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    • I’m sure he meant “everyone” as a generalization for the people who may have not been logged in during those periods like myself or people who just started. I could have ask how would the PvP season tokens would have been beneficial to me if I already had a lot of the ranked cosmetics. However, I was happy to share my hard earned cosmetics; not something that was just handed to me, with other players. Seeing people happy makes me happy, but I understand some people don’t feel quite the same way. There’s no need to be rude to him though. The “Er. Like me.” sounds like some TikTok brain rot and or some cringey slang a furry would post on Discord. I know you spend most of your days lurking on the forums, but there’s no need to project on these people. Be rude to me if you’d like, but a lot of these people are clearly newer players excited about something and there’s no need for the attitude you display towards a lot of folk here on the forums in general that may deter them from posting further thoughts and opinions.  Have a good day.
    • HI,  I came to the game back in beta and played for year or 2 and then lost my account (do to moving alot and losing email addresses, Very long boring story), and I made this account back in 10/2008. I have played off and on (do to life always getting into the way). Last time I played was the end of 22. Well, I am 50 now and disabled, and life has got a whole lot quitter. I have more time then I know what to do with, so I am looking to get back into the game. I need to see if its a match for me too. I have paid for 3 months of time. I have a 38 agent, and a sith inqu and Warrior (not sure lvls but lower then the agent), my Legacy is only lvl 5, I have seen only up to Nar Shaddaa, maybe like Balmorra on Republic side, and that was so long ago. And my agent is on the "Being the Enemy and Closing the Deal", so not to far along. Now, I have gave you a history and back to my life (lol), the questions: 1)  Should I start over? has alot changed in the 2 years, and should I learn from scratch? (if I do there is a whole lot of questions this opens up)  2) Is there a side I am going to be more likely to find a Group or guild , etc? Empire or Republic 3) Should I jump to 80 with the token and go back and do all the story line of that class? 4) is there a Discord (official or not) I will have more, and I want to thank you all for helping!!!  
    • There's the Ahsoka Tano Armor Set, for one. Some of the Jedi/Sith outfits available very early in the game, and from the Adaptive Armor Sets Vendor in the Fleet, also lack any hoods or other problematic elements that would clip with the Lekku. I think the Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker-Inspired Armor Sets would probably also work very well. If you were lucky enough to get the Moon Pilgrim Armor Set from the previous Galactic Season, that's still another one that could work well for them. The styles you need may be few and far between, but they DO exist, you just have to look for them. 
    • Hi @JackieKo I am leaving feedback here, as requested. - MeshlaMorut Questions: After playing through the introductory mission, did you have a good understanding of how to progress the venture? Yes, it seemed pretty straightforward. Was anything confusing or unclear about how to repair your Basilisk Prototype? It seems that making the repairs requires a lot of research data. Is there any way to parse or sort out how many missions we would need to complete to accomplish each stage? Was the Venture UI (in the Legacy Panel) clear and easy to understand? Were there any parts of it you had difficulty using? It is not immediately clear why the galaxy map button is included when most of the required missions are dailies. What did you think of the Basilisk Prototype Companion itself? Is it something you would enjoy unlocking and using? Why or why not? Yes. It's a neat addition to the game's overall lore. Personally, I feel that the work to get it makes sense from a lore and in-universe standpoint. I'm a total lore nerd. Did you encounter any issues that prevented you from progressing the Venture? Please describe them in detail. No. I was able to progress the Venture. I was not able to progress after the third planet (Ruhnuk > Belsavis > Makeb), as there was no quest marker over Bessie's head. Did you encounter any other bugs or issues during your testing? There is a lack of storage space. Legacy unlocks of Cargo Hold and Inventory slots did not transfer to PTS (I have both fully unlocked across legacy).  This is problematic when picking up the training modules, as each step provides several. See screenshot. What happened to the transparent background on the floating map? It now has a background like when you open the world or area maps. It's rather jarring and blocks a large portion of the screen. Screenshots are included below. What are your overall impressions of the Venture System and of the Basilisk Prototype Companion? I think a bit more explanation on how to start the ventures would be useful. Most times, there is a quest you can pick up or one that is auto-granted based on your character's position in the overall story arc. (Case in point - the date night missions) I really am enjoying the overall arc with the bes'uliik. Digging into Mandalorian lore has always been a hobby of mine.  Screenshots PTS inventory (left) vs Live Server (Right)   PTS Floating map    Live Server Floating Map
    • Hello! I'm an older player who is returning and trying to have fun. Any tips and tricks for more ways to enjoy the game is welcome!
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