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  1. Ja. Das ging mir auch durch den Kopf, da ich nicht gewillt bin, mich ernsthaft über ein Spiel zu ärgern. Im Gegensatz zu einigen hier finde ich zwar den Botschafter nicht gerade unspielbar - auch nicht im PvP - aber man muss schon tlw. tief in die (natürlich "legale") Trickkiste greifen. Das finde ich ansich noch nicht schlimm und hab ich auch vor dem Patch gerne und oft getan. Doch irgendwie ist nach meinem Empfinden die Verhältnismäßigkeit verloren gegangen. Gegner wegschubsen, unterbrechen, stunnen, sich selber schilden, aufpassen, dass man nicht oom geht und seine Heilungen sinnvoll zünden - alles das macht für mich einen interessant zu spielenden Charakter aus. Einen Tank zu finden, der einem Guard verpasst und im Gegenzug aufpassen, was dieser gerade wo macht - dabei aber nicht die Gruppe zu vernachlässigen --> Spielspaß. Wenn mich aber vermehrt auch mittelmäßige DDs nur noch schräg anschauen müssen, damit mein Botschafter bereits ins Wachkoma fällt, dann ist das ein Critical Hit auf oben genannten Spielspaß. Die große Heilung ist so lahm, dass jeder frische 50er sich trauen kann, vorm Unterbrechen noch ein Tänzchen einzulegen. Hat er mich danach zwei bis dreimal gehauen und ich heile gegen, kann er trotzdem beruhigt sein, denn er weiß: auf SpeeD-OOF ist Verlass. Spätestens, wenn einer seiner Kumpels merkt, dass er mit mir Katz und Maus spielt, ist's aus. Das heißt zwar nicht, dass man überhaupt keine Überlebenschance mehr hat, aber es ist schon merklich weniger wahrscheinlich. Und so gerne ich kämpfe - wenn's sein muss auch ums reine Selbst-Überleben im BG - wenn es anfängt, sich sinnlos anzufühlen, dann gibt das dem Spaß auf Dauer den Rest. Wer das anders sieht, kann ja gerne heilen. Da tröstet auch der kleine Schadensbuff, den wir anscheinend bekommen haben nicht wirklich, weil es als Heiler trotzdem lachhaft ist im Vergleich zu nem ordentlichen DD (was ja auch richtig so ist). Ich schau mir an, wie es weiter geht und noch ist mir der Spaß am Heilen (und sonstigem Support) nicht vergangen, auch wenn die Gegner an mir nicht mehr enrage gehen, weil ich ja schon umkippe, wenn die noch beim Aufwärmtraining sind.
  2. The alternative of serving it all on a silver plate will make ppl be bored and if BW does that with anything they bring on, there will soon enough be no more SWtor around for gold sellers to even think about.
  3. While I agree with most ppl here saying the legacy stuff seems to be too expensive for the average player to buy everything provided, I do also think, it's ok, you can't get it all at once. The game was designed to be around for a few years and devs said they are still planning on even more legacy stuff. As I see it now, we'll have to decide which of the things we want so badly, we'll go at lengths making money just to have them (like the training dummy for example - I really want one ;D, while I don't really need a kiosk on my ship). I'd find it kind of boring if everyone I know had exactly the same stuff the same time I have it. I like the idea players will be able to individualize their characters more than it's possible right now. If not at least some of the stuff were pure luxury anyone would have everything the day it's released - THAT would really spoil it, as it is not too hard to gain legacy levels. This is not about me begrudging other players things or wanting them to envy me - I'm not that rich myself. I'm just saying, it will be more interesting to see what others buy themselves and talk to them about it, if it doesn't go without saying they instantly got the whole crap. Also things are more valued if you have to work a bit for them. That's just human.
  4. Erst dachte ich, du bist so jemand, der einfach unverhältnismäßig verwöhnt ist und dem eigentlich nie irgendwas gut genug ist, aber dann hab ich das oben Zitierte gelesen und wusste, so eine maßlose Übertreibung kann keiner Ernst meinen (oder nehmen). Einfach nur köstlich, wie du die selbstherrlich-unrealistischen Sichtweisen konsumvernebelter Forenschreiber auf den Punkt gebracht hast - nicht nur inhaltlich, sondern auch sprachlich. Ausgezeichnet! Das war doch deine Absicht....?
  5. Ich weiß noch nicht so recht, wie ich jetzt als Heiler meine Spielweise anpassen muss, um auch mal goldene Medaillen zu bekommen. Vor dem Patch ist mir das gelungen und zwar ohne Leben opfern/selber hochheilen, einfach, indem ich meine Mitspieler in den BGs geheilt hab, hier und da geholfen hab, einen lästigen Imp zu töten und dabei noch drauf geachtet hab, relativ geschützt zu stehen. Heute hab ich diese Spielweise auch wieder angewendet und im Lauf des BGs über 200k Heilung gemacht. Bekommen hab ich dafür 2 oder 3 Bronzemedaillen. Soll das Spaß machen? Ist nicht so, dass ich irgendwo in der Pampa stand und Zerger geheilt hab - nein, hab immer an den relevanten Punkten geholfen. Na ja, wenn das nicht besser wird, geh ich demnächst nur noch als DD rein und fertig. Oder hat noch jemand nen Hinweis, was ich anders machen kann?
