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10 Good
  1. Take willpower as it adds to crit.
  2. 2 days? Gotta love the no-lifers.
  3. But this was supposed to be the WoW killer I remember all the pre-launch hype and I knew then this game was doomed. I play it because it is star wars. Shame SWG closed.
  4. Either healer or hybrid. If you solo queue don't even try full dps.
  5. If you get focused you will die faster than any other class unless you bubble. Then you'll last as staggering 20 seconds.
  6. BoDiE

    Madness Sorc

    In fact name one sorc who doesn't bubble after 5 seconds when focused down 4v1 and dies once it's over after blowing their heals . And give me video evidence
  7. BoDiE

    Madness Sorc

    Prove they're not in solo ranked and don't give me names who only enter as a premade
  8. BoDiE

    Madness Sorc

    Sorc and sages are a joke in pvp. Worthless
  9. BoDiE

    Madness Sorc

    Solo Q imps in the top ranks are alway premade. If you truly solo q a a sorc/ sage without guard or pocket healer, you are going down and fast. Anyone trying to refute this , prove it.
  10. Doesn't matter what you do, unless you have a good tank guarding you, you're going down to 1/3 health in 3-4 seconds when focused.
  11. BoDiE

    Madness Sorc

    Sage / Sorc without guard, especially in ranked = useless
  12. Both huttballs are dawg ****.
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