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10 Good
  1. Will Resolve ever be redesigned? Especially given how many stuns and CCs there are in this game, it feels like Resolve is just completely useless, with the sole exception of carrying the Huttball. It really feels to me (and to every player I generally talk to) that a smooth diminishing returns system for stuns and mezzes would be a huge, huge improvement to PvP gameplay.
  2. Are you going to revisit the exceedingly awful Resolve bar, and replace the binary nature of Resolve immunity with a Diminishing Returns system?
  3. Developers responses to questions about macros have been very vague so far: do you consider context-sensitive macros based on [enemy] vs [friendly], [target = target of target], and [target = mouseover] to be "combat macros", and thus something that will or will not be added to the game?
  4. It's to punish you for choosing the wrong ME3 color ending. If you chose Red, you should have chosen Blue. If you chose Blue, you should have chosen Green. If you chose Green, you should have chosen Red. Thus the will of the RGB color Gods would have been met, and they would have not been forced to punish you for your sins by inflicting upon you this insanely bizarre graphical glitch.
  5. Honestly, I think it is kinda gamebreaking. I seriously wonder how many close huttball games are decided by things like "I CAN"T TARGET HIM TO GRIP HIM UP TO ME!" instead of by sound strategic play. I feel like a ball gets scored or not scored at least once a game just based on whether or not I could target the ball carrier to grip him (either with Rescue on my Sage or Harpoon on my Vanguard). And that's pretty gamebreaking to me.
  6. It's a conspiracy! //shrug// It's a DX9 game that's almost completely CPU-bound. I'm not sure there's much to be done.
  7. No, no, no. I keep trying to tell you this over and over, but the difference between an average player and a great player in WoW was less about their ability to click the buttons in a particular order, and more about their situational awareness, understanding of the game, and coordination with teammates. Yes, I will grant you that you would be at a slight disadvantage if you never used macros, at the high levels. But I view that argument as a non sequitur, anyways. The entire point of macros is this: you can customize your ability usage to how you play, so that you can maximize your button-pressing efficiency as you see fit (subject to lots of requirements, obviously) in an effort to play against your opponents instead of playing against your keyboard. Let's rephrase this differently. If SWTOR allowed you the following would you object? 1) Two main bars, one for when you're targeting enemies, one for when you're targeting friendlies 2) For all spells, a default target-of-target modifier, in addition to a focus-target and self-target modifier 3) For all spells, the ability to toggle mouseover. This has 90% of the usefullness of macros in WoW, but it's baked in to the UI! Now no one can claim that they're persecuted for refusing to use macros! So would you still object to such a thing?
  8. Actually--I expect them to get a lot closer than they did...but they made some very bad design decisions because they tried to reinvent the wheel (worst offender: "cinematic combat" causing unresponsive ability usage due to prioritizing animations over actions). And do you know why? Because I expect that they would have hired designers who HAD worked on MMOs, or at least designers that were very hardcore players of various MMOs. Edit: first paragraph was phrased really awkwardly.
  9. For Mass Dispel, it probably had a /stopcasting. The shield button seemed to use a [targettarget] too? I'm not really sure how he was using SW:D, I had assumed it was an [@focus] macro like most people used. But you're right, I didn't exactly pick the best video to show off macro use, it was just the most recent WoW video I've seen.
  10. I seem to remember targeting in WoW working quite nicely, thank you.
  11. As accurately targeting something is the most important and first step towards being useful in combat, I absolutely agree with you.
  12. This is exactly the kind of situations that make me frustrated with the game. And yeah, it's made much worse because it's often very hard to see WHO you're actually targeting sometimes, and the fact that click-targeting people (with your mouse) is super hard doesn't help, which is made much harder by not being able to click on healthbar/nameplates above people's heads
  13. I still don't understand how you think this is somehow a good thing. And I actually kinda disagree about it being challenging in a "mental mapping" way, but that's a trivial point. MMOs, by their very nature of having GCDs, do not lend themselves very well to being tests of dexterity. What they do lend themselves very well to is being tests of understanding game mechanics, understanding which abilities should be used in certain times, coordination with your teammates, and most importantly tests of how good your situational awareness is (especially as battles get larger and the game gets more complicated). Look at videos of the top pros in WoW Arena. They all use various macros. Does this somehow trivialize the game? No, it makes the game better, because it differentiates the players that can have the situational awareness to mentally track where all three opponents are, how their line of sight relates to you and your two teammates, which players have trinkets and important cooldowns available, which players are in vulnerable positions, etc. But what pro WoW arena does NOT look like is a series of dexterity tests of who can press the most convoluted series of buttons. That kind of bogging-down of the game is what would trivialize the competitive nature, because all the cool stuff that the pros did, they partially could do because it was easy to use the abilities, but very hard to know WHEN to use the abilities. Watch . Tell me that the amazing stuff that happens in this video is possible without some level of macros, either by him or his teammates.
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