  6. I thought there was supposed to be a marriage option? My Jedi Knight got a proposal from Doc and I thought that was possible for any romance in the game?
  7. Corso's the best romanceable character in the whole game! Reminds me a bit of Carth Onassi whom I adored. They're using some of Carth's sound bites during fights, which makes it perfect. ^^ He kissed my smuggler during their last conversation. Since then I raised his affection to 10.000 but nothing more happens - he just doesn't want to talk to her anymore. Anyone an idea what went wrong?
  8. Ya...sad thing. I'm ignoring the book. I know Revan's intended to be male and so on. It just doesn't work for me. As for Lord Scourge - he truly is a marvelous and charismatic companion. His links to Revan...let's just say I don't care. ^^
  9. That's right. And because you cannot possibly find only one way to do this that works for every Kotor fan, there should be more possible choices...fight - no fight - talk - no talk - investigate - just forget about the old bastard - gender choice - wanna see Revan's face at all? There are ways to do this and then people could have it their way.
  10. I'm glad there's things to discover about Revan now. I don't think they should just NOT have included Revan. I agree he shouldn't necessarily have to be fought against, though. There should have been much more of a choice on how we as players want to face Revan. And I wouldn't mind to attend his -freely chosen- death as a person or meeting Revan as a spirit becoming one with the force. But it should be close, very close emotionally, cause I really still feel attached to that character (no wonder, is it - having played Kotor over and over again, never getting bored).
  11. I think they didn't want to set Revan or anything related to him/her into the spotlight. Still...it's been a few weeks since I've met Revan, I've seen a lot of other content since. But it doesn't feel any better. Maelstrom is fine as a flashpoint but it comes much too early and much too easy. The Foundry ending...well, it's just lame. Revan disappeard without much of a trace after Kotor 1. Why not let us discover where he went? It must have been a lonely and uncanny path. Would have been nice to discover remnants of Revan's memories about that in some remote place (or just "travelling" through his memories via a holocron) and finally meet Revan (would it really have been so hard to let players decide whether Revan's male or female? I think not) and be able to have a looong talk for those who are interested. I didn't want to fight Revan at all - not as a Jedi, not as a Sith), but for those who'd want to do that, there could also have been a fight. I know writers at BW know how to create such stories in a fascinating way...I wonder why they were held back.
  12. Being a Revan fan doesn't consequently have to mean you're also eager for adulation. Of course it's nice to be appreciated every once in a while. All I said was that at the moment -playing swtor- there's a lot of people who find the approval you get all the time *slightly* too exaggerated. By that I actually mean they find it a hell lot exaggerated. Some of them feel the title "Jedi Master" comes to early for Consulars, for example. They feel awkwardly humbled by the fact they're celebrated as heroes for minor tasks. And that's the way I sometimes feel, too. Doesn't mean I want no commendation at all as I already explained...this is about the degree. Of course you cannot suit everybody.. All I said was that there aren't only people who feel like "rubbish" when some NPC jumps into the spotlight. There's also those people who don't want to be overly appraised of all the time. I understand you like the story-ending as it is - well, I don't. It's not at all poetic or heroic from my point of view (and as you can see, I'm not alone with this opinion). Yeah, I'm happy you get to meet Revan. I just don't like that Foundry thing at all. Please don't try to force your special perception of this on me or anybody else. Just be happy that BW did a good job from where you're standing. I never said Revan should have been stronger or anything. She just deserves a better ending. I would have liked to alone with Revan, not three other players in that dialogue who'd choose different options, don't ask the questions I'm interested in. And BW has already proved they know how to make dialogues in a way so you can choose, what Revan was for you. They should've done something like this here, too. They created Revan for us to play once. They gave us the freedom to choose, what path Revan walks on. I just don't take the argument that Revan is theirs alone and that's why we should shut up. BW wants us to enjoy the game, mind you and as Revan still is important to many of us, it cannot honestly BW's intention to make us give up on a great character.
  13. You make a point there - I admit. I can only say, that there also lots of players who don't approve of being hailed to all the time (which is the backside of the "you're-the-all-time-number-one-thing"). Those people feel, success comes to easy, too often and is too exaggerated over minor things. Moreover, there is a difference between letting one guy stand in the spotlight during -one- cutscene after -one- quest-series and the final blow in some epic raid that you've beein working on for months. Just saying..the fight against lich-king where you die, get revived and then finish him off was quite the epic thing, too, even after having killed him more than a dozen times - though, players weren't alone in the spotlight. I think you get my meaning: there -are- ways to do this in a good way. Should people still feeling like rubbish have to handle that? They sure should because it would show a huge lack of personal development if they didn't. I admit, they should rather go find a good therapist than loading that responsibility on BW, though. It's fine by me that you are content with the foundry. Really. As you can see there are many players feeling differently and I don't think those concerns can be discussed away. EDIT: Oh, and Revan dying in a dusty-rusty foundry is just pathetic from my personl point of view. They could also have make Revan breed kittens there to throw them at the players that would've aroused the same feelings in me.
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