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10 Good
  1. I don't play a Master Jedi to sit around knitting the "best woolen socks in the Galaxy" A couple days after starting a new storyline, I have one companion running around with me, and a second one sitting in my ship. Idle hands + Idle minds = bad stuff. So I set them tasks. "Useless ship droid, what can you make out of this stuff I've picked up?" Droid informs me he can't make a purse, then gets busy making 5 of something else. An hour later I smash them up into little bits and tell him to do it again. Sometimes I actually learn something while smashing up his hard-earned crations into little bits, and tell him to create 5 more of the more time-consuming versions. From time to time, some of those items are useful, can be given to friends, or sold - but for the most part it just keeps them busy doing something. BTW, there are Crew Skills in SWtOR and there are Professions. The professions are things like Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Trooper, Agent, etc. If you want to be a play a crafter in a fantasy space-based MMO, take a look at EVE. Might be more your style. Of course, there are a few tweeks to the current system that would be useful, but I'd be much more interested in BioWare adding a droid story line to the mix, or a Sabaac mini-game, or a new AC choice aften 50, an upgraded GTN interface, etc. before worrying too much about Crew Skills.
  2. I'd love to see a droid story line. The dialog options could be crazy fun!
  3. Vanguards use Commando Mods, while Commandos use Reflex Mods.
  4. I thought the JK armor was medium instead of heavy. If I understood it correctly, putting armor mods into custom medium armor will only gave 2/3 the armor stats as putting the same mod into custom heavy armor. Am I mistaken?
  5. You can travel from one side of the galaxy to the other in 2 seconds. How much faster do you want to go? 2 Seconds to cross the galaxy... then 30 minutes spent running across one section of a town.
  6. Cybernetics crafts some ship upgrades (shields, armor, missiles, etc.), and (in the story) you install prototype engines on your ship. In space combat, I think everyone always goes the same speed.
  7. The picture of Yoda with neural implants, cybernetic earpieces, pumped full of stims, tagging behind a Smuggler and Trooper doling out healz is making me smile.
  8. Except in this game, Yoda would have a 6ft human, decked out in the best gear credits could buy, have looted the sith corpse, complained that he couldn't use the artifact red lightsaber, and gone on to kill everything in sight in the hopes that one of them would leave some shiny loot behind
  9. Information Broker is my idea of what my character & crew are doing based on skills and the main story. I periodically locate schematics (information) for weapons, equipment, and missions, which I can then sell (broker) on the GTN.
  10. I think Cybertech, Scavanging, and Underworld Trading are a perfect fit for a Smuggler. You are supposed to have the fastest ship in your sector (Cybertech) and be involved with smuggling (UT) as part of the story. There are stim venders all over, so while I might not be able to constantly switch stims from presence to cunning, to endurance, to whatever like a "bio" can, I'm also not picking flowers and digging through mounds of bantha poo for "bacteria colonies" as I level up. You have a nice CC versus droids, so "farming" areas with strong/elite droids for metals/compounds is also more efficient while you level than strong/elite beasties. I currently have Slicing in place of Underworld Trading, making me more of an information broker than a black market trader, but may end up switching this out to UT if I'm not able to pick up materials I need on the GTN. Cybertech doesn't really give me a advantage in-game (I can throw an extra grenade every so often and ride a different speeder), but it adds a little to my character which makes the game more enjoyable for me.
  11. Didn't this game just go live? Do you mean this game is NOT exactly the same as a different one? If you are paying money to "do a job", one which feels painful, then I feel really sorry for you. I played in a group the other day with three Gunslingers, plus Corso (so zero heals, zero tanks). While not my top choice for a four man team, we made do, had fun, then moved on.
  12. Fallen Jedi are not Sith. Much like fallen Catholics are not Hindu. There are kind and cruel Jedi, as there are kind and cruel Sith. Jedi and Sith are moral philosophies about the nature of the universe and a lifeform's role in it. My Sith character makes mostly "light" choices, but is strongly opposed to the Jedi. If there is only peace, stop fighting! If there is no ignorance, stop seeking knowledge! If there is no passion, stop trying! The Jedi teach that the universe IS the way they wish it was, and will destroy anyone who disagrees. The Sith accept the universe, but seek to free themselves from its chains. Sith/Jedi is not the same as Empire/Republic. It's almost as if the strict law-bound Empire were a balance to the freedom seeking Sith code, while the freewheeling Republic provides the counterweight to the monkish Jedi code.
  13. I sorta/usually like the way the crafting system works at the moment. My gunslinger has a penchant for tinkering with his ship - so he has cybertech. Do I buy mods from the Fleet commendation vendor? Of course! Could I buy the same ones on the GTN? Probably... But I liked being able to craft some myself. It kind of feels like a hobby instead of a job, which is why I like it. I have a profession in-game, it's being a gunslinger (or whatever else I'm playing at the time) - I'm neither a shipbuilder nor an engineer. Sometimes the whole re-engineering process can feel like lighting my credits on fire, but that's how hobbies work out. I would like there to be more options available, but I don't really feel like I have to be able to craft a top of the line item for crafting to be rewarding. If BioWare added a "Gambling" as a crew skill, where you lost 100 credits for every 95 you won, with no other upside than adding a title at 400, I'd switch out something and burn up credits to get it for my Smuggler - and enjoy every moment of it!
  14. It wouldn't be so annoying if they were actually linked to events. If I get a notification that my shields are fully charged, I should be able to toggle shield regen off and switch to high powered blasters - sadly, this is not the case. It's the same for crew missions. I'll get a "I think you'll be pleased" on mission failures or "I'll do better next time" on critical successes.
  15. Agree, except this would break line-of-sight. It would be unfair if you could freely attack something, and they couldn't hit back.
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