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  1. In my first playthrough, i thought Vaylin would kill Arcann in her attempt to kill Senya in the cruiser's bridge. In the scenario we spared him (didn't know he could scape the player's choice.)
  2. My characters don't seem to have political views, except for the smuggler, he is a libertarian anarchocapitalist. So no Republic, no Empire, each planet seceded and on their own. No central planning, no political corruption, just the spontaneous order of society conducted by the efforts of individuals and their actions.
  3. We and SWTOR got busted, the new world isn't Tython. Was confirmed by a guy in charge of the new canon, according to the leaked script.
  4. All but confirmed the obvious, it is NOT Tython (), a guy responsible for the new canon confirmed on his twitter. https://mobile.twitter.com/pablohidalgo/status/682745067392471040 http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ahch-To SWTOR out of the canon for good. Lame
  5. Actually Korriban is Lucasfilm's, it's first appearance was on Tales of the Jedi series of comics in the 90s.
  6. It wouldn't make sense. The Rakata were dark side users, except the Elders, why build the first temple there? And by the way, we saw only a fraction of the planet, it doesn't mean the entire planet is like that. That tiny island could be the place Luke chose to hide himself, hence reducing the probability of someone finding him by accident, probably the temple isn't exacly there.
  7. I think that the Gravestone got much of the Ancient Sith ships from "Tales of the Jedi: Fall of the Sith Empire", if it was really made by them would explain a lot. And quite fits the narrative, because if the Eternal Fleet is older than Valkorion, Zakuul, it probably predates the Great Hyperspace War, during the Golden Age of the Sith and during the era in which the old Sith empire was forged by exiled fallen jedi on Korriban, perfectly matched with the next chapter of Galactic History videos on the TOR website.
  8. Valkorion, obviously. Palpie couldn't kill Luke with consecutive loads of force lightnings, Valkie finished a Dark Councilor and one of the most powerful Force users in the galaxy with just one blast.
  9. The real problem isn't downloading all over again, i wish it could be avoided because my connection suck. If i could undo the changes and use the data already downloades would be better, because i didn't delete the folders. In any case i shouldn't be messing with these stuff.
  10. Ah great, i did as you said, now the laucher.settings file is gone, can't undo the stuff and now need to redownload the entire game.
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