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    The Moon
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    Technical Instructor
  1. OK I've looked around a little bit (5 min) and haven't really found this idea posted. I'm thinking that we need a global friends/ignore list. What I mean by this is that when i have a gold spammer whispering me and I place him on ignore, he will be on ignore for all my other characters. Then it would be the same for a friends list. Hopefully The community will support this idea.
  2. I second having a legacy kit that will make your armor bound to legacy!
  3. I would do Darth Zash Armor for lv 50 legacy sorcs :> and maybe the current mandalore's armor for BH
  4. I'm sure many of you have realized by now that I am no longer keeping this thread alive. I will create a new post when there is a new craftable tier.
  5. Features that I think would be a benefit would be: 1. Increasing the Number of guild ranks to 15+ - My logic is that maybe people will need to differentiate between guilds granted the goal is to unify but the 8ish rank max we have not wouldn't cut it for a really large guild. 2. Guild Log - A way to see who was kicked/quit from guild, who invited new members etc. 3. Larger MOTD and Description boxes - Yes I know they are scrollable to see all the info but I'm going to say that 75%+ of the player base doesn't know that. 4. Guild Rank/Member Note/Officer Note/Last Played - all of these should be displayed at the same time when you open the details tab. This would help with management functions such as removing inactive players. 5. Guild Alliance Feature - Just a formal way to create a linked channel of communication with another guild that all alliance members could see. Possible to just make it so that all members can see the guild/officer chat of both guilds instead of having an additional channel.
  6. *shrugs* Audacious has had multiple guilds merge into it but the problem is as many peeps that join we seem to lose just as many through RL issues. Oh well. The Super Guild Idea would be great but I think there are not enough guild management options in this game to support an extremely large guild. If Bioware could work out better features it would be great. Features that I think would be a benefit would be: 1. Increasing the Number of guild ranks to 15+ - My logic is that maybe people will need to differentiate between guilds granted the goal is to unify but the 8ish rank max we have not wouldn't cut it for a really large guild. 2. Guild Log - A way to see who was kicked/quit from guild, who invited new members etc. 3. Larger MOTD and Description boxes - Yes I know they are scrollable to see all the info but I'm going to say that 75%+ of the player base doesn't know that. 4. Guild Rank/Member Note/Officer Note/Last Played - all of these should be displayed at the same time when you open the details tab. This would help with management functions such as removing inactive players. 5. Guild Alliance Feature - Just a formal way to create a linked channel of communication with another guild that all alliance members could see. Possible to just make it so that all members can see the guild/officer chat of both guilds instead of having an additional channel. Well just my ideas seems a little off topic now but oh well
  7. hmm having trouble updating, might be size constraints. Updated lines below. Armoring Skill - Açaî, Ariatloakz, Bokata, Oldfashioned, Ryanné, Zetliam Barrels/Hilts Force Wielder - Achido, Logitek, Morpheas Guardian - Morpheas Might - Açaí, Acé, Bellatus, Fiera, Furyan, Oldfashioned, Silentfury, Zornak, Adremm, Deadsexy, Fingolfìn, H-oot, L-oot, Morpheas, Piccalo, Skyblazer Resolve - Acé, Furyan, Reydemuerto, Silentfury, Toggle, Vishnell, Adremm, Anderent, Fingolfìn, Gillrey, H-oot, L-oot, Morpheas, Reycielo, Reyleon, Reyprime, Skyblazer Skill - Achido, Boat, Furyan, Hitmanpro, Logitek, Carisus, Fingolfìn, H-oot, L-oot, Thewho Adept - Açaí, Furyan, Fingolfìn, H-oot, L-oot, Morpheas, Skyblazer Bastion - Açaí, Drgordon Morpheas Battle - Furyan, Vishnell, Zetliam, Fingolfìn, H-oot, L-oot Bulwark - Açaí, DrGordon, Morpheas Efficient - Lasamas, Roo'fus Initiative - Açaí, Furyan, Reydemuerto, Zetliam, Fingolfìn, Gillrey, H-oot, L-oot, Morpheas, Reycielo, Reyleon, Reyprime, Skyblazer Quick Savant - Morpheas, Skyblazer Earpieces Underworld Enforcer's Device - Zornak Underworld Field Tech's Device - Kil'er Underworld Force Mystic's Device - Drgordan Underworld Weaponmaster's Device - Dual'bladed'Shu, Ryanné Relics Underworld Relic of Boundless Ages - BoonRebu, Reydemuerto, Vitalio, Gillrey, Reycielo, Reyleon, Reyprime, Yormiri Underworld Relic of Serendipitous Assault - Voyer Underworld Shrouded Crusader Relic - Purrey, Reydemuerto, Gillrey, Reycielo, Reyleon, Reyprime
  8. ok everything is updated i know there was a significant delay but I'm getting ready for a trip. I'll update while on my trip but it may only be every other week for the next 6 weeks.
  9. Updated NP, just my way of helping the crafting community.
  10. Depends on what you are making tbh. I've been charged up to 500k for some things and I haven't been charged for others. Updated as well
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