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  1. This is indeed a big issue and I hope this changes soon, too. A timed trading system for bop items is a minimum requirement and need should only be available for the class that can use it, as long as that class is in the group.
  2. If Bioware will not take any measures to correct this issue and other similar ones, the SWTOR community will remain with deranged players like you who think it's fun to ninja from other players "to teach them a lesson"...
  3. As you already pointed out, "fun" is subjective, that's why "fun", "difficult" or "challenging" can only be determined by each individual and not by "majorities" or "minorities". "Votes" on the other hand are objective, can be counted and their purpose is to determine "majorities" and "minorities". And this falls in the field of poilitcs, and we are not discussing politics, but we are talking about a game and having fun.
  4. Very nice said, not to mention that different lvls of difficulty means more options and more flexibility. I really can't understand how someone can complain about having more options; if you find something too easy/hard, you have the option to choose a harder/easier version. No one is forcing you to run all lvls of difficulty, you can choose the one that's best for you.
  5. First of all I never said that we didn't finish the normal flashpoints, or the HM flashpoints, but that enrage timers narrow down the players options and force us to have only a certain group structure that we didn't enjoy, leaving behind a friend I would have liked to play with, but couldn't because he didn't have the right class/spec. Simply the idea of negatively motivating players through punishment if they don't get enough DPS in a certain amount of time seems rather abusive and I would have found it a much better way to have positive motivation, through extra rewards/achievements or titles if you could make it in time.
  6. When you are telling people that they are stupid and, to quote you, "get the "****** OFF", no one asked you to play" you should expect that your post will be flagged for insult. I would also like to remind people like HellFlame, who are afraid that removing the timers will make dps classes/specs useless and unwanted, that the message of this thread was not to completely remove the timers from the game but to introduce a new layer of "difficulty" where timers are required, to give people the option to choose if they want to play with timers or without them. Also, the timers should be a way of motivating players positively by bringing extra rewards, achievements or titles, not a way of brutally punishing them for not getting the "right" time, wiping the whole group in seconds and get it stuck at that point with no options or solutions for that group to go on.
  7. Thank you again HellFlame for your advice, your language and posts show us how mature you are.
  8. Thank you for enlightening us, now, because of you we do realize that what we are asking is completly stupid. If you don't have anything constructive to add to this thread keep your valuable opinions to yourself.
  9. If the devs wanted "not to allow people to "brute force" their way through content" they could simply use minimum gear requirement to enter in HM flaspoints, not enrage timers that wipe the whole group in seconds.
  10. If you can't make it in time is not because you are bad , you don't have the skill or the gear , but because your group doesn't meet the required dps in "x" amount of time, forcing you to have only a certain group composition. Ppl like you who think that they are "skilled", "geared" and "good" are making the mmo communities worse.
  11. But I want to play this game, just not with 'enrage timers". I want this to be an OPTION that I can disable or enable if I choose so. If you don't like options in this game then "BUZZ OFF and find the game you want to play".
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