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10 Good
  1. Server merges. Has to be. Too many dead servers for it not to be.
  2. No. Ts is easier when I'm playing swtor. And my premade can coordinate better in wzs to beat pugs.
  3. So you don't want people to talk with their friends while playing a video game? That sounds boring. You know youre playing a MMO right?
  4. Brewkrew

    Its back !

    I agree tactics is more fun. I'd rather 1v2 or 1v3 running pyro cause the burst is crazy stupid since 2.8. Ezmode.
  5. Brewkrew

    Its back !

    This is all true.
  6. Wow dude. Just wow. Look at the date of that post. L2forumpvp.
  7. Question guys. Ive heard pvpers have been transferring to the harb and here. Is this true and if so how are the ranked solo pops? Group ranked? Pretty even faction wise? Thanks for any info. Looking for a new home...Bastion seems to be dying quickly.
  8. I like how they feel like a bag of sand.
  9. Don't talk logic. Stay bad like the op.
  10. I go pub side when i see him on and get 4 points for a win...
  11. Bump. Cause I want this on the first page.
  12. Some wins I only get 4 for. But biowares ELO sure takes 14 to 17 on any loss I get.
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