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10 Good
  1. Dear OP: Orly? My points: Marauder apparently isn't for you, back to the drawing board, OP. EXTINCT <Tactical Wookiee Assault Team> 50 Annihilation Marauder MOST BLOATED SERVER ON NA - THE FATMAN - EAST COAST PVP
  2. Posting my comment in another forum post? Good game, Bioware.
  3. I read "1v1" and basically, didn't want to read further. MMOs should never make 1v1 a focal point - this is about group play. Not mention, you are meant to be outclassed by other classes and not meant to be able to beat everything 1v1. Sure, sure, it'll be a demonstration of skill if you can beat your counter class - but it should never be about solo-play. IMO, there needs to be more of an emphasis on larger, group-based play than smaller or solo play. Not to mention, 2/3 of the WZs available to us are "gimmicky." Inquisitors/Consulars sprint over the bridged area in Voidstar before the defending team can res on that side for an easy, uncontested door cap and Huttball has a tendency to give advantage to classes that are able to push/pull players into hazards or off the steel relentlessly depending on make-up. Though, the latter argument will likely lose steam in a rated scenario. TBD.
  4. Enjoyed the video, didn't read entire thread - so not sure if you've answered... But do you mind telling me how much Endurance and Willpower you have total? (You can include the numbers if they're buffed numbers, but let me know what buffs you're including.) More concerned with the Willpower total, to be honest though. Thanks.
  5. I've been rocking something very similar. (33/0/8) I go 3/3 in Nerve Wracking, unlike Powerr, in an attempt to have more oomph on some skills when I have the ability to Spike/Electrocute. It's a little involved to do this, but when everything is lined up and on crit - I am fully capable of dishing out an 8k Critical Force Lightning on players with extreme amounts of expertise - which to me, as a tank, seems pretty damn nice. I will say one thing I've been thinking about, Powerr - your Project ability. We've all had talks about the animation being much different than our SI's Shock. Our Shock's damage appears pretty much instantly upon activation - whereas a JC's Project has a bit of an animation delay. And what I'm noticing is that this almost works to your favour in this rotation. By the time your Project animation completes and puts damage on your target, you're off the swing timer - so your Project and Slow Time's damage sandwiches very closely. Negligible? Sure - but curious and definitely feels more burst-like. I've also had to defend my spec and Powerr's spec. A lot of Tank Sins think there's no utility in Slow Time/Wither.
  6. What needs to be fixed, first and foremost, is the PvP tank stats in general. In my opinion, their benefit pales in comparison to the benefits a DPS will get with their PvP stats. I suggest this post by Taugrim on his site. Sure, you're not a Vanguard, but this link is how tank stats work - if you're going with actual tank sets in PvP, this might let you understand how the stats affect (or don't really affect) what happens to you. http://taugrim.com/2012/01/19/understanding-swtors-avoidance-and-mitigation-mechanics-for-tanks-in-pvp/ I'm a BM-geared Tank Sin - and for the most part, I'd say a Jugg is pretty hardy in terms of survivability, but I've yet to play one personally.
  7. Okay. Now that your announcement is over. Do you want your cookie now or later?
  8. Summary of original post: I want PvP gear so I can pretend to be a PvPer - but I'm only willing to PvP at the very minimum and do not like to PvP more than what's absolutely neccessary. Please stop trying to make PvP even more casual and easier than it already is.
  9. If you actually care at all about competitive PvP, you should be happy that everyone will be geared - because when you kill somebody, it means you might actually possess skill - not just a higher % of expertise. Can we lock this and move on?
  10. Uninformed post is uninformed. I still see Scoundrels/Operatives killing 12% Expertise tanks in a matter of 5-8 seconds.
  11. An operatives role has always been a healer/teammate peel. Not a hey-look-I-can-destroy-a-tank-with-heals-and-buffs-and-other-****-with-the-ball-look-at-me-go-I'm-pro-I-should-Fraps-this role. Get teammates. Cry less. This just in; MMOs are about group play. -------------------- 50 Concealment Op My 15k Crit on a BM Jugg
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