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  • Posts

    • One thing that always kinda struck me odd is how the devs utterly failed to capitalize on this.  I'll explain.  Long ago, when WoW was the at the top of it's form in WotLK, they introduced a new crafting skill called Inscription.  Inscriptions had glyphs.  Most were trash, but sometimes offered something like 1% extra damage for instance, or some other minor changes to a skill. Doesn't sound like much but again most were trash so extra dmg is extra dmg.  However one thing they also did was change how an ability can look.  Instead of the mage sheep spell making you look like a sheep, you were now a rabbit, or a turtle or w/e. Now for a game that goes so heavily into cosmetics all of our weapons, armors, dyes, flairs, color crystals, weapons tuning, mounts etc (did I miss anything) to make us look a certain way.  It always amazed me that they could not give abilities a different pallet.  An example (or a few I suppose) In the extended universe Luke Skywalker had what they called electric judgement, aka emerald lightning.  A light side force lightning ability.   The devs could easily (ok not with the skeleton crew they have) make it so that we change the looks of our abilities through them.  They (the trainers) would keep a collection of our unlocked ability looks, and we would change what they look like through their tabs. Other examples instead of a sage throwing a giant rock, now you're tossing a tree at them or maybe instead of the rock coming from the side, it comes down on the person squishing them.  Hell the devs could even allow these abilities to be dyed, or have it like some mounts where it's colors are effected by your color crystal.  There could be lots of different saber animations for JK & SW combat styles, etc.  I know a lot of people for w/e reason don't like the trooper's ion canon look, and would love a new animation there.  The possibilities are endless really.  Not only could they put them in the cartel market and profit, but they could also put them as rewards GS or PvP tracks, to up their subscriber numbers.  Or just put a few in old parts of the game to get people to play / grind more, after all they will need some free to play ones too.  Idk the idea that they never did anything with this, when the game is like 90% about customizing your toon is wild to me, and I think this would fix trainers as well, as all the abilities are already there.  You just select the ones you want to customize and it'll give you options for how you want to customize said abilities.  There is only one giant downside I see to this.  Said abilities could then never be removed, so they should be a staple of the class, so that they're not pruned later down the line.  As that would be the worst decision the devs could make, but that aside I think it would be a great source of easy revenue for them.
    • I would like these armors please. Both are from the legends and the canon. I will add new ones if I find other nice armors.   Aayla Secura (Movies - The Clone Wars)   Shaak Ti (The Force Unlashed)   Padme Amidala (Attack of the Clones)   Mara Jade (like on this picture)   Princess Leia (Return of the Jedi - Endor)   Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars season 7)   Nomi Sunrider (Tales of the Jedi)   Marek Starkiller (The Force Unlashed)   Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi)   Moff Gideon (The Mandalorian)   Bo Katan (The Clone Wars)   Bo Katan (The Mandalorien)   Avar Kriss (The High Republic)
    • I'm sorry, but I don't understand what the problem is.  Is the item no longer available on Pubside, or are you just saying that the NPC's name isn't what you expected it to be?
    • I really hope you guys have plans to unlock missions for solo play... I just finished the whole Oricon planet missions and come to find out I am locked out of the final mission because it's an Operations mission, same thing happened with the Binoculars/Shroud mission, moving planet to planet wasting hours just to find out I can't even finish it on my own, so disappointing and I don't even care for the loot I'll be honest just let us have an option to do them with companions it is unappealing for new players like me being locked out of alot of stories/plot because you need a group for it, it just doesn't make any sense. I want to play at my own pace watch the story unfold and I can't with group finder because no one uses it for operations and with flashpoints most of the time they want to skip ahead and do the missions quick because they're grinding which I understand.... I really really hope you guys implement an option for solo play. and If you are wondering, yes I am in a guild and no I don't want to interact with members.... I want to experience the stories from operations or any other group locked missions without the hassle of finding a group.... I just felt the need to write in the forum cause I felt that I got screwed over lol. I was sold with the game when there were cutscenes even just for normal missions and not just text on text like other mmorpgs and I can't even experience all of it cause most of it is locked for solo play. please take this into consideration. just treat the solo option as conquest missions if not just normal missions which gives you credit after completing. again I do not care for the loot I just want to experience all of the stories the locked missions provides.
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