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  • Posts

    • I would love to see the Thermal Retention Armor Set returned
    • Yeah this is a paradox of some kind..game is so easy it makes the game hard eventually. It is extremely difficult to get any kind of rotation going when you play through the storyline. Everything always dies long before new player ends up getting to watch how various cooldowns interact with one another and in which order they should tick away.  If a player eventually starts looking into harder group content and such, these things are suddenly kinda expected of them. Turns out you can actually save the galaxy from immortal god emperor without ever having to move away from bad stuff on ground while still  doing damage yourself.  
    • When I mentioned 'smarter route', I chose those words due to the various skill levels among gamers, I don't need to use a healer, never have, unless I'm a HM FP and we lose the healer, that's it, open world, it's never needed. There was time before the companion change that each one had their own role, tank, heal or dps, and didn't have the option to right click the portrait and change, then yes, I would have used what their role was. Only going to use the Republic side and not the mirror classes or abilities: Sage - shield, heal and HoT as a dps Commando - DCD's, HoT, which people should be using between each pull anyway whether they're health is topped off or not to proc HVSC Gunslinger - Cover or DCD  Shadow - Stealth class that is over-tuned at the moment, notably Serenity. If someone is having a hard time, then reading one of those Vulkk guides might be in their best interest, there should be zero problems unless someone is new Vanguard - Finally a class where there is some down time between pulls, no off heals and for a heavy armor wearing class, they're squishy and their rotation can be as unforgiving as Commando AS, so burning up cells can occur if you're not familiar with the class Scoundrel - Off heals and a heal. Another over-tuned class currently that also has stealth Guardian and Sentinel -  Two classes where there might be some down time to regen health due to being in melee range, so I can see using a heal comp here for two different reasons, downtime and new players. With all that though, I can see some benefits to using a healer comp, everyone plays the game differently and it is a safer route. I'm almost always running around with 50%-75% health in the open world, not having my health topped isn't game breaking nor am I OCD. lol Running a DPS companion expedites open world content faster and that's been the case since the companions were given the option to select roles. People should play the game the way they want though, and if using a healer companion helps, then go for it.
    • Everybody playing TOR has been forged in same unforgiving hellfire trials of successfully logging in to the game though.  Person whose cognitive abilities and dexterity is at such level that they are able to successfully  log in(assuming account with authenticator) will find every  class story boss fight easier than the process of logging in to the game  was. There is some merit in talking about the actual game, actual state of the game and the actual difficulty present through the default experience. One can always do some increasingly gimmicky challenge, making it more difficult for yourself. "Maybe ask your spouse to sneak keyboard to bed once you have fallen asleep and see if you can literally play TOR in your sleep! " Game doesn't support or recognize or reward any of this, they quite literally aren't part of the game. "Make the game harder for you if you want more challenge!" applies to chapters, where vet and master mode set out to do just that.   
    • I am also a returning player from a few years back. I main jugg tank and did some MM fp's over the weekend with green 324's. The difficulty of the bosses is fine, the far more challenging bit is the group. The majority of difficulty is from the apparent lack of knowledge of group roles in the current player base. in the 4 runs I did over the weekend ive seen healers pulling, dps completely ignore adds, no cleansing on associated mechanics, completely ignoring insta-death mechanics etc. Though its not always those people's fault, if my experience playing a sniper a few years back is anything to go by, most "tanks" are not tanks now-a-days so they probably dont expect me to want to pull first, or want to keep the boss in a suitable place instead of running around after adds that should already be dead. I am pretty sure you already know this as you say you are an old player returning, and this used to be common knowledge, but just in case, outside of the obvious group roles: DPS: attack adds, interrupts, kill order (go weak to strong) Healer: cleansing Tank: pulling, positioning, stacking enemies up, turning boss away from group (for cleaves or dps that do more damage from behind).  
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