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  1. http://tor-fashion.com/kell-dragon-weaponmasters-challengers-war-leaders-vindicators-lightsaber-offhand/
  2. I'll grant you that much, but the discussion is centered more on content and the reuse thereof. The OP makes it sounds as if we should experience the content while there's still time to do so. I find it unlikely that any of the existing content will go away, there's very little in this game's history to suggest it.
  3. This is truly remarkable, I envy your optimism, but I'm afraid it's misplaced. Talk of "radical change", "this last little bit" without content, "new stuff" when it comes to SWTOR is borderline delusional. Have fun though.
  4. The OP is talking about the advantages (or lack thereof) of using Take cover over Crouch. He is not saying that you needn't be in cover at all.
  5. I guess I don't mind the extra story (even though I don't share the opinion of those people who say the story is exceptional; I personally think it's mediocre in terms of originality and execution), but absolutely not at the expense of everything else. Someone wrote, why does it always have to be about you raiders. Well, it's definitely all about story now, that's for sure. So perhaps in some time, raiders/pvpers will have to cry out, why does it always have to be about your story-driven players. As a side note, who knew story-driven players were so hostile to other players.
  6. Yeah, any argument that starts with "Isn't that one" will most definitely save the day. Lol. You having to work hard towards listing one difference proves precisely what this thread is complaining about.
  7. Woke up and watched this and didn't make it to the bathroom in time.
  8. I feel we are talking at cross purposes most of the time. I personally do not find fault with the choices not mattering much (I expected that). And I am aware of the limitations that an MMO entails. However (and I promise this is the last time I'll say this), if this is the case, do not advertise your product as the epitome of a game where choices matter.
  9. Oh dear. Such stupidity on my part tends to happen when I write in affect. I really shouldn't have missed those inverted commas. I never did see that response, though, thanks for bringing that up, it fits my view of what is happening here like a glove.
  10. I find it almost unbelievable how easy some people are to please. You are what every company wants in a customer. And I guess you've helped me udnerstand a little bit more why some people find this expansion enjoyable, fantastic even.
  11. Precisely. If they hadn't signalled attention to this so much, I'm sure most of us would have been pleasantly surprised at those small bits of difference that actually do appear. If you, however, build hype the way they did, people are bound to be disappointed by what they ultimately get.
  12. There is a difference between choices in general (which you have been able to make since the start of the game to one extent or other) and the actual repercussions of these choice. I cannot help but be reminded of ME3 where I for the first time played multiplayer on the xbox just to max out your reputation or influence in the galaxy, or whatever it was called, because they said it would lead to different endings. It really didn't change much at all in the end, and it caused a huge uproar among the custumers. they did change it later slightly (not very well to my mind).
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