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  • Posts

    • I've felt the same way since they first introduced Sa'har and Ri'kan. It's hard to look at.
    • Token ist in diesem Zusammenhang nicht das richtige Wort. Token sind die Währung, die man bei Händlern gegen Belohnungen eintauschen kann. Abseits davon liegts du allerdings vollkommen richtig. Als Abonnent solltest du tatsächlich pro erfüllte Aufgabe zwei zusätzliche Saison-Punkte für den Fortschrittsbalken der Galaktischen Saison bekommen. Aus 6 sollten 8 werden, aus 10 sollten 12 werden. Ich habe auf reddit bzw. im englischsprachigen Forum die Tage bereits einen ähnlichen Beitrag wie deinen gelesen. Es scheint anderen auch aufgefallen zu sein, dass da nicht korrekt umgeschaltet wurde, wenn man abonniert. Empfehlung: Ein Ticket an den Support schreiben. Oder falls es ganz dringend ist, die Hotline anrufen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vielleicht als zusätzlicher Hinweis, da in deinem Ingame-Chat die Anzahl der Punkte korrekt angegeben wurde nach deinen Aussagen: der Fortschrittsbalken der Galaktischen Saison ist pro "Strich" nicht ein sondern zwei Punkte Fortschritt. Es geht auf dem Fortschrittsbalken also in 2, 4, 6er Schritten vorwärts. Vielleicht liegt da der "Denkfehler" bzw "Guckfehler". Fazit: entweder es ist tatsächlich ein Bug, was man nie ausschließen kann. Oder du hast dich eventuell verguckt.
    • I didn't realize I was misquoting you.  If I did I apologies, and if you don't mind giving me an actual example of me doing so, so I know what to look out for, and avoid in the future. I assume we've all been playing MMOs for a while.  Of course content and player friendly (as opposed to greedy business decisions) are going to bring more people in.  No one is disputing this.  However when resources are limited, and you're trying to retain as many players as possible, you have to decide on what your priorities are, and what you can and can't afford to do.  Clearly their priorities in this case was the casual single player audience which is generally the biggest population of the player base. And you've missed my point, that this is a skeleton crew who is targeting the most amount of people it can with the limited resources that it has to retain those people, as other stuff slowly trickles in. 
    • Sorry for the late reply man.  Wasn't trying to be dodgy, but got a new puppy, which has taken up a hell of a lot more of our time than I anticipated, so the forums took a massive backseat.  Not to mention been trying to capitalize on the 2x xp with what little time I have.  So will try to reply to this quickly. 1) Fair enough, the previous reply makes a lot more sense now.  That said, LoL is kind of in a league of it's own (no pun intended).  It's an exception rather than the rule.  Even other popular games which follow a similar monetization model, have not had the success of LoL. I mean they might for like a year, maybe 2 if they're lucky, but after that they generally drop off.  LoL defies the odds, and logic.  That said more power to them. 2) Yes you're absolutely right that the HCs don't fall out of thin air, someone does have to buy them.  But, (and here's the important part,) I never said they did.  All I said was that currently I don't believe they're selling as much as they used too.  The credit bugs were years ago at this point, and people had different spending habits back then, than they do now.  At least that's my belief, and looking at HC sales on the GTN across 4 servers that I play on also leads me to believe this, but to be fair, it's not like I have actual data on it, so /shrug.  3) I believe you.  I don't know the reason for this though.  Maybe aesthetically people like those wings better. Maybe those runs were cheaper. Perhaps some other reason is in play that I'm ignoring, honestly idk, but it doesn't really change anything either.  Your right I would say that those weapons / armors could have been bought with credits, cause what else are you going to use credits on when you have billions?  I'm not saying no one buys CC (hell I still buy them), I'm saying that I don't believe they make as much money now as they used too from CC sales.  Here's a quote from yours truly. Which I stand by, I don't think CM is making as much money as it used too.  Not that it doesn't make any money at all, that would be silly and preposterous. As such, they seem to be making a bigger push to make subs more enticing.
    • I would suggest switching to ethernet if you are on wifi. wifi routers no matter how expensive can drop signals.
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