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  1. I love that you're finally holding to your original Same Gender Romance promise, but still no CHARACTER TRANSFERS? Wow, what gives with the absence in SWTOR of this very common service? Like many others, I've been asking since the forced server mergers with no luck. Please address this issue. You could make a lot of MONEY by implementing it, by the way.... Arete Furioso, Jedi Covenant (my preferred server) Arete Medici, Ebonhawk (the server I would like to leave with my original main, which I abandoned because her original server was deserted)
  2. Entropy Reborn is very active, raids Fri., Sat. and Tues. with a no pressure, laid back and very fun (but successful) style, many of us pvp but we aren't hardcore in any way. We're adding HEALS & DPS for both our 8 and 16-player OPs. If you're looking for a quality community and people who know their skills and the game, but aren't egotistical about it, contact me. On Jedi Covenant server: Arete (send me a tell or email me with a good evening time to meet). Our website: http://entropyx.enjin.com/ We are an EST, 18 year old+ adult-only guild that emphasizes friendship, helping guildies gear up so they can do OPs with us, and fine cuisine! We have COOKIES!--
  3. Entropy Reborn is very active, raids Fri., Sat. and Tues. with a no pressure, laid back and very fun (but successful) style, many of us pvp but we aren't hardcore in any way. We're adding HEALS & DPS for both our 8 and 16-player OPs. If you're looking for a quality community and people who know their skills and the game, but aren't egotistical about it, contact me. On Jedi Covenant server: Arete (send me a tell or email me with a good evening time to meet). Our website: http://entropyx.enjin.com/ We are an EST, 18 year old+ adult-only guild that emphasizes friendship, helping guildies gear up so they can do OPs with us, and FUN!--
  4. I don't know if you've decided, already rerolled and are building your new toon. My guild Entropy Reborn is very active, raids Fri., Sat. and Tues. with a no pressure, laid back and very fun (but successful) style, many of us pvp but we aren't hardcore in any way. If you're looking for a quality community and people who know their skills and the game, but aren't egotistical about it, contact me. On Jedi Covenant server: Arete (send me a tell if I'm on, or an email to arrange an invite) Our website: http://entropyx.enjin.com/ Good luck in whatever you decide to do--
  5. One word: TRANSFERS! (Give them to us please!) Please, please, PRETTY PLEASE.....with SUGAR ON TOP! We'll gladly PAY YOU! (Bioware you could do this through the cartel coin thing...). Arete on Jedi Cov (and her diffused, dissociated family of characters on other servers)
  6. This is a false argument, since those of us who want to consolidate our characters on one server are NOT PLAYING our toons on the server we want to leave--we ARE playing our newer characters on our preferred server. Further, we won't overload our preferred server because a person can only play a SINGLE character on his or her account at a time. Bioware, give your paying customers what they want! We''ve been asking for this service for 7 or 8 months, and you stubbornly refuse our request. It seems like you don't want OUR money, yet you''re gouging FTP players at every opportunity. What gives?
