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  • Posts

    • Ok it is now working! Thank you for sending them so quickly!
    • Ive transferred my level 80 character onto the PTS and went to the fleet. But I am stuck in Carrick Station: Tython and Ord Mantel Departures. The lift is broken! Can you send someone to fix it please as I am unable to go any further. Thank you!
    • They just released a Flashpoint like 2 months back? Wanna guess when the last content patch for GSF was? Seven years back,. that's when. Seven..years. Seven years of just watching how patch after another after another keeps ignoring GSF completely. How  literally every single aspect of the game gets  repeatedly updated, besides my favorite part of it.  
    • Tell me how you feel when you're 60+ characters deep into your legacy and have run out of actual interesting things to do on the max leveled ones. I'll gladly take double xp, there isn't much else to actually do. The game feels stale and unchanging, might as well make number go up!
    • I literally stopped playing Flashpoints because they were shoved down our throats to deliver story to a degree where they just didn't feel fun or particularly well adjusted for the current direction of the game. Not one can be a side story that gives insight into the going-ons of the wider galaxy, everything is framed to be a continuation of a story we've grown fatigued with. Getting them as options on characters that are nowhere near the narrative of the actual FP always felt weird and the lack of shared enthusiasm within the community for them (definitely having nothing to do with the lackluster rewards) should have spoken volumes. Just look at the reception of some of the past 6: Umbara - Shiny, poor framerates on the train, and largely forgettable besides the pugbreaker final boss fight that had issues with telemetry. Traitor Among the Chiss - Lovely look, "For House Irokini!" became a meme, forces a slow pacing because of the armada of mobs at the start, Guardian Droid was apparently a problem. Overall soggy response to this one, even if I didn't have too many issues with it besides the mobs. Nathema - A vicious assault on the concept of story telling and a big middle finger to the 8 class stories that came before. Leaving top the side the potentially unfair ending for a particular character centered in all of this, and the mass murder of a great cast of characters, the boss fights themselves were interesting, but a poorly timed step up in diffculty from what players had become accustomed to during the era in which this flashpoint dropped. There was no easing into it, the turd was just dropped onto our laps. Seriously, this flashpoint is a black mark on the game's story and I'm upset so many fully functioning adults let this slide. SoV - I actually liked this one, the first 2 or 3 times I did it. Funny enough, I found Master Mode groups for this one before I found Vet ones multiple times because the difference in populations pursuing this as new content definitely came from 2 different styles of gameplay; with the more casual being grinded into dust at ONLY THE FIRST boss and the ones seeking challenge immediately upon its drop being surgical in their takedowns. I found this one enjoyable, but no one seems to like to do it anymore since its had time to settle. Secret of the Enclave - I've only touched this once with a group and was convinced to never do so again unless I start chasing the achievements for it. Wasn't interesting enough and barely memorable imo, even as a solo character venture. Can't believe we get to be in the ruins of a culturally significant place to the community and its all squandered. Honestly not sure if it could have been done much better though, I'm just not feeling them making it a FLASHPOINT. Ruin of Nul - Have yet to touch this at all, all my story progression stopped right after Manaan. I don't have the desire to drag any more characters out of my 66 character stable on my main server up to this point, my 2 mains will do. This story player tapped out long ago. While I understand the good that continued support for the multiplayer portions of the game does in the long run and am on board with it, coming from a FP enthusiast, I feel like not enough has been enough to keep them relevant or worthwhile as anything but a 20-35 minute button mashathon for CQ or story progression. It could be class balance feeling stale or my general dismay with the game's overall direction in recent years, but flashpoints have lacked their distinct OOMPH for a while now.
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