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  1. I don't want to just auto-complete, I want to skip completely as if Kotfe never happened, and the reason are UI issues. (Still reading here, Alan?) As long as the companion list can't be sorted, and the companion bar vanishes constantly. i won't progress past Ziost with any actual MMO-char. Pure story chars, sure, but with chars I play other content with, I can't be bothered to rummage through the bloated companion list everytime I controlled a turret for a daily or listed for PVP. So yeah. No new daily areas since Ziost for me, just a few new planets where I can farm mats, and a 150+ days /played main that I stopped playing because of the companion list issues.
  2. Grief is too melodramatic. Let's face it, it's a toxic relationship. It's gone sour long ago, but we stick around because of the fun we once had. Even at the breaking point we are eagerly waiting for any gesture of goodwill. And yeah, sometimes it's nobody's fault, and you simply grow apart from each other, but Swtor is ghosting us for half a year now, it's a matter of self-respect to show them that there are other fish in the sea who would be happy to have us.
  3. The Bothrium beast actually does have a tentacle-mechanic but that's different. If you can't kill the beast fast enough after interrupting, it will summon a tentacle and drains health from that instead. If you don't focus on the tentacle then, the beast may be back at full health before your interrupt is available again.
  4. With the disguise-chests and terminals already in place, why not make the "Syndicate Infighting" objective a weekly quest we can pick up from Qi'us Dnar, to slowly build reputation? Can't have too many questss, right? Maybe even add an reputation vendor with some stuff we can buy for Syndicate Plans, including Fen Zeil and his companion gifts for those who missed out on the event? What's the point of building a faction with its own reputation just for a one-time event?
  5. Mechanically there is no difference, Knight / Consular are the class-stories you can pick for a Jedi, one made for a martial artist, the other for a force-adept diplomat. There are no abilities connected to the classes anymore. Before 7.0, Sentinel and Guardian were the sub-classes of the Knight, and a Consular could only be a Shadow or Sage. Those pairs used to have some shared base-class abilities, but that's old news. Now class story is independent from gameplay mechanics. Just don't be surprised, when your Consular-Sentinel very rarely uses his lightsabers in cutscenes.
  6. The standard edittion is the 30 days "CD-Key" players got when they bought the game back in the day. Since the game is free to play now, they changed the price to match a 30 days sub. Only "benefit" is that you don't need to cancel manually, if you only want to try one month. In euros, the deluxe pack is a better deal: 29.99€ vs. 26.99€ + 8.00€. And yes, the 1050 coins are in addition to the 2 * 525 you get for a 60 days sub.
  7. Combat Styles are (advanced) class-switching. Something we always asked for, and it's even better, because we can choose between more than just those two advanced classes that were originally available to the base class. But yes, BW (and players alike) got a bit carried away with the PR mumbo-jumbo when they announced LotS. Since the mirrors of the tech classes use different weapons, you can have the story and gameplay of a Powertech while carrying a rifle, but you need to be a Vanguard and that means you also get the Vanguard animations and effects.
  8. Agreed. I have duplicates of both Hagnoffarl and Lobelot on one char, and my main pet collector has neither.
  9. ...that the old main theme is back. No more Ode to Sega.
  10. In greater detail: A "Sanctuary" is a no-PVP zone. Rest Areas and Sanctuaries often overlap but aren't the same. While on the PVP instance (or on a PVP server back in the day) you can't be ganked when hanging out anywhere on the Promenade, but you only get Rested XP while in the cantina.
  11. Come on, cut them some slack, they're a small indie studio with barely any fundiing, you can't expect them to push out content or even just bugfixes at the same rate as big developers like the folks that make STO or DDO.
  12. With Renown and Renown Caches being removed, what happens to the Renown Stash? Will that go away as well and what will happen to the items in it? Some of my chars still have a couple of command-crate weapons stored there...
  13. D&D Online, kinda, you can "reincarnate" your character and start a new life as a new class and/or race, while keeping some bonuses from your previous life. Technically it's deleting the old char and creating a new one with the same name, that has access to the old char's items and unlocks (crafting knowledge, stat bonuses etc.) but no quest or faction-progress and starts either at level 1 or level 20 (early "endgame") depending on what type of reincarnation doodah you use. Of course the game mainly consists of dungeons, and the story is similar to what we have for flashpoint story in SWTOR (from simple one dungeon adventures to whole multi-dungeon stoy chains).
  14. First the companion: Can we please put him in custom gear like we could Altuur? It's getting old pretty quickly, when everyone around you has exactly the same companion. For Altuur you went so far as to give us a customisation that works with hoods. With Fen Zeil all we can do is eventually change his skin color. Why? Second, Galactic season objectives: allowing us to chose what to do is great, but when some objectives grant more points than others, there is no actual choice. I'd say, make all weekly objectives grant the same amount of GS points, either by reducing the effort for the 12 point objectives, so they are worth only 6 points, or by making 12 point objectives count twice for the weeky counter, and capping the weekly points at 42. Otherwise players will focus on the more valuable objectives, to the point where they refuse to do anything else when they are at 6/7, out of fear of accidentally finishing a 6 point weekly and losing out on a 12 point objective.
  15. Since we can no longer buff other players and the buffs are active permanently, why still have them in the buffs list? Those 4 icons are just unneccessary clutter now, they don't run out, and when another player doesn't have all 4 you can't do anything about it. All it does is marking new players, making them prio targets in PVP and having them insta-kicked from veteran Hammer Station. Apply the buffs passively like the ones from the companion-stories, and maybe add the legacy buffs for the other 3 class stories as passive abilities so it's clear that we still get those buffs.
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