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    • Let's assume it's 100% accurate.  So do subscriptions. I'm not sure I follow your point.  A one time price of a game, vs reoccurring payments. Guess which one will come out on top after just a few months....  Micro transactions aren't different in that sense either. It's just more stuff for you to spend your money on, at once rather than waiting a month to do so again.  Not to mention there are so many layers and nuances this ignores I don't even know where to start, and I really don't want to write a book here explaining apples to oranges again as this post is already going to be plenty long as I have other points to still address.   Less people equals less sales sure, but my point was that there's less stuff to get excited about buying too.  Yea there will always be those people who want / need to have everything, and they'll spend the $ on it.  However a good deal of people have made their space barbies just the way they like them.  Several of them in fact by this point. They don't necessarily need another ugly space pirate outfit, or a medieval armor set in SW (and other junk) that the devs keep shoving down our throats. Most of us don't need every mount, emote, title, etc.  We got what we need by this point.  If something worth it comes along great. Otherwise most people are content on dress up.  That's why I say the sales of micro transactions in this game are going down compared to what they once were.  Not because of the number of players, but yea that does impact it too. There's also no need for certain people to keep selling HC or other items to make more and more credits.  After you hit a certain number of billions it's pointless to keep acquiring more, you more or less have everything you need as is.  We're at that point now after many, years. Again as with everything there are exceptions. Maybe a returning or new player(s) comes back or joins who's got an itch and is spending money like crazy. Can and does happen.  Maybe someone saved up a lot of CC from sub / authenticator rewards and decided they need want credits so they buy a few HC to sell or w/e and yes I have no doubt there are still a few whales out there, who buy just for the sake of buying, like a disease just can't be helped they carry on. But generally these are exceptions rather than the rule.  Bioware failed to deliver on a promise? **Gasp** Blasphemy! You and someone else here keep missing this point.  Nim R4 would appeal to what like 1% of the player base? If that? What makes more sense for a skeleton crew on a budget to work on. Content that anyone can do, or content that maybe a couple hundred people can / will do? It's not rocket science. The company cares more about the casual, which is the majority of it's player base.  The removal of ranked as you point out, supports this notion. Back then people who sucked got flamed for sucking (hell they still do, just no where near as badly) cause you were lowering people's rating, with your suckage.  Now it doesn't matter.  You just need to win X matches, earn Y medals C amount of times, or play Z amount of games, not achieve a rank against tougher and tougher opponents for your rewards. The stress / anxiety of it all was more or less removed for the casual player, at least as much as it could be by the devs. Now people are more likely to do these activities now without the worry of them holding a group back, because their performance is almost inconsequential. Giving those people another avenue of the game to explore. Thus more likely they'll continue spending money as they play & have fun (hopefully). Rather than the alternative of being stigmatized and not playing this part of the game due to their low skill level and the stress it brings on them for being there. Without even really being given a fair chance to improve cause they'll get flamed for sucking while they try to learn, and quit way before they get good. You ask why it's enticing to sub.  I know I've answered this before, but I'll do it again, since it's quick. Because if you're playing the game, you probably want access to some of these things if not all of them.  * GS Track (more rewards, and faster progression) * PvP Track (more rewards, and faster progression as well) * Have extra combat styles * Have access to all of your credits * Exp bonus * Needed for SM Ops that they still repeat after years and years for better loot * Plus all the unlocks for authorization.  Section X, Blackhole, 3rd crew skill,  unlocks for adaptive armors you can wear, hide helmet feature, use emotes,  etc. Can you play without this stuff? Sure, you can even get authorizations for some of those things to have them permanently unlocked, it's still not the same though, as some things you just can't unlock.  Game is just better as a sub.
    • Ah see I did not know that it binds on equip I thought it was on pickup, my bad lol. I wish the devs would implement some way to unbind items, like maybe some vendor or droid in the Republic/Imperial fleet and you pay them like 1000000 credits to unbind an item or something idk.
    • Why would they make the season end like a whole month or so short when this has never been an issue prior? If you're trying to troll, make it more believable
    • They need to introduce a difficulty slider then, like LOTRO does with their content, so everyone can be made very happy and how hard they want the open world content to be. People can keep the slider at 0 for as little thinking and processing as possible to play, or up the difficulty so they actually have to watch how they play else they get dusted. Everyone wins.
    • Sadly, I don't think they consider it broken. They want us to grind until we want to uninstall the game, it's "fun".
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