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  • Posts

    • Yeah, launch pve was actually somewhat challenging. Then a few years later, the companions were given steroids, only to be nerfed. The leveling process now is a joke. They did make things a little harder by changing the skill trees around and forcing decisions, but the leveling experience is still trivial. 
    • Recently tried to create a new toon to replay some of the origin stories and whilst the stories are amazing the ease of content makes it a chore, the game really needs to increase the difficulty back up a bit or give an option somewhere in instanced areas to increase the difficulty similar to chapters., can there be 2 instances of each planet one set with the current mind numbing difficulty and one set higher to give people who want a challenge, a challenge. I'm almost certain you could complete every class story and most of the expansion content with only using auto attacks.  I get the content is story focused but when it takes 2/3 abilities to wipe a group of enemies what is the point its not rewarding for a player, there's no need for player improvement, no need for players to learn what a cleanse or an interrupt is. Fighting some of the enemies you come up against in the game should feel like a challenge however they feel like fighting a Padawan with a training saber.  Bar NiM ops and master mode chapters is there any challenge anywhere in this game?  I remember back when the game launched on my first JK toon fighting Valis after Nar Shaddaa, it was a very hard fight, it felt like it should have been a hard fight but I learnt what a cleanse was I learnt what an interrupt was, I learnt I had to optimise my rotation, i had to get some better gear,  I died quite a bit but when I finally beat the fight I felt a sense of accomplishment that no new player is going to get. I recently tried this fight again and i auto attacked my way through the fight without zero issues.  I know not everyone wants this but I'm pretty sure there would be a significant number prefer this over the current snooze fest difficulty level.    Curious what peoples thoughts are on this
    • Only if they still had a budget for a rebuild of the game with a modern game engine? Not happening though. (12-year-old game they want to milk for the smaller crew running it now) key word is 12-year-old game. The only "minor" improvement they still can make good on is the Devs in house version of DirectX 12 we've been waiting on for a very long time. Oh, and more [tons more] textures they been sprinkling in random old parts of the game. (and the recent upgraded "Art" as they like to call it) I highly doubt the performance gains will be phenomenal on "this version" of the hero engine.  On a pleasant note, I do love what they have accomplished with what they have to work with and look forward to more of the modernization. As a full subscriber since 2013 with no lapse I will be here to the very end no matter what the game is looking like. ps. yes, I have played on graphics similar to yours, and it does look good in 4k (FYI 4k resolution was not there in the early years of the game)
    • I would love to see the thermal retention armor set returned
    • Hello! To improve QoL I kindly ask you to unbound items that weren't bound before: rakghoul vaccine, Czerka VX-736 injector, BBA friendly drinks and interrogation probes, companion gifts, etc. The Rakghoul Resurgence event is coming next week, and I remember how it was last time to always wait for someone in 24m WB group or 8-16m Eyeless group to go to the fleet to buy the vaccine that we were able to simply give each other before. I doubt it was an intended change because I don't remember any mention of that in patch notes. Apart from social inconvenience and embarrassment, duplicated items clutter inventory and legacy bank (legacy bound companion gifts from vendor + normal unbound gifts from Treasure Hunting lockboxes; bound drinks and probes for BBA event + unbound ones as missions rewards). If everything was bound to prevent reselling and protect people from buying on the GTN overpriced stuff available at vendors, I don't think it was a good idea, it really causes more harm than good. Please kindly consider allowing us to trade vaccines and unclutter legacy storage.
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