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    • Okay, what do you people even mean by "endgame content"? This is an MMO. There is no endgame until the servers are shut down. Do you mean high difficulty content like Nightmare Operations? If that's what you mean, then I'll agree with you, but I'd like to point out that the team is far smaller than it was when Ops were a normal thing, and the last one they released was received so poorly (thanks to bugs) that they're likely scared to put all their monthly resources into making another one. They'd likely have to dedicate all the time they dedicated to Interpreter's Retreat, Kessan's Landing, and the new Hutta area combined if they wanted to get a positive reaction from the Operations crowd.   That's called "Artificially increasing player retention". It's how live service games hold audience attention in order to continue getting funding. If Broadsword wanted to do a 1-to-1 recreation of Vanilla, it'd likely cost as much to make that alone as it did to make Jedi: Survivor; and that's not even accounting for hosting the servers and making any kind of content afterwards.   Don't get me wrong: I like Fen, Fae, and Amity enough as Companions, but I don't think they were worth centering an entire Limited Time Event over (I can't speak to Altuur as I only ever got the companion unlock and never got further in that tree before I went on a break from SWTOR).   I wouldn't call Broadsword's tenure "Maintenance Mode" just yet. It's my understanding that "Maintenance Mode" is when the entire original dev team moves on and someone else does the occasional bug fix and hosts servers as long as there are paying customers. So long as there's some amount of new content being made, no matter how small, I wouldn't call this "Maintenance Mode" just yet.   I'm gonna keep it real with you: I don't see any new Live Service Star Wars game on the same scale and "polish" as Galaxies or SWTOR to be coming out any time soon. The fatigue is setting in. Established giants are basically monopolizing the space, and even those giants are starting to slow down little by little. The market became too flooded with cheap micro-ridden f2p cash cows. Why do you think Star Wars characters have come to Fortnite over Lucasfilm directly finding a developer to make a Battlefront 3? I've started saying it, and I'll continue to say it: After Legacy of the Sith wraps, it would likely end up being a better investment in the long run to start converting SWTOR into a 100% offline single-player experience. SWTOR has more than enough content to start making a "The Old Republic" game series out of rather than continue as a struggling 13yo MMO that's barely chugging along because there's no alternative within the same franchise.   I've seen you say this a lot, and I'm gonna give you my honest opinion: I think the release and quick death of Star Wars Squadrons is a sign that the mainstream consumer isn't interested in the type of gameplay offered by it and GSF. Not unless Broadsword dedicated an entire X.0 expansion to incorporating GSF and its mechanics into the story. And at that point, you may as well make an entirely new game.
    • I wanted create new topic about this but maybe i will write it here: i play now Kessan's Landing story and to be true i was little sceptical with it after Old Wounds (On 'Old Wounds' story i liked everything on the beginning and daily missions was quite fun too.) + i heard this story have Kotor style cutscenes too what i don't like much. But now i can say it's more interesting than previous conflict on Interpreter's retreat. New area on Ord Mantell looks very nice, i play every day a little and now i excited what i will see on another day. I saw already two Kotor style cutscenes but cinematic cutscenes are not over yet. Thanks for those last 2 story updates and when i will done new one i wait with excitement for more. ~ Tsukito, Alliance Commander
    • Wow. What an excellently written post. Thank you for your thoughtful response! May the 4th is indeed a special day where we come together to celebrate our love for SWTOR and reminisce about our favorite moments in the game. The discussion about previous in-game rewards is an important one, especially when considering items that were part of special promotions in the past. While it's true that those who participated in these events were rightfully rewarded with exclusive items, it's also important to recognize that the exclusivity of these items diminishes over time. Many players who originally obtained these exclusive rewards may have moved on from the game or simply don't use the items anymore. Meanwhile, there are likely many current players who would love the opportunity to acquire these items and add them to their collections. I have referenced this before and I will reference it again. Hard earned exclusive ranked PvP armor sets, weapons, decorations, and mounts were made available to the general SWTOR Community and they are not hard to earn. Realistically, someone could just pay credits to catch up every season without touching PvP to earn them, which I am fine with! I want people to make their Star Wars characters look the way they want to. In addition to this, other limited promotional items such as armors like the HK 55 helmet, companions such as Nico, and even the mount this NVIDIA promotion came with By making these items available on the Cartel Market, BioWare not only has the opportunity to support the ongoing development of the game but also to make a large portion of the player base happy. It's a win-win situation that benefits both the players and the game itself. I ask @JackieKo to please pass this along and I urge the developers to consider introducing the Force Veteran armor set to the Cartel Market, the PvP vendor, or the Galactic Seasons vendor in 7.5, as it would not only bring joy to many players but also help ensure the longevity and success of SWTOR for years to come. Thank you time typing such a thoughtful response to this post. May the Force be with you.
    • If you have leveled up a few times then the rested will appear to have been used.  How much rested xp you can get max is determined by your level.  I want to say it is a level and a half worth.  When you level up the amount of rested doesn't change but the amount needed does obviously.  
    • I agree with the op 100 percent, however I do believe it will only help a little. The problem with gsf from the start has been the fact that gunships can shoot and kill players on the other side of the map. A ground pvp example would be if the sniper class could shoot another player on the other side of the warzone and get a kill. Now obviously that would be a balance issue. I do agree with the op.
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