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  • Posts

    • Only if they still had a budget for a rebuild of the game with a modern game engine? Not happening though. (12-year-old game they want to milk for the smaller crew running it now) key word is 12-year-old game. The only "minor" improvement they still can make good on is the Devs in house version of DirectX 12 we've been waiting on for a very long time. Oh, and more [tons more] textures they been sprinkling in random old parts of the game. (and the recent upgraded "Art" as they like to call it) I highly doubt the performance gains will be phenomenal on "this version" of the hero engine.  On a pleasant note, I do love what they have accomplished with what they have to work with and look forward to more of the modernization. As a full subscriber since 2013 with no lapse I will be here to the very end no matter what the game is looking like. ps. yes, I have played on graphics similar to yours, and it does look good in 4k (FYI 4k resolution was not there in the early years of the game)
    • I would love to see the thermal retention armor set returned
    • Hello! To improve QoL I kindly ask you to unbound items that weren't bound before: rakghoul vaccine, Czerka VX-736 injector, BBA friendly drinks and interrogation probes, companion gifts, etc. The Rakghoul Resurgence event is coming next week, and I remember how it was last time to always wait for someone in 24m WB group or 8-16m Eyeless group to go to the fleet to buy the vaccine that we were able to simply give each other before. I doubt it was an intended change because I don't remember any mention of that in patch notes. Apart from social inconvenience and embarrassment, duplicated items clutter inventory and legacy bank (legacy bound companion gifts from vendor + normal unbound gifts from Treasure Hunting lockboxes; bound drinks and probes for BBA event + unbound ones as missions rewards). If everything was bound to prevent reselling and protect people from buying on the GTN overpriced stuff available at vendors, I don't think it was a good idea, it really causes more harm than good. Please kindly consider allowing us to trade vaccines and unclutter legacy storage.
    • That's a nice argument, I won't say that it's wrong, you win on that point. Still, you want story focused MMOs with sizeable amounts of content ? Just go play XIV and ESO. As an example, you can't even access side content on XIV until you do the main story quest. Doesn't prevent them from adding - one dungeon every patch, - one raid every patch (one for 8 players, one for 24, then one for 8...), - PvP udpates (though the PvP utterly sucks over there when compared to swtor), - housing items and cosmetics that are free, - crafting updates, - 2 to 3 hours of story every patch with voiced cutscenes, motion capture in the animations... - Oh and 10 levels every expansion with actual new skills for everyone. - Daily areas that aren't a chore to do just to stretch out playtime   Then you look at swtor. Quick comparison. - No new passives or abilities for most class (though the skill tree is nice). - One hour of story every six months, so bad that they didn't even bother translating some bits in the french version. - One dungeon every six months, who are still queue dodged atm because there's no incentive to run new content over good ol' hammer station. Oh and we're not getting one this time. - I don't even know if we got a raid because if we did no one seems to talk about it. - An attempt at keeping PvP players invested with a long grind that will still reward you less than if you paid 30€ for a lightsaber. This grind is getting worse this update by the way, no one wants another thousand of medpacks and adrenals. - No udpate to GSF. - No update to Crafting.  - A few side quests involving a companion droid that probably can't even craft. Maybe a mount would have been better at that point, we'd have more reasons to use it. - A few daily areas   Anyway, point is. You can't just go and say "this is a story mmo and thus it's okay if it only has story" because that's clearly missing the point. I'm okay if they add story, it's great though it's very small bits for 6 months of work with one or more writers. The current storyline doesn't interest me, doesn't mean I wan't story gone of the game. The main issue that swtor struggles with atm is that it sucks at player retention. Your story can be amazing, if you suck at keeping players invested no one will care. How do you make players invested ? By giving them things to do. Objectives. Things for them to strive for. It means raids, dungeons with proper rewards, actual *content* that gives you a reason to go back. Galactic Seasons and PvP Seasons are a poor attempt at this. They only highlights how bad the monetization here is, because most of the weapons, armor and the likes you get are worse than anything they released on the cartel market this year. I say most, because the stronghold is pretty okay, if you can unlock all of it.   All of this to say, this game will live on as long as there are whales buying the scam that is 15€ dyes, or 30€ lightsabers, or the good old illegal lootboxes (as a reminder you can't sell these in multiple countries without disclosing their odds. The fun part is that they probably behave like the ones in MapleStory, where they change the odds depending on the player account).   All in all, if this game wanted to get good, it absolutely could. It doesn't try to, because whales are the reason it's kept on life support. On that point you're right. They don't care about PvP. Just like they don't about story. What matters is how long are you going to play, because the longer you play, the most likely you are to buy cartel coins. That's all that matters for them. So they're going to make the most disgusting grinds, the most absurdly long battlepass, the slowest reputation tracks, the slowest leveling of that new droid companion, the longest gearing... All in the name of making you spend money on that shiny new dye that they made with their new tech, instead of making it available in-game.  Hope you liked that quick insight into "how EA manages their mmo" if you want more details about any of these things I'm always up for a chat. Just... Don't say that PvP is getting shafted because it's a story game. It's not because of story. Never was.
    • As a concept, making seasonal story based around something like SH and acquring or unlocking it is cool. Not fan of the execution either. Same goes for the companion-storylines though. I don't like how they were written. There's 0 voice acting involved, so  all dialogue ever had within  seasons has  been completely free of restrictions and issues VA brings. Yet, all of the dialogue for seasons has  been written as if this wasn't the case -  very short, brief and one size fits all.  As if all budgetary issues of VA were still there. It is an opportunity to write some old school RP dialogue. Class specific stuff.  But nope, there's little to no unique-to- class dialogue going within any of the seasons.  All of seasons storytelling has been all about mute PCVA talking with mumbo jumbo fake alien language recordings..and yet, they just don't let dialogue trees to branch out, at all.  
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