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    Magikarp, Games, Computers, Anime
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  1. Just upload them to any picture sharing site, then copy the link and paste it inside some [/img] tags and you should be good to go.
  2. IMHO Legacy system is pretty cool from a role playing point of view, but I already have a full set of characters, that I would level to get a set of bonuses to use. I've become attached to these characters and can't picture deleting them to use the ability I have rightfully earned. I would be much more excited if I had extra character slots, a way to gain them though the legacy system, or if the legacy worked cross server. It makes it feel pointless to level two characters of the same class, because you get no extra, relevant bonuses from leveling the same class twice. It makes it hard for me to both part with, and work towards leveling the characters I already have. It makes finishing getting an alt to level 50, because I cannot use the bonus of using their race on a new character because I simply don't have the space. It's quite a personal problem I have with the system that I feel something as simple as more character slots could fix. I was wondering if anyone else shared this?
  3. Questions I for which I raised my hand: - For Customer Support, what method is currently implemented for reading customer email or in game tickets that allows for users to receive the incorrect customer service response, and are any improvements to be made to this? - Are there any plans to not automatically close a ticket, so that updates (requested by customer service or not) can be made without creating a new ticket, or possibly a method for the user to be the ones to close tickets?
  4. I agree, just curious as to what the specific ones for this one were.
  5. There is a lot of talk on the forums of issues that were noticed and pointed out by the users during beta that the dev's have seemingly ignored. Rumors have spread that the warnings of these testers were also ignored. As someone who only had access to the beta forums for a very limited amount of time, I was wondering if anyone could give specifics on these issues and which ones are still not being addressed. This is not a post of my doubt of such issues existing, just me hoping to get them in one place as a reference.
  6. I agree with you wholeheartedly, that's why I hope guild leaders will see this and realize what an opportunity they have. If any of those hard hitting questions, game issues, customer service issues, are ignored AND it is recorded. BioWare would loose any right to say they listened. Guild Leaders are allowed their own cameras. I am certain that there will be some to catch the entire -day- on record, one way or another "break" or no "break". I am very optimistic for this event, and I am quite interested in the final outcome.
  7. Restating from earlier. My two cents, thrown to the table, never requested, never desired, but there to be used as you may please. There is a lot of argument on guild size and why some guilds were selected over others; over how much better or worse it makes your guild from selection. A guild's worth is not determined by its size. A guild's size does not determine the amount of voices it can hear. Anyone with eyes and ears can see the issues with this game, level 50 or level 10. All anyone has to do is look at these forums, look at the major issues this game has. This game has a great potential, if you could deny this, then why are you here still now? Everyone expects something out of this game. Now is not the time for people to be focused on themselves. This is not the time to nit-pick at little bugs. This is not a Summit to prove that your guild is better than the others. This is not about an individual guild's rank, size, goal, wants, or grievances. It is not the time to try to gain some since of superiority or status from being some part of an 'elite' selection. It is a time to focus on the big issues, issues that shatter the community of this game. Issues that stop this game from being near what it can be. This is a chance for players to talk to the developers themselves; to ask questions in a situation that allows no room for dismissal. A chance to talk to a human being rather then some automated 'droid'. A chance to talk in a situation with out a waiting list or a chance of your voice not being acknowledged. This is a true opportunity, invited or not, to present big questions, that are often ignored or brushed aside, in a situation where they are required to actually be answered. This is something bigger then any guild. This is about the community as a whole. The game as a whole. I can only ever truly speak for myself, but I know that the more people realize this, the more productive this meeting could be. It is an opportunity that should not be swindled. So, I personally request from every leader going to remember that this is something bigger than your guild. This is something bigger than you. This is something that could decide the direction this game takes. Let the community as a whole be heard as best as possible with the opportunity we have been given. For those of you who took the time to read this wall of text in full, you have my gratitude.
  8. For anyone missing this fun bug, here it is, with sound!
  9. Lets see.. I managed to fill all my character slots the second I got on to try to grab names I normally cannot get in MMO's. Apostrophe - my main character, named for my highschool nickname. (My last name is hard to pronounce and has an apostrophe in it so yeah..) Angel - My healer/sith inquisitor, I just enjoy seeing Angel pop up in green over people's heads saving them from death Those two are my mains, my side ones I just kinda grabbed for the names, which are: Jill(IA), Minerva(JC), Squall(SW), Zell(BH), Groupie(BH), and Belial(IA)
  10. Only one I could find is: (Sorry if you're Republic, but this is really all I could find) But IMHO the easiest way to get companion gifts is the GTN. It will have your best deals.
  11. Nope your characters will all stay ^^ So you can take a few months off, come back, and they will be here.
  12. For the green and blue, Blue is just better. It will have better stats, and is generally harder to find. For orange and purple. The purple armor has base stats in it, that will make it better then the orange. (It's almost as if it has an extra non-removable mod so... the stats end up better). The orange has no base stat so it's a little worse (Though they have announced that they should be changing that to make them about equal). Then the dots are Damage Over Time (Which is when one skill applies damage repeatedly over time). You want to use them early in the fight, and the more on one monster at once, the better. Hope this helps some!
  13. I learn something new everyday :3
  14. Your computer meets the specs, but there have been some known FPS issues with dual cores. Some of the stuff here might help a little bit to get some improvement: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7237 The game has issues on even high end computers though, so you can never be exactly sure with your hardware how well it will run. I would wait till those issues are better resolved before considering a computer upgrade.
  15. No no no, despite the description, it doesn't do anything like that. When you click it it allows you to get basically a first person screen shot without any kind of UI in the way. (Which you can do if you scroll in all the way and press CTRL+U) It stores that picture in the same spot as your normal screens. Pretty big letdown, but that's what it is :/
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