  7. So my merc has been utterly nerfed, with various builds that used to rock PvP now only *meh* due to heat management issues and actual damage reduction of specific skills, while marauders for example, are now totally OP. What is the rationale in the way the devs EMPOWER/NERF classes while trying (and failing) to BALANCE PvP? Discuss: Arete, Merc & PT and many other toons, too many to list here.... Jedi Cov & Ebon Hawk servers
  8. Many of us have been asking since early in 2012 for the ability to transfer our characters from one server to another. We're still waiting, Bioware! Why did you load the servers up with FTP customers and NOT give your PAYING customers the opportunity to transfer to the server of their choice FIRST? It makes no sense as a business model. Please give us an ETA for this service. Arete and many others, My server: Jedi Covenant The server my original toons were FORCED to go to and that I no longer play because they are there: Ebon Hawk
  9. 1) The ability to transfer my characters from one server to another. We're still waiting, Bioware! Why did you load the servers up with FTP customers and NOT give your PAYING customers the opportunity to transfer to the server of their choice FIRST? It makes no sense as a business model. 2) Paid transfers. 3) Paid transfers. 4) Paid transfers. 5) PAID TRANSFERS! Arete and many others, Servers: Jedi Covenant and Ebon Hawk
  10. Will we be able to move our stranded toons to our current servers with the 1.5 patch? This is an important issue to many of us, so please be clear. If not with 1.5, then what is the time window during which this can be expected? Thanks--
  11. We SWTOR faithful begain asking for this since BEFORE the server "consolidations" (ie, FORCED transfers....). All we wanted was for BW to allow us to move our tooons from our old servers to the newer ones we now play on, but we've been stonewalled for so long that now one other person and I are the only ones who haven't left the game. (Originally there were 25-30 paying guildies who wanted to do this). At this point there are so few of us left to play the game at all, that when paid transfers are finally brought online, no one will care anymore. That seems like a HUGE revenue stream that Bioware/EA has ignored, which brings me to my main point. Clearly they don't CARE about making money or they wouldn't have driven their core player base away from the game by NOT fixing bugs that have been around since beta, by NOT addressing the crappy crafting system in any really meaningful way, and by NOT offering paid character transfers back when the game had half a million subscribers. If you want to know how NOT to succeed in managing an MMO, talk to Bioware/EA or Enix-Squaresoft, the pathetic makers of the craptastic FF XIV.
  12. "THE BEST POSSIBLE EXPERIENCE"? Not really, since you have utterly ignored the MANY THOUSANDS of requests made by those of us who actually WANT to move our toons to a different server in order to consolidate our character families.... I've been asking to do this since April and have been utterly ignored, as have many other players.Numerous people in my guild left the game since they couldn't bring their main toons over to their CHOSEN server (in this case Jedi Covenant, where Bioware has now merged yet another server full of players who did NOT want to move there, forcing many of them to change their various names). This constant professing of the intent to "improve your players' collective experience" has become pretty old, and is clearly the company line. Considering how many of us would have PAID you to allow us to transfer our characters, though, Bioware's business sense clearly CAN'T be very sharp. Thanks for NOT listening....I know this post will be IGNORED just like the many others made by myself and other players in similar situations who came to this game with huge customer loyalty but are now disgruntled and feeling disenfranchised.
  13. Same here as the OP, I want to play on the server I rerolled on MONTHS AGO because my original server was DEAD. I now have a whole community of players I hang out with but my HIGH LEVEL LEGACY and all my GEARED, HIGH-LEVEL CRAFTER toons are of NO USE TO ME. Sorry for the caps but there are a number of responders on this thread who seem to think those of us in this situation are just whining. I began to play back during beta and am now being told my time investment and my devotion to the game are worth NOTHING to Bioware.I don't want cheap rewards, I want to play the characters I have built with the FRIENDS I have made in the game. These kinds of attachments are what keep players like me in an MMO. Saga (oh wait, no I had to rename her because that name was TAKEN.....) Indigo (oh, same thing, my name was taken on the server I was forced to transfer to...)
  14. Like many other SWTOR devotees, I transferred my characters as asked by BW to the designated server even though it is not where I want to play. So there they sit, useless to me really. I'm waiting for paid transfers to allow me to bring my entire family of characters together. No amount of junky rewards or hollow, useless ingame crap will make me and other players like me happy about our situation. Please allow us to PAY you to bring our geared, high legacy/crewskill characters to the server we prefer, which we rerolled on months ago because our original servers were DEAD. Please quit offering us junk to try to make us happy, and take care of those players who have supported the game since beta and pre-launch. Thanks for listening. Signed, AVSFP (A very sad, frustrated player) Saga (now changed to another irrelevant, meaningless name on a useless, overcrowded server.) Indigo (" " " " " " ...)
  15. Sadly, many of us are leaving the game since the legacies and skilled/geared characters we worked so hard to build are now relegated to servers on which we have no desire to play. At least 6 people in my current guild are leaving the game. No QQ, just honesty here. Bioware is blind (or maybe it's EA's decision, I have no idea who is dictating this very BAD business decision). See you in GW2 and Secret World!
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