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  1. I dont mean to sound elitist here because that is not my intention at all.. But seriously folks how are you not pulling in 3+ medals as i stated in my previous i rolled out 19 medals my first 1.2 match and frequented on all my characters between 8-12 during 1.1. ........................................................................... ..... ... .................... honestly... i get the filling some of you just do not know how to pvp... you get medals for guarding ... you CAN guard people by taunting.. Read your taunt tool tip 30-90% damage reduction from attacking player to all targets but you, on top of actually putting a guard on a player. You CAN self heal out of combat.. and get some healing medals every class can do this.... You CAN do pvp objectives instead of sitting on nodes like a R tard and get medals... Medals are by NO means hard to get if your seriously pulling under 10 at this point with 1.2 you really need to google how to play (your class) or quit pvping all together. I would honestly say the same thing if you were pulling under 5 medals in 1.1... Unless you happened to come in at the last minute theres no reason you shouldnt be pulling in medals... As i also stated in my last, the rewards for winning a match even are bs and fill like a huge time sink i got 61 commendations for winning that voidstar with 19 medals... i really just dont wanna play anymore it fills like im being cheated. edit:* if your wondering 8-12 medals would be roughly 90-110 commedations in 1.1.. you would be lucky to pull in 20 commendations on a losing team.... and considering the posts and the fact you have little to no control over who you que into a match with. unless you make a premade i guess but ya...
  2. ya they sent us 3 month subbers another 30 days free lol.. im done though i had enough 1.2 wasn't enough on top of the epic fail of today.
  3. ya i had enough time to move on for me i gave it 4 months now 3 + 2 beta weekends.
  4. ya theres more then 2 you cant get with body type 3 and 4's this has been known and talked about for over 5 months now? we used to talk about it during beta even... on a side note theres a work around if you can jump to or have someone pull you it will sometimes get you through or up to the area.
  5. I fill cheated? i played 1.2 a little bit last night after downloading it got 19 medals my first match in voidstar.. and we won the match even and i still only got 61 medals... i was reading in my guild tab to how some folks when losing a match will get next to nothing... obviously your not going to win every match but this fills like they implemented it purely as a time sink to keep players playing for a few more months. I don't mind time sinks but i also don't like putting effort into something and getting next to nothing back for my troubles. you cant help the people you play with and unfortunately? (how ever you look at it) there's a lot of very ignorant people playing your game with you, some people play really well together and then play really badly with others for example i guess... I have been subbed in since november 20th personally.. i really try'd to give it 3 months... I just got an email yesterday giving me 30 days free since i had been subbed since then. not planning on playing really have to say 1.2 wasn't enough, to little to late. really fills like it should have been in the game on release not 3 months later. I dunno maybe I'm just gripping but it really fills like it should have been there to begin with.
  6. you should actually read the 1.2 patch notes or look up info from people playing it on the pts. the legacy system alone will cost you about 12 million i believe to fully purchase every thing if you didn't want to earn it? as well as new speeders and the cost increase. Although i have to doubt you actually have 19 million credits atm. the most i know or have heard of someone actually having is around 5 million.
  7. You must be half asleep for all of your posts, If that's the case.... I lol'd at most of the reply's 7/10 thread.
  8. Clicking tends to be slower then having the key binds on your mouse buttons also makes you end up having to use your keyboard for turning rather then your mouse which is faster. Even if your uber awesome with your clicking as far as pvp gos you'll get ownd by someone key binding and mouse turning. in PvE it doesnt matter you can click or push buttons specially if your ranged you can stand still for most of the fights.
  9. Its not about the persons internet being stable/unstable, unstable internet would in fact drop your ms so much so that you wouldn't be able to move at all. hate to tell you folks this but its not a speed hack in fact after some minor testing on my end its the game servers. Happens in our raids as well we see people fall off edges on occasion when in fact they are not even near it. They simply seem to be having a hard time with all the information atm its genuinely server lagging not player lag. personally run between 120ms - 200ms should not be experiencing any of this it also happens to guildys who run 50ms-80ms....
  10. seems to me just after BC hit for wow this mentality hit.. the QQ gimmy things NOAW! crowd showd up.. personally would rather work for my level and gears then just be handed crap like they do these days. dont get me wrong i dont like super grind fests but level capping in a week of 4 hour a day play times is not awesome doing raids aka ops in 60 minutes and downing all the boss's with out any trouble is not awesome.. What ever happened to the EPIC Battles both pvp and pve????? i mean it seriously... doesn't anyone remember the 20 minute boss fights? after you did that you felt like you earned it not just meh its done after like 5 minutes if that.
  11. I would Pitch a fit personally thats just BS if you got a warning even if it is just a warning ITs a freaking PVP server and you are right every were anywere anytime is pvp if they dont like it they shouldnt be on a pvp server.
  12. none the less I am still right... and i genuinely get the root from the sorc knock back with full resolve (and yes after a full white bar not before) and the force choke... ill have to fraps it and post it next time i guess.. could be force leap with out the spec i suppose but your still rooted which is a cc....
  13. IMO its broke, but its working how they programmed it atm so its not technically broken its just needs to be reworked. The following list are abilitys that are not affected by resolve, I do not know what the republic versions are but ya. - Force leap - Also stuns for up to i believe 3 seconds. Jet charge - Also Roots for up to 2 seconds and interrupts targets ability. Force Choke - Can be speced into as to negate the channeling of the ability and holds/roots you in place for i believe 6 seconds. Sorcerer - Knock back - has to be speced into for the root, roots for up to 4 seconds. This is the biggest problem area for me. Imo and I'm sure many mmo players opinions roots/holds and stuns of any kind are considered CC and or Crowd Control ability's which Resolve is supposed to negate when you have a full white bar. The ability's i listed are ones that are not affected by resolve. Whirl wind for example the SI CC that roots and heals targets is affected by resolve.. so no its not broken its just poorly put together.
  14. all of these, the loading screen as well is a big wth.. personally am running athalon x4 3ghz quad core w/16gbs ddr3 ram, ATI HD 6850 w/3gbs ram 1tb WD Black w/32mb cache windows 7 ultimate i should not be seeing a black screen when i zone down/up/sideways on an elevator/tram especially since i can move my character any ways during the black screen and every thing is loaded can move and then black screen pops up. Also the Pointless Black screen when you use a medical probe i mean really? Also although this is kinda game breaking theres still UI lag. And dont get me wrong there should be lag to some extent the server has to interpret your input and so on so for but ability's are just plain not going off. I assume most folks dont pay attention to these things since since theres no Damage Given/taken Log or dps meters atm. But it happens a little to often.
  15. Also whats not game breaking obviously but really bothered me is that the legacy system wasn't in game at the start.. i can tolerate bugs sure but If you have played for more then a month you have tons of alts and probably 2+ 50's like the rest of us. personally been here since the first open beta. legacy btw allows for more races, and legacy ability's basically things like force choke, Death from above and force lightning etc... to be used on alts that are not the class that has the ability's if you have character with those ability's that have gotten past act 1 i believe it is. basically what im saying is were going to end up deleting alts just to get the extra races if you wanted one since theres really only 8 class's per side to play any ways and 4 storys per side... you more then likely all ready have them covered.
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