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  1. i'd start by going Very Low setting basically turn everything off and see fps(make sure the ATI control panel settings are all "Let the Application Decide"). Next change your DESKTOP RESOLUTION DOWN to 1680x1050 then do so in-game and remark fps. Keep lowering screen resolution(s) till you find your happy spot then start turning up the shiny graphical effects to your liking fps-wise. I think just dropping to 1680x1050 you should see quite a big gain.The reason I say turn down desktop size is because of the way WDM driver(Windows) works ie if your desktop is set at full 1080p size and say you have a lower screen resolution for a game all windows does is scale down the FULL 1080p picture to game resolution setting which is alot of number crunching/bottlenecking in itself.
  2. bioware why did you not put the i guess for better word bracket changes to group finder? in case you are blazing to 60 oblivious to this change in group finder if you hit 60 and try and join a 55 gf op you can't qeue. you are stuck doing the new ops only via gf(60). now sure i know you want metrics it is story mode but i'm betting those who think they're gonna get some ezpz comms doin the sm gf ops they know are in for a rude awakening because gf is now progression raiding at 60 in gf, at least for this week. my suggestion to those just about to hit 60 take a break run some sm's get some ultimates/elites from content you know! peace!
  3. disciplines=premade trees with several blanks in tree you fill from 3 tiers of utilitites...not much choice in builds anymore
  4. ....it's no brainer builds...you have 7 blanks in a premade tree...if you can't figure out what to <shrug>
  5. ditch the usb key get a real card with good antennas...only N networks (300mbps) can reliably play games wirelessly...call your ISP are they doing work you don't know about?...get wired BEST solution...also got netflix in the house? ya tame that beast it's hogging all your bandwidth (google it)...check network settings and make sure QoS is turned on if theres multiple users on network...any more suggestions i gotta start charging for IT support
  6. you don't need a tool(app) to accomplish unparking cores it's a registry setting for windows...do a google search for unparking cores/ maximizing bios for gaming (turning off some energy saving features in bios gives perf boost as well)...set windows power settings to high perf also helps...it's a DX9 game (read 32bit) so basically its trying to run high end sports cars but really only has the capabilities for a lawnmower...pray for a DX12/Mantle fix
  7. what you're asking for would actually kill any money making biochem offers...b/c humans are greedy someone would post re-useables at a ridiculously low price at some point we'd all buy them and never spend a dime on another stim/medpak EVER...you say wut about implants...i'll go do an op ty...still want this???
  8. working as intended...it's great when you get a pattern 1st try and you thank the RNG gods...then you curse them for days /weeks for next schematic
  9. chek the mods you can buy from personal ship vendor(legacy perk). there might be a +2 crit for slicing for ship droid to use
  10. it's BoP you'll have to cybertech it yourself from reverse engineering the elite lvl 55 blue version (which actually does more damage)
  11. IPv6 is here and here to stay (the way the internet changes a name to a number). seems tobe causing havoc as the old system trys to play nice with the new ( read IPv4 NAT translation for tech heads). please support this technology it's very much needed (basically the old system has run out of namespace). most ISP's as usual have been dragging their feet to get ready even though they knew the old system was failing exponentially fast. now we suffer as old systems take a microsecond(lagg) to ask a new server *** this huge number means. Google,Yahoo, Apple,Blizzard to name a few are ready and moving forward on this technology. ask your ISP when they plan to make the switch! until EVERY ISP does the INTERNET will only suffer!
  12. it started when the smuggler laugh was removed you BROKE my IMMERSION early...no multiplayer space ya know i REALLY thought me an a buddy would be in my ship TOGETHER blowin tie fighters outta space, me drivin him in the turret, the engine can't do this on any level right now an maybe never will...yaya story driven mmo but flip side is enabling immersion THROUGH DOING THE CONTENT AND IMMERSING IN YOUR CHARACTER NOT FORCE FEEDING A LINEAR STORY PATH ie " I CANNOT FAIL I AM THE "NEO" NONE OF MY CHOICES ARE EVER WRONG! THE VILLAIN WILL INEVITABLY FAIL!! I WILL SAVE THE MULTIVERSE!!"...everytime:rolleyes:....the COMMERCIALIZATION AND BASIC TROLL OF SUBSCRIBERS BY THE "THING" CALLED LIFE DAY "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! HERE'S SOME FIREWORKS TRY NOT TO BLOW OFF YOUR HAND! AND HEY! I GOT THIS SWEET DEAL ON A SNOWBLO.. ERR SPEEDER!" . and ya i did want the white trash santa sled but not as bad as to pay $18...space on the otherhand i am embarassed to admit i bought the upgrades for a lil more than the speeder three days or more nothing but space ignoring my guild, i am happy to admit i didn't GRIND the parts because i cannot and prolly never will get last mission without it being tweaked(jus gettin old)...also there are a couple of parts ONLY AVAILABLE IN CARTEL I CHECKED (watch for comin switcheroo when noone's lookin....)...it's staring to feel like a console game wrapped in an mmo taco shell (crispy'n brittle) DLC ANYONE?..only $10 if you BUY NOW!(don't worry your 5 early beta tester access days WILL get eaten up by server downtime ...for emergency patching of course)...serious doubts about the capabilities of the game engine itself...UHHM SPACE!!?? THE FRIKKIN FINAL FRONTIER...STAR WARS AND SPACE GO TOGETHER LIKE PEANUT BUTTER AND JAM! AND YET I KNOW SPACE IS VAST AND MOSTLY EMPTY IS THIS THE REASON IT WAS NEVER ADDED??... i never wanted the lightsabre...i just wanted to be a space pirate/scoundrel this game is more about Revan an co. NOT Luke,Han &Leah which is why i came here...there were presents under the tree for me even as f2p an snowball fights and it looks like my pets need outta their stables for a stretch...
  13. lol kinda ironic we got 2 footballs that RETURN when thrown for FREE in that other game...or was it?...i think bw/ea just got seriously trolled...rofl
  14. will we ever see multiplayer vehicular combat with THIS engine as is? go search....lemme know when you find something...can it multithread yet?...waiting...can the stuttering be fixed?...wai...you see where i'm going. re-watch ep 117 if you haven't already, the hints about the engine are all there...
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