives, or a sneaky/clever smuggler sneaking about, or smug/arrogant SI throwing lightening around, and so on. I like the change of pace and assuming a different character. I would get bored otherwise. In short, I think all the voice acting is appropriate to the class they are done for. It's just a matter of who I want to be today.
  15. yes, it can get really annoying and frustrating when it happens over and over and over. Feels kind of like a really laggy game (pause, do something, pause, keep pausing, ok you can do something again, no you are paused again). As a special bonus, I am currently doing Kotet with my new powertech in the Meteor Brawler set. And, just as I get all the buffs right and my shield is about to explode causing big dps, I get knocked back....95% of the time!! No, I am serious. 95% of the time when fighting silver or gold elite (of which every 3rd fight of the hundreds of fights you have to do in kotet includes one). So, when I could actually use the set bonus dps, it uselessly explodes before I can leap back to elite or boss....9 times out of 10. It is very annoying. Knocked back exactly 1-2 seconds before it explodes...EVERY FREAKING TIME! ...and it is because I am being knocked back every few seconds.
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