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    St Louis, MO USA
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  1. You don't. It was cycled out of the game a long time ago. It used to be old PvP Armor.
  2. And does its damage in about 1/5th the time it takes OS/FF deal its damage, as I mentioned above no one would tolerate a ~15s second channel which is about how long OS takes to deal its damage from the start of cast to the last tick. Meanwhile we have smash dealing as much as a pre-nerf orbital instantly and 3-4 times as often. Deathfield puts up similar overall numbers as OS and is rotational and it is not a problem. OS/FF went from one of the best AoEs to one of the worst. They did not meet their goal of removing it from single target rotations, it is staying there because nothing is there to fill the slot in MM and it gets added as filler for Leth and Hybrid. Their staged changes is not a good strategy. I'd rather they just rip the damn band-aid off and get it over with. All it has succeeded in doing is to cheese off Agents. I have a hard time swallowing "We'll fix you later" when it appears they are just breaking stuff that is not broken in the first place. Personally I think the 25% damage reduction that those going "2 and 2" for set bonuses would likely have been enough of a nerf. If they wanted a change in functionality they should have done like what they did with Maras and Bloodlust, the debuff prevents the stacking of maras for BL but they widened its scope to raid-wide which allows raids to put their Anni Mara in the Tank group for extra-heals.
  3. Air Strikes get called in all the time on single hardened targets. Which oddly enough are what OP bosses are. And tell that to the MM tree where the talents make OS and Sniper Volley match up perfectly. That was too good a synergy to have been on accident.
  4. Yeah a rifle is SUPPOSED to do more damage than a Warship's Cannon, just like in real life!
  5. Which is exactly what BW said they wanted to stop, they said they did not want AoE skills being used rotationally...Good job their change had the exact opposite effect they wanted. When is smash going to get hit? It does a pre-nerf OSes damage instantly and upwards of 4 times as often. How about Death Field, it does about the same damage as pre-nerf OS over time and buffs the Sorc's DoTs. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
  6. Yeah, but you won't care. Each tick is going to be doing about 1300 if the guy is in full 78s. It is not really even that useful as an AOE skill anymore. It takes too long to deal its pitiful damage, even Cybertech grenades do more damage quicker. The only thing it is marginally useful for is keep weaks in one spot, the only time I can recall seeing a weak in a OP boss add pack is Corruptor Zero's healers.
  7. I propose that the abilities be renamed either Orbital Wet Noodle or the Orbital Hug for Agents and XS Big Smootch or XS Freighter Flip-off. Having the abilities called the OWN or the XS BS fits their weak<redacted> state.
  8. The problem is that Droid companions do not use standard armorings. They do not have Gloves, Boots, Legs, Head, Chest, Belt, and Bracer slots. They have Parts x2 (Belt/Bracer), Core x2 (Chest/Legs), Motor x2(Boots/Gloves), and Sensors (Head). To equip them with 69+ rated gear you have to have each part crafted, which is extremely expensive when compared to just buying a commendations piece for an organic companion. The Droid companion gearing issue is an unintended side effect of BW locking armorings to slot way back when. As a result, most players shelve their droids in favor of organics due to the ease of gearing them. If Droids were stronger in some way this might be acceptable, but with the exception of HK it really is not.
  9. Which would be fine if weren't against the EULA/TOS that you agreed to. If you were doing it in a game where the EULA/TOS allowed that, I believe EVE Online does, you might have a leg to stand on. By your logic there is nothing wrong with doping in sports. You are cheating filth, yes it was only in a game, but if you can't be trusted in a game, why should you be trusted with anything else of value. I know I would definitely think twice about buying any app you peddled as you have admitted to having no problem doing business with people who think nothing of stealing from others.
  10. I have had a couple that were 1000/990+. One was like your 1000/997, I have half expected to see my name there. It is refreshing to see people fight tooth and nail for a win and not drop the moment they fall behind like in normal PvP.
  11. What a lovely attitude you have. It might do you some good if your account got hacked, maybe that will teach you empathy and make you understand your actions have effects beyond yourself.
  12. Faster on your main, 5xDiplo missions will get it done quickest.
  13. I went from Dark V to Light V on my main using the Diplo/Black Talon method to get both Praxon Speeders. It was quick and easy, I actually made money selling the companion gifts from Diplo. Currently that toon has worked himself back down to almost perfect balance, he is 450 Light.
  14. Cry your bitter tears somewhere else. They do not stop access to anything. You can click through a big speeder. Learn to look at your cursor.
  15. You are scum for buying in game currency from 3rd Parties. By doing so you encourage all the questionable behavior they engage in, such as hacking accounts. You want fancy stuff, earn your money like the rest of us. And as far as I am concerned Buyers should be targeted with even more prejudice than sellers. If there are no more buyers, then the sellers will move on.
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