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10 Good
  1. It was a let down. Too much pandering to casual gamers by dumbing everything down, neutering gear for pvp (even FPSs make you unlock the better weapons now), Too many glitches with everything in the game (Did EV, got to Soa, then he glitched and we had just wasted all that time for a programming error). This is not meant offensively but when we played me and my guild would ask ourselves did anyone designing this game actually play? Obviously pleasing casual gamers is probably how you get closer to WoW numbers of subs but it alienates hardcore gamers. A huge miss for you guys has to be companions. I actually love your idea for crafting, the companions were great and a nice way to get the grinding feeling out of mat gathering. Like your devs have acknowledged in the forum it looks like it'd be perfect for smartphone, yet none has shown up. There must be a lapse of business sense behind the decision to not include that in launch or get it out in the following 3 months. Every company, entertainment medium, social network, wants to increase the amount of the time people spend on their services. You guys have a perfect opportunity to get people to spend a large part of their off gaming time still being connected to your game on their smart phones and then not being able to wait to get home and use all their mats, etc. But you guys seem to have no intention of pushing it out soon, frankly missing a huge engagement chance for your consumers. Finally, my last two complaints, traveling and space. First traveling, Why is there so much of it, to get from spaceship to to planet is a chore. I know your changing some parts but that doesn't explain all the wasted time just running the same alleyways for no logical reason. Since spaceships can and should be able to land on every planet since you can take a shuttle thats just parked on the planet right back up into space. Speeders, why are speeders so slow. Seriously the 90%-110% speed increase just indicates you think the speeders should only be twice as fast as a person jogging, not even sprinting. Again just makes me wonder who played this game before launching. SPEEDers should be significantly faster. It would make your giant planets more enjoyable, because they are awesome, until i realize i have to autorun for 5 minutes just to pick up an item and return. Some Dev should try out city of heroes just for the travel. For all that game got wrong it got travel, which is really just downtime in between game time, perfect and actually made it the most fun part of the game. Obviously you can't do what they did but its proof the ability to quickly travel can add fun and add value to the game, not just shorten the time it takes to finish it. Then finally things like Voss were you have put these giant buildings that you can't use your speeders in. What am I gaining from running through this over sized and almost completely empty building? If your gonna make them giant at least put a lot inside. Space. Who thought in a STAR WARS MMORPGs space should be regulated to a single player mini game? This is the biggest dropped ball of the game. Star Wars is just as much about space as it is light sabers. You could have and at the very least should have just copied Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter and put it in your game as co-op space and it would have been a significant step up and that game came out in 2002. Realistically, it should have been an equal part of the game. You can't fly your ship from planet to planet, Zero free roaming in space, because space isn't a big open space ripe for exploration in its nature. On earth today there are more variants of space ships, yet in this game you felt the need to only make 4, less then the number of classes you have. None of which you can customize. Yes you can equip new gear but it doesn't change anything visual inside our out about your ship. You could have at least re-skinned the blasters to be different colors. I had high hopes for this game, but after hitting 50 and just grinding the same activities I've grown bored.
  2. some of this and other good info was said already, but if i had to pick the top 3 i'd tell another inf shadow: Dont use a move unless you have the buff for it beforehand; i.e. dont use project without its buffs, dont do the in the bk attack without its buff. minus double strike/clairvoyant since they generate buffs Use force potency, its the best i don't think i saw you use it in the vid, but i might have missed it. Get the original attack you have, the free slashing attack you start with, off your quickslot and never use it again. stick with double strike/clairvoyant strike
  3. yours, but i wouldn't. Not worth it compared to whatever its replacing.
  4. this is a known issue, they tried fixing it. Kinda. Originally all the turrets were pointed at the Pub ship so when they hacked it would start firing right away while the Pubs had to wait for theirs to turn around 180 degrees first. In 1.1 i think they seemed to have "fixed it" all the turrets point center so it looks like its neutral. But it turns out they just changed the turret animations to look at center, but left the turret programming itself still pointed at the ships so they still start getting shots off right away.
  5. i can't agree with this, travel times are stupid in this. Why to leave a planet do i need to go to large spaceport where mounts can't be used->elevator-> overly long hallway with nothing in it called an air lock where mounts still can't be used-> ship. More then that why are the mounts 90/100/110%. 10-20% for another 280k-310k+. I cannot think of a single reason why the mounts aren't 100-150-200. I'm not sure if anyone has played City of Heroes but traveling was the best part of the game, which in most games is the most boring. I'm not saying making it super hero speed, but speed it up a little. IMO all the traveling and over sized buildlings which dont let you use mounts in isn't adding any positives it just increased downtime. Thats slightly off topic I agree for this case they need to remove the exploit
  6. Raynor. Because not only can i kill sorcs, i also kill hydras.
  7. It should be the more bags you buy the more increased your chance of gear. So if your on a bad luck streak you know the odds are stacking up you'll eventually get it. I'm not talking about a severe increase in chance, but a gentle one that stacks after every bag and when you get gear resets.
  8. getting close to 50, happy you took the time for this. Thank you!
  9. thats what i heard, then i respec'd last night, first time since the first week the game was out, cost me 1100ish. So unless the free is only once then they start charging it doesn't seem it resets.
  10. it is there, i have mine turned on.
  11. Why dont they in the bag rolling, and crew gathering skills, increase your chance of a "crit" the more you do something, so if you get up to having to do it 10-20 times your chance of finally getting it are raised. Helps reward perseverance, not compound bad luck.
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