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10 Good
  1. completely agree. Huttball is laggy, 80% of the people in the match dont play the objective anyway. Yea not a fun time. We queue as a guild and always leave every huttball match we get, which as you stated tends to be the bulk of the maps in the "random" queue. If you stay in the match until it almost starts you can watch people join group "nope!" and leave. Ive seen entire teams turn over the roster because so many people absolutely HATE huttball. I really wish devs actually read this stuff and addressed some of these problems because shoving huttball in everyones face is just making people dislike pvp, or the game in general.
  2. It kinda seems like maybe you rushed right to the forums after an Op trashed you in your last PvP match. Ops generally play away from the main group and therefor without a healer nearby. They take heavy damage and lack alot in the way of mitigations, so they instead use heals. There are almost always self heals, and the larger healing ones are due to the Op in question spending utilities points to spec into certain things, they do not naturally run around being able to heal for that much. When the Op is spending those utility points to buff their healing it means they are losing utilities elsewhere, so its not all roses for the Op either.
  3. I see your point of view I do agree that the matchmaker system definitely does sometimes create some very lopsided group comps. I want to encourage anyone with a genuine interest in PvP to be able to play and have fun doing so. In the cases where people dont enjoy being a solo player because they feel like they always lose, perhaps they should look at joining a guild which does pvp activities so they arent always playing by themselves. Personally I find as I stated in my original post that so many people nowadays dont care about winning and losing, and they only worry about putting up stats, that they really dont care if their team is going to lose the fight. I think we see more people leaving a match because their attempting to get matched up with their friends, or they simply dislike the map. I know my personal experience since I've been back is that I get a disproportionate number of huttball games compared to anything else.
  4. As an old player from beta and launch just returning after 5yrs away, there are definitly some differences now in pvp. Id like to touch on a couple things i think can help pvp. 1: stop undergeared players from queueing into 75 pvp. I saw a guy the other night wearing his level 70 teir set. If youre too lazy to equip any upgrades you received while leveling, you have no business in pvp. If you dont exempt them all the way then tune your matchmaker so that each team has the same amount of gimps and not one team having all the undergeared while the other team has none. Another idea is to sort pvp by ilevel instead of character level. Ive been back 6 weeks. In 4 weeks i had 7 toons to 75 in full 306 with 6pc teir, augments, amps, and BiS stats. Its not hard to do, help us out with those who are too lazy to do the bare minimum. 2: remove the limit of how many healers i can queue into a group. If the match allows multiple healers and i have 2 in my group, matchmake around that. 3: allow 8man raid group to queue unranked and run guild premade events. In the old days we used to time two 4man groups but it would seem the matchmaker system has made this alot more difficult to do now. In 3 hours we managed two groups where we were on the same team. If we are placed on opposite teams we are all leaving the match and its causing warzones end due to not enough players anyhow. 4: bring back pvp gear and warzone comms. If i wanted to run flashpoints all day to farm gear id be a pve player. Im not. Therefor i dont like the new system that forces me into a segment of the game i dont enjoy, just to get the tech frags for my gear to pvp. 5: immortal juggs running all dps stats and grit teeth and way overtuned and besides having the best survivability in the game are also frequently the top dps. In a game earlier today matchmaker put 4 of these juggs and 2 healers on the other team, its damn near impossible. An adjustment to the offensive stats of tank spec characters through the bolster system would tune them back in line with everything else while not breaking them outside the warzone. 6: create a team deathmatch map where the team who hits a certain number of killing blows first wins the game. No turrets, no pylons, no ball. Just fighting. Ive seen so many current players who only care about padding their stats and not actually trying to win the match. Maybe giving them a game where they can roll their face across the keyboard would get it out of their system. 7: make pvp rewards alot better. There is a huge difference in rewards between pvp and flashpoints. If there was something alot better to be gained by being the winning team, maybe it would help players actually care about winning and not just their dps. The current rewards for winning are so mediocre that there isnt really a point to care beyond pride of not being a loser with high dps.
  5. No offense intended but maybe youre just bad healers, because the really good ones can have 3 or 4 people focusing them and it can take minutes to finally kill them.
  6. the problem is, you can halfheartedly pvp as you level and still have enough coms for a 204 set the moment you hit 65, there is really zero excuse for being in bad gear. I dont ***** about people not having their augments and such, but if you dont have your 204's youre essentially wasting every elses time that had to group with you.
  7. I agree, its out of hand. Im sick of PvE being biowares baby and PvP being an after thought. We couldnt show up for a raid in that gear we would get kicked, so why is it ok that they show up in PvP looking like a bunch of scrubs. 3 gear sets should be available, one for currency purchase as a starter set, then they can be at least semi useful, then 2 you earn like the current model. You could make our day as PvP players by also matchmaking based on a valor range. so 60+ valor ranks dont get slapped in a match with the first timers.
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