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    Playing swtor, biking, gaming
  1. It is the emperors voice,which technically means he's the emperor anyway, because his original body is so old, he transports his mind and soul to another body.
  2. Its in a spoiler as Sith Warrior spoilers
  3. No, Anakin was, and yes, I know, people are gonna deny it, but it's clearly stated his Midichlorian count is loads more that yoda and he has a higher connection to the force.
  4. Yay, mah favourite 2 siths are back! good work, this is absolutely awesome!!!
  5. but u forget that the shielding technique also saps a lot of the consulars strength as well, so the inquisitor could probably have finished off the consular with force lightning or something before the consular could recover.
  6. Its gotta be this one, it's so funny... "Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing. Hooow embarrassing."
  7. Oh, yea, I JUST realised, this is a troll Thread isnt it?
  8. I mean, Electrocute, its only got like a 7m range, so what are you going on about? and it only stuns for liek what? 4 seconds? Force Speed, you will not believe the amount of times I have been stunned and my Force Speed cancelled in pvp, so I have NO idea what ur talking about!
  9. Wow, this was absolutely AMAZING! I mean I only started reading it in teh last couple of months, and Its just......I mean wow, I honestly think this should be an actual book that people can go and buy in places like WHSmith and Waterstones, cause it is just amazing!
  10. I agree, a lot of the time when I randomly generate a name it's take .
  11. Me and my friend, both mercenaries, did black talon, hammer station, athiss, cademimu loads of time and not once was a piece of BH gear dropped.
  12. Hang on, we're getting cat people??? AWESOME
  13. I get that he wants to destroy everyone from his past, but what about Padme? He didn't want to kill her but was fuelled by his rage when obi wan appeared.
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